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    1. Edymnion

      Things I Wish I Knew

      Working on a small titan that will be my main carrier/capital ship, wishing I knew a few things about: 1) How smart will NPC crew be? Do I need to make sure everything they do is on one level because they won't be able to use elevators? Or do I need to put in ramps between floors for them...
    2. Edymnion

      Update Default Starting Blocks

      Just a thought, but when joining any half way established server, a new player is going to be faced with the reality that everything near spawn is going to be claimed space, and there is no guarantee that any of those factions will be accepting of "I've been here all of 3 seconds" quality...
    3. Edymnion

      Give us Our Daily Bread... er Blocks

      Okay, one of the biggest problems in the game right now is that it is possible for one player to effectively ban another player from a server by destroying everything they have to the point the other player no longer has the blocks or money to rebuild with. The invincible faction homes help...
    4. Edymnion

      Sexy Turret Competition

      Since Community Content now has an entire category just for turrets, I think we need to help fill it up. So, (just for fun) competition time! Rules: * Turret must be your own creation. * Turret must be uploaded to the Turret category in Community Content for anyone and everyone to download. *...
    5. Edymnion

      Lot of Null Error Exceptions Lately...

      In single player I've been getting a lot of null error exceptions during a variety of activities like taking screenshots via F6 and even just looking around the ship I'm currently building to see what to do next.
    6. Edymnion

      Latest Dev Video: Going Back to Strip Mined Systems?

      One thing I noted in the video, he said that if the NPC faction uses up all of the resources there won't be any asteroids when the player gets there. So I'm rather forced to conclude that we're going back to the bad old days of total strip mining of systems due to lack of respawning resources...
    7. Edymnion

      How to Easily Kill Pirate Stations

      Seems that there are still lots of people that don't know the easy way to kill pirate stations and are still trying to brute force destroy them. Thats a huge pain in the rear, especially when most of them can be killed by simply dropping their shields and doing a quick surgical strike to cut...
    8. Edymnion

      Quick and Easy Picture Tutorial: Automatic Doors

      Little things can turn "Meh" sections of your ship into "Wow" sections without a great deal of effort, so I thought I'd make a quick and easy tutorial on how to do some of them. Today's Tutorial: Automatic Doors Anyone can slap some plex doors down on their ship or station and call it good...
    9. Edymnion

      Quick and Easy Picture Tutorial: Door Labels

      Little things can turn "Meh" sections of your ship into "Wow" sections without a great deal of effort, so I thought I'd make a quick and easy tutorial on how to do some of them. Today's Tutorial: Door Labels In larger ships/stations, it can be difficult to navigate around without getting lost...
    10. Edymnion

      Restricted Space and Whitelists

      First half, restricted space. A sector or even an entire system that you can designate as being Restricted, which will fire on anyone other than your own faction that enters it. Similar to being hostile to neutral, only it affects everyone, but only in that one designated space. And then set...
    11. Edymnion

      Target Painting

      Was going through some clips of things, and ran into this: Its from the live action Space Battleship Yamato, but pay specific attention to what the fighters are doing (aside from just fighting). They're painting targets. For those that don't know, "painting a target" is a military term...
    12. Edymnion

      Fleet Command Wishlist/Brainstorming

      We all know that the fleet commands in game at the moment are... ahem... limited. And we know they're working on making it better, that this is the bare bones "will it even work?" prototype phase for the entire thing. So, why not help Schine out and get some nice public brainstorming on what...
    13. Edymnion

      Revamp Thrusters Similar to Aux Power

      As of the thruster plume update, we have to be very careful about where we put thrusters because they will generate plumes through layers of armor and even into internal spaces if placed too close. They can't be used as the willy nilly gap filler they used to be anymore. And if we are having...
    14. Edymnion

      Display Block Offset via Activators

      Since it looks like free floating hologram mode from display blocks is going to be sticking around, and everyone is wanting an easier way to push the text off the block, how about if we just keep precedence with the rail speed controller and the sensor blocks... linked activators? Display block...
    15. Edymnion

      Cross Entity Lighting

      I know its been a nebulous "someday" thing for a while now, but just putting back out there a request for better cross-entity lighting. This is a section of hallway in my new ship. That black square in the center is actually the same dark grey block as the ones around it, it just happens to...
    16. Edymnion

      Way to increase F6 Screencap Quality?

      Quick question, the quality of the screencaps I get using the standard in-game F6 method are fairly low. Is there a setting somewhere that will allow me to crank that up?
    17. Edymnion


      Random thought that occurred to me last night as I was going to sleep that I managed to remember today. How about holo-emitters/cloaks? As in, a system that would allow one kind of ship to project an image of a different kind of ship around itself? Give it a huge power cost, like cloaking...
    18. Edymnion

      Faction Locked Area Sensors

      Building my current ship, and I'm putting in lots of automatic doors. Basic little ones, door hooked to an activation module, activation module hooked into an area sensor, and then trigger blocks on either side of the door. Walk through, door opens, then closes behind you whenever you walk...
    19. Edymnion

      Shipyards: Anchor = Computer

      Okay, this happens every time I'm working on a design. I go to the shipyard computer in my station, start editing the design. I warp over to the actual shipyard anchor that I have free floating several hundred meters out away from the station (I build large shipyards, what can I say). I work...
    20. Edymnion

      Display Module Requests

      Things I'm currently working on that I would love to be able to put into display modules: Weapons - Link a main weapon computer to the display to be able to pull in all stats for said weapon. Type (example: Cannon/Cannon/Punchthrough), DPS, Damage per Shot, Energy Usage, Array Size, Fire...