
    1. 2020BOI

      Morada Pacifica 2024-07-29

      A mid-sized scout ship inspired in part by The Raza. Contents: Variable position thrusters that can be rotated by different increments. 4 "Space bikes" Around a dozen missile turrets that can serve as point-defense. Under-mounted machine gun designed for draining similar-sized ships shields...
    2. AngelusKutona

      W.E.C - "Sampler" - S-Type Exploration Collector 2019-09-01

      The Sampler - Wexian Engineering Corporation has developed a new entry into the Primus series for the adventurous! The Sampler is a small sized vessel designed for short-distance exploration and small quantity resource gathering for research and intelligence. The design came as an expansion...
    3. The Boiling Tea-pot

      Horus cargo hauler 2019-08-24

      This ship.... Originally made in the Blackheart server. Its a small cargo hauler named Horus or thats what it says. It was made in a time of struggle and desperation so i made the best thing i coud. Equipped: with mining beams and a cannon. It also has 1 turret on the bottom and 4 extra slots on...
    4. EricBlank

      Feature Rarity and "Unique" features in the Universe Update

      In my opinions, one of the things open world, sandbox space sims do badly, often, is making otherwise interesting things far too abundant to continue to be interesting, and i sincerely hope this doesnt continue to be the case for Starmade in the future. I say continue, because from day 1 i...
    5. Omega563

      Specter 2018-10-30

      Specter - Omega Space Corp - Description A small sub-light-speed exploration shuttle capable of supporting a crew of 3. While not a combat vessel the specter is still lightly armed to fend off the odd pirate. The original shell was built by my friend Freedom16789. I remodeled the exterior...
    6. Tolnorus

      Planetary Vehicles

      We know the Universe update is coming, and with it will be improvements to planets, hopefully making them larger and more complex. If planets change (especially if they become larger), then we may need better tools for manipulating their structure. I propose a new basic element called a...
    7. DeepspaceMechanic

      Quasar E77 - The Mysterious Science Station v1.3

      AN INVITATION FOR SOME FUN: Do you have an explorer's or detective's spirit? - Then you will love Quasar E77! The main focus of this station is interior exploration, and quite some thought and effort was put into making it worth it. If you are explorative enough, there will come several points...
    8. kikaha

      Brown Buggy 2018-05-25

      Hello ! This is a small ground vehicle to carry a few personels wherever they wish. It is armed with a manned only turret (no Bobby AI). Shield is a thing. Anti gravity should work, never tested it because my game crashes whenever i go in sight of a planet and my stations are pedestrians only...
    9. JNC

      Logbook Uses

      Similar to the Resource Reports thread, and kinda how Eve used to do it (idk if it's still this way) but what if the logbook was more of a data card and could be used to turn game meta data into a physical object. For example, blueprints.... or perhaps a player could select sectors on their map...
    10. LegendofGore

      New Star Wars Themed Pvp/RP Server

      The Star Wars Server I would like to formally introduce to you a brand new server for the Starmade community. This server, like the title Intel's is a Star Wars themed server. And will be based around all eras of the star wars universe. Here we will attempt to accomindate...
    11. NuclearFun

      Pathfinder A1R1

      Hi! Inspired by a Space Citizen trailer i tried myself on a version of the planet exploration vessel seen so often in SciFi. As the weapons update is still some time away it isn't completely finished (i left a little bit of space here and there for adding in salvagers or cannons) All in all...
    12. BoomMicGuy

      SCS-Ranger-Skiff 1.1

      BUILDERS BoomMicGuy Troll82 Back Ground This ship is designed to be the starter ship on Endeavour. The server uses a special configuration that allows all power types to be used and you dont have to be picky. Here is a link to endeavour server: Novus Galaxy: Endeavour | StarMade server A...
    13. TheDerpGamerX

      Exploration Based Server Concept

      (This is in the general section, because its less of a server and more of a concept right now) While I was in chat, a brilliant idea struck me. I've always believed StarMade needed more exploration mechanics. I want all those planets and systems and crap to actually have meaning. Thats why I...
    14. jayman38

      Half-buried derelicts as exploration features

      I saw a fun video that, towards the end, shows a half-buried derelict in an overgrown crater. It would be fun if the planet (and even asteroid) spawning routines would take a NPC craft, rip out the critical parts, lights, and the core, and maybe rip up some of the outer parts, and just place...
    15. Jake_Lancia

      TRV Halberd-class Explorer V1.0

      As seen in Trident's latest video series! Halberd-class Explorer Detailed further here: Halberd-class The Halberd-class is a class of technologically advanced exploration vessels, produced by Trident Fleetworks and in service with Trident Foundries. An offshoot of the Generation 2 Warship...
    16. Captain Fortius

      M-306 Vindicator Class Frigate 1.0

      This is the Mark 306 Vindicator class exploration frigate. It was built for the purpose of travelling the galaxy, identifying and destroying hostiles, and collecting raw materials. Defense: The hull is well armored with an all-around double layer of standard blocks, with tripple layering...
    17. Neon_42

      Encouraging deeper gameplay via economic bonuses

      I suggest changing faction points to a faction health system and changing the game economy to encourage control of territory via mining, refining, and manufacturing bonuses, without the addition of new currencies. Below are the key points for doing this. The faction health system would be...
    18. Asvarduil

      How to add more interesting exploration...by using entity generation code!?

      As a long time player/tester/whatever of StarMade, one of my key complaints about the game has been a paradox: this game generates entire frickin' galaxies...yet, there's little to actually explore. All planets are notable because of mineral deposits, and, frankly, why bother? Asteroids have...
    19. Dark Pip

      Freedom Class Corvette (OLD) 5.0

      Off World Ship Yards is proud to present the Freedom Class Corvette. The Freedom is a personal starship designed for a crew of up to 3. It has a rather large salvage array for a ship this size, modifiable missile launchers (seeking, rapid fire), a jump drive, a radar jammer, and scanners. The...
    20. Tshara

      WS RisingTide MK1 1.2

      Specifically designed to function as an all-purpose ship for my adventures on the StarSquadron server this ship has it all. A detailed and carefully crafted outer hull, plenty of systems and a full on roleplay interior. Some of its special features available are: - Functional command...