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    1. Edymnion

      exMachina Faction Home WIP

      Welp, with the new changes coming to things like cargo, my old little one man band station is going to be hopelessly too small. Its served me well these past couple months on this server, but its time to graduate to the big leagues. Apologies for the quality of the full...
    2. Edymnion

      Permission Block Levels

      Currently the Faction Block let's you set levels for the ship/station for who can edit it based on faction rank. I would greatly like to see the Permission Block expanded with this same idea. Right now a permission block only let's everyone use something, I'd like it to also be able to lock...
    3. Edymnion

      Black Widow WIP

      So I was starting a new ship because I wanted a missile spammer, which I didn't have. I make a nice little bridge for, wrap some hull around it with the intention that it'll sit on top of the rest of the ship, its all good. Then I add some details and go... "You know, this looks a lot like a...
    4. Edymnion

      Logic Slaves

      One thing I think would be very useful would be if we could use logic in the C/V master/slave linking. For example, say you had a shipyard you shared with someone else and wanted the ability for it to toggle between your stores and theirs. Build a logic keypad, then link the final...
    5. Edymnion

      Change Faction Color

      Your faction color, as in the color your systems turn when you claim them. Could really use some way to be able to change the color of an established faction. We have multiple factions right next to each other that all randomly got assigned the same color, and it would be very nice if we could...
    6. Edymnion

      Holo-Mode for Creative Station Building.

      So I am currently building a large station in single player creative mode with the intent to blueprint it and then get to work filling the blueprint in order to spawn it on my online server. Thing is, it's boring for me to be on single player with no one to talk to, not to mention the need to...
    7. Edymnion

      How much stuff can you stuff in your Stuffie until your Stuffie is stuffed?

      Okay, so we have some feedback on how Cargo is going to work. Major point of concern for me at the moment is that they seem to be thinking small for how much stuff you can fit into each cargo block. Like really, really small. Like hundreds or thousands of items per block. I don't know about...
    8. Edymnion

      Logic Pulse Receiving Transporter Computer/Pad

      Fairly simple request, have a transporter computer or even the pads send a logic pulse when it receives a beam-in. So we can hook a gravity unit into it to counteract the fact that transporting disables the gravity.
    9. Edymnion

      Hopes for a Better Tomorrow

      Here's hoping the update tomorrow has the cargo and/or crew stuff in it. I'd like to see what kind of requirements those are going to take so I can start partitioning up the insides of my new stuff.
    10. Edymnion

      Build Helper Requests

      A few miscellaneous requests for the build helper: Fill With Current - Simply automatically fill the template with whatever is in the current slot. Rotate About Axis - Lets you designate blocks already placed as being part of the template, and then revolve that shape around the selected axis...
    11. Edymnion

      Automatic Turret Design

      Huh, just ran into this the other day. Didn't know it existed, figure it means others probably didn't know either. I was building a new ship in my shipyard and went in to add a docked reactor through Create Docking. I just gave it a generic name, Ship Reactor 1, didn't think twice about it...
    12. Edymnion

      Transporter Talk

      So we now have Transporters. Problem is, for me, using them totally drops your shields and you have to wait for them to recharge. Even if its someone else beaming onto your structure, even if its your own faction members beaming in. For me, this means one thing. Only my faction home base...
    13. Edymnion

      "Create Docking" Style Freeform Placement Option

      Currently in advanced build mode, we can Create Docking to allow us to drop a docker and then place a core wherever we want. This is good. So good in fact, I'd really like to see the "place a free-floating block" option that is currently used for placing the core be a normal build option. I...
    14. Edymnion

      Changing Starting Resources?

      We're on a somewhat older server where the galaxy near spawn has gotten pretty well populated, meaning new players have to travel quite a ways to even reach unclaimed space. So, we're wanting to go in and change the starting resources from just a handful of blocks to a filled blueprint of a...
    15. Edymnion

      Make Cargo Like Transporters

      You probably already have something like this going, since the transporters came out first, but... Make the cargo bays function the same way transporters do now. Have cargo bay floor blocks like we have transporter modules, link them to a cargo computer, make the cargo computer something that...