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    1. Edymnion

      Brainstorming: Scaleable Universes

      Okay, one problem we have with the game is that while the universe is effectively infinite, the realistic limitations are one galaxy per server. Devs have already said that they are intending to greatly reduce other galaxies as options, make it much harder to get to them, etc., so they...
    2. Edymnion

      More Hotswapping with Non-Rail Related Blocks

      Something I'd like to see is the ability to use logic driven hotswapping to bring in/trade out blocks that *aren't* rails. Specifically, I'd like to see doors be something we can swap in/out, so that I can have a pickup rail going into a docking bay for ships that don't have the docker on the...
    3. Edymnion

      Adv Build Mode Item: Curved Line

      Something that would help a good deal when trying to make more rounded shapes, a curved line. As per the new Line tool, only it curves as if it were part of the Create Sphere tool in that it will give you a curved line that matches the length/height of the line you are making.
    4. Edymnion

      NPCs and Planetary Colonies

      No secret here, I want to see planets play a much larger role in the game in the future. Here is an outline of how I'd currently like to see them handled, namely make them colony sites. The TL;DR up front summary: Planets use Happiness to generate NPCs, which are then housed, fed, and then...
    5. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      Since the majority of people in How do you view planets? responded with "They're just a placeholder for something cool later on", thought it might be interesting to see exactly what "something cool" is that most people are expecting.
    6. Edymnion

      Proceduraly Generated Fauna

      With new, better planets on the way, we're going to need new, better creatures to inhabit them. Making lots of creatures by hand, enough to create any real semblance of diversity, is going to be extremely laborious and time consuming. So, why not take a page from Spore's book and create mix...
    7. Edymnion

      How do you view planets?

      Since its the topic du jour at the moment, how about some informal polling. What do you think about planets as they are currently implemented in the game? I voted "Hate 'em" because I find them to be a waste of space. Ever since the asteroid update I can mine nearly as much from one sector of...
    8. Edymnion

      Rejected Time to Ditch Planets as Object?

      There are plenty of things we can think of to use planets for in the future, and I think/hope that eventually we are going to see them become MUCH more interesting and useful. That said, there are currently very limited things we use planets for now. Temporary starter bases, resources, and...
    9. Edymnion

      Just Taking a Moment to Sing SMBEdit's Praises

      Just wanted to stop and make a public shout out to SgSkallagrim and SMBEdit. Its a little clunky to use (dude, I can make you a GUI), but dear god in heaven does it ever make building in Starmade *SO* much easier! Things like letting you move your core/move your station marker alone are...
    10. Edymnion

      Which is easier (on the game engine)?

      So long story short, I need a timer for about 25 seconds. My two options are 50 delay blocks in a daisy chain, or I can use flip flops and a clock pulse to create a 5 bit register and the logic to read the register for a state of 11001 (25 in binary). Or I could just increase the delay length...
    11. Edymnion

      Additional Admin Command: Give Thrust

      I'm working on a ship currently that has ended up being larger than the workspace I had available for it and I'm needing to move it out a short distance. Thing is, I'm looking at 4-5k mass of just hull at the moment, and I haven't reached the area of the ship I want the thrusters to actually go...
    12. Edymnion

      Thrust God Mode Command?

      So is there an admin command to provide the ability to move a ship around without thrusters? Specifically I'm building a medium sized ship and I need to move it, and I really don't want to add enough thrusters temporarily just to make it move (because thats a lot of temporary thrusters). I...
    13. Edymnion

      Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error

      Ran into a Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error on the Cake server. I've re-downloaded and installed full game through the launcher, and I can access single player and other servers, but Cake is still a no-go for me. Soon as it tries to load the universe to about 30%, it dies. Lil' help?
    14. Edymnion

      How to Promote Healthy PvP?

      PvP is a part of this game, and there are many players who enjoy it. PvE is also a part of this game, and there are many players who enjoy that. There is not a 100% crossover between the two areas, with the majority of players leaning more towards PvE than towards PvP. Many PvP players enjoy the...
    15. Edymnion

      Easiest Answer for PvP: Flag of Peace

      The best way I've seen for handling griefers (as opposed to legit PvP'ers) is one that most MMO's have used for years. A pvp flag. Very simple concept, if your PvP flag is disabled, other players cannot attack you. If you attack someone else that has their flag enabled, you automatically flag...
    16. Edymnion

      Basic Healthy Multiplayer Etiquette

      It is important for everyone who plays online with other people to follow some basic etiquette rules to keep servers healthy and populated. 1) PvP is consensual. There aren't really any non-pvp survival servers anymore, there is no choice here anymore. People who want to play survival may or...
    17. Edymnion

      Immersion Change: Themed Cargo Block Appearances

      This one is just really kinda "It would be cool, but would have no effect on actual gameplay at all". Basically, I'd enjoy it if cargo blocks showed some idea of what was in them based on the skin it uses. So if you had storage for unrefined goods, it would look like a pile of crystals, or a...
    18. Edymnion

      Blasphemy: More Complicated Manufacturing. Much More Complicated.

      Okay, this is probably going to sound insane, but I've been looking at Factorio recently. Mostly just watching some videos, but as someone who enjoys building automation, its pretty fascinating looking. And it got me thinking how much fun it would be to build a working factory on a Starmade...
    19. Edymnion

      Quick and Easy Picture Tutorial: Two Floor Automatic Elevators

      Little things can turn "Meh" sections of your ship into "Wow" sections without a great deal of effort, so I thought I'd make a quick and easy tutorial on how to do some of them. Today's Tutorial: Automatic Elevators For larger stations and ships, multiple floors are commonplace and it just...
    20. Edymnion

      Show me your moves! (aka, your decorating tips and tricks)

      While a lot of people are a little... disillusioned on building anything major right now due to the uncertainty of if/when power is going to change, how about a bit of focus on improving our decorating ability? Post up pictures of some of your favorite decorating tricks, maybe we'll all learn a...