Recent content by Ultraviolet Dugong

    1. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Storage for Survival Games

      What would be really nice is a GUI for storage that let you actually see everything without having to scroll... But yes, at the moment storage is only really useful if you have a lot of random loot you're transporting.
    2. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Let's Play Battleship

      If you really wanted to play like that, what you could do is build little disintegrator ships with warp drives... granted you'd have to be flying them yourselves.
    3. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Minecraft in Space?

      Heh, funny thing, toward the end of my stint playing Minecraft, even mods got boring for me. Most of them ultimately boiled down to spending oodles of resources to do repetitive tasks in your base... and once you reach the end of the linear progression, you're left with overpowered equipment...
    4. Ultraviolet Dugong

      systems worth fighting over

      I am a bit concerned that quite a few of the ideas here might make the game too faction-heavy... it should be kept accessible to lone players as much as possible. I do agree that there should be a benefit to holding systems (and planets) as opposed to just scrapping everything inside for...
    5. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Next major update speculation thread! (0.174/175/whatever)

      Still kind of hoping for farming and alien lifeforms myself. But anything involving universe generation is good.
    6. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Starmade for Kindle,iOs devices and Android

      You do realize that Android apps are written in Java and run on a lightweight virtual machine not too unlike a JVM? That being said, the issue with voxel games is the sheer number of entities involved, which can put a sizeable strain on even lower end computers. Now, Minecraft managed it...
    7. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Crawling, Crouching, Ducking, dodging, diving, falling, ledge-grabbing, pushing, punching etc.

      Yeah, I think there's probably a natural way of integrating a lot of the movements you'd want to be able to do into very few actual buttons (look at FPS controls, for example). Maybe you'd: Hold a key to crouch (maybe shift), then push a direction key while holding the crouch key to crawl...
    8. Ultraviolet Dugong

      The universe

      That would be pretty neat. I would, at least, like to see plants somewhat like MC's saplings that grow into larger structures. Keep in mind they don't have to be earth plants, either - I could see the stuff you find on purple planets growing into quite interesting shapes.
    9. Ultraviolet Dugong

      The universe

      They do have quite nice landscapes. If only they were lit a bit better...
    10. Ultraviolet Dugong

      What the community has suggested - An overview and ideas for the dev team -Update #1

      I would like bioships, though I'm not sure how they could be made to work as far as game mechanics go (i.e. make the ships feel alive while keeping them balanced with mechanical ships, would you be able to use mechanical parts on a bio-ship, could they be built or would you need to grow them...
    11. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Star-Made Modding API?

      Hmm... seems interesting. I had made a few attempts at Minecraft modding once, though nothing ever came of it. It's a bit demoralizing to want to make a mod to do X, when that thing is done by several other mods out there, which are much larger and better than what I could reasonably create or...
    12. Ultraviolet Dugong

      StarMade 0.171 Salvage to Storage and more

      Plot twist: Schema is actually the cat. Salvage to storage is one of those features I never knew I wanted. Really great idea! Keep up the awesome work!
    13. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Have you previously quit playing StarMade?

      Power suits and alien lifeforms. Reminds me of Metroid games. Yes please. Eventually I would like to be able to go on expeditions out to the deepest reaches of space, collecting unusual creatures from bizzare planets to place in some sort of zoo or research facility. Hopefully, along with...
    14. Ultraviolet Dugong

      Have you previously quit playing StarMade?

      A roadmap would be nice... people mention planned features here and there but it's all a bit nebulous. I remember a while back there was some talk of adding randomly generated alien lifeforms. I hope that one comes up soon. I like the idea of the game and think it has huge potential, but to...
    15. Ultraviolet Dugong

      What do you think of the planned galaxies?

      I think it's an interesting idea now that there are better ways to travel long distances, but as it is right now there's not much reason to explore out that far... more variety in universe generation might make this better.