Search results

    1. Lecic

      Power changes are ridiculous and broken

      Ships CANNOT burn through their power anymore. This is ridiculous. Overdrive is the only weapon combo that gets anywhere near using enough power. My factionmate Master_Artificer can permacloak his armor tank with the new power changes. Revert this absurd change. It's broken everything, and for...
    2. Lecic

      The Blind Group Build

      This community has a lot of talented builders. But what happens when you make those builders work together on a build without being able to see what the others are doing? This is a "blind group build," where people build a chunk of a ship, and then we merge all the chunks together to see what...
    3. Lecic

      Volcanic Planet Concept

      Got bored, terraformed an r50 planet plate into a volcano. I think it'd be cool if volcanic planets, with all the plates being tekt with the occasional volcano or lava river/lake, actually spawned.
    4. Lecic

      Important reminder for when area trigger collisions with weapons get removed

      So, according to Lancake, area triggers colliding with weapons is going to be fixed at some point in the future. When they do this, though, they REALLY need to remember to make area triggers give zero structure HP, or you'll be able to make your ship somewhat invincible by surrounding it in a...
    5. Lecic

      Custom Handheld Weapon Help

      Is it possible to modify handheld weapons? I thought it was possible to give custom damage, change the projectile, projectile color, etc, but I can't find anything on how to actually do that. Also, is it possible to give the sniper zoom ability to other weapons, or is that hardcoded?
    6. Lecic

      Anyone notice the ship named "Starter Ship Test" in the new update video?

      The ship he's flying around while showing off the jump inhibitor appears to be named starter_ship_test_(some numbers). He's got nothing on the HUD selected, so he probably selected the ship he was in before getting in it. Are we getting a vanilla starter ship soon?
    7. Lecic

      Unused Block IDs Discussion

      So, I'm sure we all know there's quite a few unused block IDs, but I don't believe anyone's ever actually compiled the whole list. Thanks to this site ( for the automatically updating block ID list. This is (probably) 62 IDs being wasted. We could...
    8. Lecic

      Fuel, as a replacement for docked reactors.

      Currently, a one of the causes of lag with large ships seems to be from docked reactors- they cause beam lag, lag from numerous entities, and collision lag due to usually being within the boxdim of a ship, and cause horrendous lag if internal generators get undocked. I suggest a fuel system to...
    9. Lecic

      /undo and /redo commands

      /undo undoes the most recent command you've done. For example, if you destroy an entity or accidentally give the wrong item to a person, you could simply type /undo and the ship would reappear, or the items would disappear from their inventory. Obviously this would have some limitations- if a...
    10. Lecic

      Read by Council Better Blueprint Sorting

      It would be nice if we could sort blueprints into folders, as well as being able to use sorting tools to find blueprints while uploading them to servers.
    11. Lecic

      Reduce filler blocks in certain asteroids

      Lukrah and Tekt asteroids have a large amount of useless dirt/lava filler that reduces the amount of ore you can get from the asteroids. I think the dirt/lava core of these asteroids should be reduced in size to allow more ore to generate. Cinnabar vs Tekt Notice the significantly higher...
    12. Lecic

      Implemented Slight Armor/Structure HUD Change

      I think the bars indicating armor and structure levels should be switched. Shields, as the first layer of protection, are on the outer edge. Logically, you'd think your second layer of protection would be under the shields, but armor comes AFTER structure on the HUD for some reason. (A quick...
    13. Lecic

      Remove old docking blocks from factories

      These old blocks being in the factories do nothing but confuse newbies and waste their resources. I say they should no longer be craftable.
    14. Lecic

      What's with the insane lag during autosaves?

      If you've played multiplayer, you've probably noticed this- when the game autosaves, servers freeze up. I've seen servers just completely stop for over 30 seconds during autosaves, which is... fucking ridiculous. Something needs to be done about this.
    15. Lecic

      A Massive Amount Of Weapon Rebalancing, Changes, And Adding Minelayers

      Personally, I think weapons are a LOT better balanced than they used to. However, there's still a lot of balancing that needs to be done to make some weapons even slightly useful. Here's a quick list of weapons that are useless for just about everything- dumbfire missiles, rapid dumbfire...
    16. Lecic

      Negative Review: GenXNova- My (Unfortunate) Experience

      For quite some time I have been playing with my faction on the GenXNova server. However, I have decided to leave the server due to growing issues with the community and the administration. The server is relatively well maintained despite upwards of 40 players on at times, and I think that this...
    17. Lecic

      Suggestion Faction Account Rules

      I've lately been seeing a lot of faction accounts popping up and being used for things that aren't faction related (having random conversations in chat, making suggestions, etc) and being used as proxies for faction members to dodge around permabans. So, I'd like to offer some suggestions for...
    18. Lecic

      A History of Factions

      I think it would be a great community asset if we had a timeline with the history of factions. It'd help newbies learn about the backstory behind the many factions, and it'd be convenient to be able to look up past events. So, I'm asking the community to help me assemble a timeline of faction...
    19. Lecic

      Custom Faction Territory Music

      Now, I'm sure some music for Starmade is planned, and I'm sure some of that is things like "Trade Guild Territory" or "Pirate Territory" or "Neutral Territory" music. But what I think would be interesting is if factions could upload custom music for their own territory, instead of some generic...
    20. Lecic

      Custom CaH Starmade Pack

      I'm making a custom Cards Against Humanity pack for Starmade- the game, and the community. Of course, I need help with this- there's no way I'm making a full deck on my own. So, I'm asking for you all to offer up suggestions for this pack, so that it is truly a pack for the community, by the...