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    1. Lecic

      New Player Weapons!

      It's a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher.
    2. Lecic

      A possible solution to missiles killing things through walls

      Taken from a comment I made on I have an idea for how to fix missiles. Instead of an AOE of damage, make the explosion throw out lots of invisible projectiles. This makes it so you can't kill turrets...
    3. Lecic

      No more disagree button?

      Where'd it go?
    4. Lecic

      Screenshot Redraw Thread

      Hello everyone! I'd like to do some drawings based on Starmade, but I don't know what I should do. So, I've made this thread. Submit a screenshot, and I'll end up drawing it eventually. First come first serve, unless you a.) have a REALLY cool screenshot or b.) pay me money. So, post a...
    5. Lecic

      What happens now that the station contest submissions are over?

      Where do we vote? Or are they reviewing each station first to make sure it doesn't violate any rules?
    6. Lecic

      Hull Painting or Block Type Conversion

      I think the most difficult thing for builders in this game is changing the color of fully wedged, completed hull. A way to change one block type into another by removing it and instantly replacing it with the other would be a fantastic feature. We've already got half of it with removing specific...
    7. Lecic

      FTL Discussion Reboot

      As the old thread was closed down due to the new "instant-lock" strategy the mods are using on necroed posts, I've decided to recontinue the thread here. (link to the old thread) To start off discussion, I'll post my idea of what FTL should be like. I would like to see both ship-based FTL and...
    8. Lecic

      No E/S Softcap on Stations

      I would like to suggest that the power regen softcap not occur on stations.
    9. Lecic

      Ion vs Overdrive

      I'm building a ship with a large laser cannon designed to do heavy run&gun damage to a bigger ship. It flies at high speeds towards the enemy ship, fires a single powerful attack, and then flies off quickly, at which point a larger allied ship will come and finish off the now weakened enemy with...
    10. Lecic

      Upcoming Crafting System Update Discussion

      This is the thread to discuss the new crafting system, which involves the new ingots, crystals, and capsules.
    11. Lecic

      When are we getting the in-house chat system?

      It's been months now, and we still have the old chat system. What's up with that?
    12. Lecic

      New Bobby AI Type : Missile

      I'd like to suggest a new type of Bobby AI - Missile. Ships that are actively set to Missile would attempt to crash into enemy ships. Missiles could also remember the last ship they were docked to, and take lock-on commands from the pilot, similar to how turrets can be set to fire at locked-on...
    13. Lecic

      Making Ground Combat Suck Less

      I think I have a solution to one of the main issues that makes ground vehicles and soldiers useless. The atmosphere of planets should work as a natural shield, preventing bullet, beams, pulses, and missiles from passing through and hitting the surface. This would make ground combat viable...
    14. Lecic

      Skin Template

      I've been unable to find the template for creating a skin. Does anyone have one?
    15. Lecic

      Anti-Lag Changes to Salvaging Planets

      I think you shouldn't be able to salvage or build block planets. Instead, I'd like a Mining Station you could put on a planet to extract the ore from it, which could have the speed increased with Mining Enhancers. You'd need one for each plate, and it would take quite a lot of time unless you...
    16. Lecic

      Bug No images showing?

      No images in threads on the forums are loading.
    17. Lecic

      Whatever happened to the new trailer that was coming out?

      Title says it all. Wasn't it going to be made months ago? The original announcement was on the old site.
    18. Lecic

      Changes To Naturally Generated Stations

      I would like to suggest some changes to the naturally generated stations. I think that stations should have a total of 8 defensive turrets docked on the black power drums, 1 on the top and one on the bottom. These turrets would belong to the trading guild. They would attack pirates, and be...
    19. Lecic

      Asteroid Bases

      I think that asteroids should be claimable as faction (home or not) bases. Asteroids should also be able to use the same blocks as stations and planets can, and be able to be given shields and power. Also, plex doors should be fixed on them, as they are currently very buggy.
    20. Lecic

      New Rating System

      What do you guys think of the new rating system on the forums? I love it. I especially like the "bad spelling" one.