Search results

    1. Lecic

      Should Chain Drives Remain?

      Should chain drives remain in the game? I argue that they should remain in the game. The ability to quickly travel in a small package is balanced by its massive weakness to inhibitors. I think that travel speed and inhibitor resistance should continue to be separate variables like they currently...
    2. Lecic

      Brainstorm This Warhead Launcher Weapon

      As much as people love designing warhead torpedoes, they have some ailments that are pretty much incurable in their current state as an exploding block. They fail under lag, cause collision lag, clog the server database with spent torpedo entities, and most importantly, are (and will continue to...
    3. Lecic

      Error regarding Ion Passive in shields Flight Academy?

      Criss says that ion effect reduces the strength of your blocks. However, this isn't in the configs, and a quick ingame test by myself seems to disagree. Can another player or someone who does balancing (Lancake, Bench?) confirm or deny this?
    4. Lecic

      [VOTE] Should voting for Councilors require you to purchase the game?

      Link to the original suggestion thread- Suggestion - Require Purchasing The Game To Vote DukeofRealms suggested I make a poll on the matter to gain further community input. There's also a third, points-based system suggested by Duke a few posts into the original thread that could work.
    5. Lecic

      Suggestion Require Purchasing The Game To Vote

      I'll put things out here in simple terms. It is easy to make fake accounts that do not match your IP. It would be incredibly easy to cheat the election through alt accounts in a community as small as ours. I am suggesting that those who wish to have a say in electing those who help decide the...
    6. Lecic

      Server Owner Badge

      It'd be nice if people running quality, popular servers could get a badge on the site for it.
    7. Lecic

      CNC'd Metal Starmade Logo

      I had to make a few minor edits for it to be structurally sound, but here it is! Just needs a little bit of clean up on the left side.
    8. Lecic

      Read by Schine Micro Astronaut Turrets

      Ever tried to make a vehicle with small turrets? Yeah, that doesn't really work. What I'd like to suggest are small, one block turrets, that use handheld astronaut weapons. Visually, they'd be a quarter block that looked similar to the turret dock, with the small turret sitting on top. The...
    9. Lecic

      Did you vote in the Council elections?

      Did you? Feel free to comment with why you did or did not vote this time around.
    10. Lecic

      Lecic's Shipyard (Thryn, Insectoid, & Misc.)

      Sup. I'm Lecic. Sometimes I build things. [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
    11. Lecic

      Bug Kicking Doesn't Work Right

      So... kicking doesn't seem to work properly.
    12. Lecic

      Missilespam, Point Defense's OP & UPness, and Turret Lag

      I've noticed three main issues with the current game. Missiles, especially swarm missiles, are nearly the only weapon that solo players use. Why is this? There are many reasons, but I think the contributing issue to swarm spam is the fact that there's not really any way to dodge or shoot down...
    13. Lecic

      Obligatory Lecic Q&A Thread

      Got a burning desire to ask one of your potential new councilors a question? Fire away.
    14. Lecic

      Fix or Remove Docked Thrust

      For anyone who isn't aware, docked thrust is overpowered. Very, very overpowered. By splitting your thrusters among many small docked thrusters, you can get much higher thrust with many less blocks. This is because docked thrust is not subject to the same rules as if all the thrust was built...
    15. Lecic

      Is slow travel a contributing factor to the decline of PvP?

      I feel like one of the contributing factors to less frequent PvP is how SLOW it is to move around with JDs. I don't know about most people, but when I enter the coords for a friendly HB that's under attack and see "4000km" on a server where JDs carry me around 80km, it doesn't really make me...
    16. Lecic

      AI Options- Volley, Burst/Stagger

      I'd like to suggest two sub options for AI controlled weapons- Volley and Burst/Stagger. Volley means it will attempt to fire all weapon outputs at once, like the AI currently does. Burst/Stagger means it will spread out the shots over the time period you enter into it. Say you have 3 lock-on...
    17. Lecic

      Recognized Firing a Weapon Outputs a Logic Signal

      I think it would be EXTREMELY useful to builders and engineers if we could have weapon computers output a logic signal when they fire. For example, I could make a weapon that has a recoil or recharge animation, like in FTL.
    18. Lecic

      Momentum Effects, EMP, and Docked Entities

      So, there's currently a problem with docked hull. Specifically, it massively nerfs EMP weapons, and completely nullifies momentum changing effects. This needs to be changed. EMP damage should pass through docked entities to the main ship. As for momentum effects, I understand push and pull...
    19. Lecic

      Making Astrotech and Scrap Useful

      Since we've got the cargo system now, I feel like this is a good time for this suggestion. You should be able to link Astrotech beams to a storage container. When you shoot a ship with that astrotech beam, it takes scrap out of the storage and replenishes the armor HP of that ship. I'm not sure...
    20. Lecic

      Bug I think my game is possessed. [Epilepsy Warning?]

      So, yeah, I've got this graphical bug. Everything more than ~50 meters away from me while I'm in build mode is coated in rapidly shifting blood red patterns. It goes away when I go near it, but it returns as soon as I retreat.