Search results

    1. Lecic

      Bug Turret Dock Extenders failing to work?

      I am attempting to use turret docking extenders to make a dock for my turret, and the box is malfunctioning. The extenders only want to go in one direction past the 7x7x7 starting point, it seems. I have extenders on the x axis 10 longs, extenders on the y axis 4 tall, and on the z axis 8 long...
    2. Lecic

      Rethinking Weapons Focusing - A partial solution to BSvSS and Turrets

      A major problem in game right now is how directed the combat is. Even with core drilling becoming a thing of the past in the future, we still face the problem that most weapons simply don't do damage over a wide range, but focus on a single point. So, I propose a change to weapon focusing...
    3. Lecic

      Suggestion No plain yes/no polls?

      The Space Engineers forums also have this rule, and I think it is a good one. Basically, you cannot make polls that are simply [Yes] and [No] as the answer choices, or similar poll types. The like and comment systems are sufficient in place of yes and no polls.
    4. Lecic

      Unable to log out/change account

      I logged in with the wrong account, and now I am unable to log out and sign in with the correct one. When I sign out, and press log in again, I am just automatically signed back into the wrong account. Please help me. Thank you.
    5. Lecic

      New Turret Design Idea

      I have decided that the current turret design has major flaws. I've made some graphics showing off the problems at the moment. Those are the current turrets above. I feel they have major problems, in how they work. Turrets clip wildly into their own ships, and aim at impossible angles...
    6. Lecic

      Collision Damage

      Currently, collision damage is not effected by shields. I think it should stay this way. Collsion damage not being effected by shields makes it possible to build balistic torpedos carryable by bomber ships that can damage large ships. These torpedos are not very accurate or powerful, but they...
    7. Lecic

      Asteroid Upgrades

      I think that asteroids should have some fixes and updates done to them. My suggestion is to allow power and shields and such to function on asteroids. This way, asteroid bases and using asteroids as turret platforms is more viable. Currently, power and shields do nothing on an asteroid. It...
    8. Lecic

      Pirates with more weapon types

      My suggestion is simple. When all the new weapon types are released, it'd be awesome if pirates used some of them. It'd make fighting pirates a bit more challenging and interesting, and would help players learn what it is like to fight against those weapon types.
    9. Lecic

      Fern Leaf Shipyards (New!)

      Welcome to the shipyards of the Order of the Fern Leaf. We strive to bring you both functional and good-looking ships. Having been around since pre-industrial times on Earth, we are excited to get into the space ship business! So, feel free to browse our docks, and make a purchase from the best...
    10. Lecic


      Railguns : Powerful Piercing Weapons Has this already been suggested? Probably. Do I care? No. Railguns, IRL, are weapons that fire a metal rod at mach 6 by propelling it down a long barrel with dual magnetized rails. Railguns would work in-game by firing a projectile similar to the AMC...