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    1. P

      So my ship has negative mas... and can go 10km per second...

      I'd say it's more like Mass Effect.
    2. P

      The Planet Thread

      You don't know my computer/budget, man... I had my spare old one when I fried my (somewhat) newer/better one. (I do have a new hard drive, thankfully.) It might be alright with a low chunk-loaded count, but I don't really care much anyway. Loading times would make it annoying for me, as would...
    3. P


      What happened? (I'm also clueless as to what happened with OP...)
    4. P

      The Planet Thread

      what's all this about planets bigger than r50? :p (Admittedly, I haven't tried pushing my ancient computer, but one of my graphics cards destroyed (desoldered?) itself, so...)
    5. P

      StarMade v0.19538 - New Thruster Mechanics

      This update is amazing. That's all I can really say yet about the changes. I can just hop into the game and build a station at spawn. Does dimensions still affect your turn speed? I think it does. Please change this. I don't wanna make interior-less boxes anymore. *cries* (I'm OK with it...
    6. P

      Ship Explosions: How we should handle dead ships

      please don't hand out ak47's willy nilly As for ship death, I really wanna see some wrecks floating about. Especially in nebulae... Off topic slightly, but dead ships generated as the result of a war in NPC backstory would be cool. That's a tad high, I feel. I think small ships should just be...
    7. P

      Ship Explosions: How we should handle dead ships

      We can't rule out the possibility of the reactors someday possibly using... *WARNING! WARNING!* *AHEEEEEM* fuel. Besides, mess with the fabric of space-time to get energy(I assume the current reactors do this?), and blow up the reactor in the middle of said process? I can imagine that being...
    8. P

      In-game custom sounds for your ship

      I'm thinking: "custom" option for music/sound. Looks in a folder for a sound with a specified name. If it matches, plays that. If none, play fallback sound. Then if everyone has a sound already downloaded and named as... metroidelevator.wav, everyone will hear that, but it'll be able to fall...
    9. P

      Disease and Domination

      Maybe make it able to replicate anything it's infected? (X parasites from Metroid Fusion, Zerg from Starcraft) Perhaps infecting ships will allow it to replicate that ship design and have different effects on its simulated spread, e.g. it spreads faster and produces more if it gets a hold of...
    10. P

      Where is the community?

      I think it was certainly a lot to ask before some of the recent tools. But if you have a decent amount of time to invest into the game(not everyone does), I think it's doable. You should wait a few days after a release first though, as the recent power change shows.
    11. P

      The turret thread

      Are waffle-boards useful on PD turrets? How/what did you fix? Or was it just fixed with an update?
    12. P

      Incinerator Block

      The gui should be better for mass deletion too: you should be able to hit click and enter repeatedly, or just click repeatedly to select, then delete all selected. I'm looking at you, loot. Edit: I would like the recycler to have a buffer, allowing you to delete items one at a time.
    13. P

      Cargo Improvements

      that's awesome, how does that work?
    14. P

      Where is the community?

      This is exactly why it's called alpha. If you don't have the time to rebuild, maybe you really should play something else and wait for the game to be more developed. I'm not trying to be patronizing, I'm just telling you that this game isn't quite smoothed out yet. And this game is far from a...
    15. P

      Do we need yet another crafting overhaul?

      this is just I will hoard so much stuff pls don't
    16. P

      New Weapon + Thruster + Shield + Generator + Fuel Generator, using resources

      I don't think special fuel versions for everything is necessary. I think it'z just too much, and seems like an unnecessary layer. Power blocks, fuel for power, maybe fuel also being used for JDs, and possibly some ammunition(I'm not really feeling it tbh), is good though. I think that would be...
    17. P

      Easier way to dock rails (maybe creative mode only?)

      Nice. (I admit I can't seem to wrap my head around the orientations of cores and dockers on the build-mode attach function. I just want a forward-facing ship/turret...)
    18. P

      Read by Council Blank Parts and Blocks Idea

      Will take a few IDs, but I think that might not be a problem. Though I think blank computers could be substituted with an actual computer of that category and just replace any computer it finds, sparing 6 IDs.
    19. P


      On that topic, tetra/hepta angles add on 2 layers of weight, but can be pierced as 1 layer...
    20. P

      Warhead block are notworking

      I haven't had problems with them, but sometimes(IDK if it was fixed) the warheads don't fully destroy themselves/each other when the explosion happens. Keep in mind they bypass shields, but are fairly weak and lack any grouping effect(they just chain-detonate). There is one good use for them...