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    1. Edymnion

      Scanners on Stations

      Okay, being perfectly honest, I use docked scanners on my stations all the time. Not really bothered by it because they're home base stations, and I take the docker off the bar entirely for it, so its never going to actually undock inside the station. But, if getting around the "No scanners on...
    2. Edymnion

      Welcome the Change

      Okay guys, I know things are changing, and change is scary, but we really should embrace it. Sure, having more discrete reactors is going to mean a change in the way ships are built. They're now going to have a centralized area that can be targeted and destroyed, and its probably going to be a...
    3. Edymnion

      Power Reactors + Heat + Weapons = End of Gigantism?

      One of the things that really came to mind with all of this. If bigger weapon arrays produce a lot more heat as they get larger, that would be a very good downward pressure on weapon array sizes. If that means smaller weapons become more of the norm, less space would be needed to dedicate to...
    4. Edymnion

      Slab Displays (no, slab the other direction, not the one you're thinking of)

      Okay, first off get this out of the way: But no, everyone is probably assuming I mean to slab the display so that it makes a flatscreen (slabs back to front). I don't mean that way this time. I mean a slab 1/4 display that slabs top to bottom. As in, you have a 1/4 flat sitting slab that...
    5. Edymnion

      Automatically Closing Doors With Sensor?

      Okay, I hate to admit that this is getting the best of me, but... its getting the best of me. I'm trying to make what should be a fairly simple circuit. Use the sensor block to determine when a plex door is open, and close it after a delay. But for the life of me I cannot seem to get it to do...
    6. Edymnion

      Hotlink Clickable Coordinates in Chat

      Something that should be fairly easy, I think. Make it so that we can easily put coordinates into the chat window, and to set coordinates for a nav point from the chat. Have a chat shortcut (like say @coord) that will automatically put your current coordinates into the chat window. Then make...
    7. Edymnion

      Hmmm... Doesn't Fit?

      Got inspired to start a new ship with four diagonal nacelles. Made up my nacelles, filled them with thrusters, and then went and built a rotator assembly to twist them to the desired 45 degree angle. Then I built a flat surface around the rails so that it looks nice and flat. Double...
    8. Edymnion

      Switch Cannon and Beam Effectiveness

      Maybe its just a personal preference thing, but I would rather see beams being best against armor, and cannons best against systems (instead of the other way around like it is now). In-Universe, I feel like physical armor should be especially good at stopping physical threats. Hardened armor...
    9. Edymnion

      Capital Ships - Station Functionality Only When Docked?

      Okay, so I've been watching Voltron: Legendary Defender on Netflix (its pretty good, actually), and it has something very interesting I think we could borrow from. This is the Castle of Lions as we first saw it in the series: What we find out fairly early on (so hey, spoilers for a show from...
    10. Edymnion

      Rotatable Scanner Antenna

      Really simple one. Scanner antenna modules have a really nice texture on them, but they're static cubes that can't be rotated. Switch 'em over to rotating so that we can lay them down horizontally for decorative purposes (they make great engine components), por favor?
    11. Edymnion

      Thruster Sensor Help?

      Okay, I'm working on a ship where I want the engine cowl lights to come on at different thresholds based on the thrust of the ship. So in theory what I want to do is set up one sensor to the thrusters, set a single Off Activator to determine when the ship is standing still, then NOT that output...
    12. Edymnion

      Decouple Shipyards from Design

      Okay, don't get me wrong, shipyards were a HUGE improvement in the game, allowing you to access creative mode while in the regular game to design ships in. However, its only good for ships, and the size limitations make it where you have to build and maintain a huge shipyard to even toy with...
    13. Edymnion

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      So, we have thrusters that when put on a docked entity can't use the power generation of the docked entity (so that you can't make large blocks of soft cap breaking thrusters that recreate the docked reactor problems of yester-month), and we have auxiliary power blocks to let us go over the soft...
    14. Edymnion

      Show us your colors!

      Okay, you don't have to actually show us, you can just tell us. What color schemes do you use for your ships/stations, or do you not use a unified theme at all and just build whatever pops into your head? I have three I routinely use: Black Red - My evil stuff Grey Blue - My neutral stuff...
    15. Edymnion

      Armor Revamp: Focus on Armor HP over Block Destruction

      I think we can all agree that armor is... in less than an ideal place right now. You need multiple layers of the stuff to stop even moderate incoming fire which limits usable interior space, its cumbersome to repair/replace due to having to actually make and place new blocks (or deconstruct the...
    16. Edymnion

      Block Driven Ship/Turret AI

      Idea has come up before (I know, I brought it up), but the game has changed since then in ways that invalidated some of the stuff, so I'd like to bring it up again refined for how the game is now. In the game Final Fantasy 12, they had an AI driven system for combat where you had to build the...
    17. Edymnion

      Mirror Blocks When Replace Mirroring

      Okay, bit of a clunky title, but bare with me, por favor. Was working on a big glass dome for a station, so I used my mirror axis and build helper to make a nice big dome out of cubes. Then I went and used Remove/Replace to replace the cubes with all the various wedges, tetras, etc I needed...
    18. Edymnion

      Partial Lighting (Light when source is covered by slab or wedge)

      Might be trickier than it sounds, seeing as how you would need to have the light source determine if the block covering it was a wedge/slab/etc, and then determine it's facing, but... ...I'd like to see light sources (crystals, light cubes, etc) still give some amount of light even when covered...
    19. Edymnion

      Larger/Proportionate Thruster Plumes

      Been working on some engine porn and realized something during small scale testing, that while multiple thrusters next to each other will indeed combine to make a single solid thruster plume, they do not appear to change length at all. A thruster plume is apparently always 3 blocks long. While...
    20. Edymnion

      Hotswap Shipyard Anchors for Pickup Rails

      Working on my carrier/capital ship and I'm currently building with future updates in mind. Primarily at the moment I am building a small shipyard into the belly of my carrier that is just big enough to let it build it's own fighters so that it can replace any lost fighters/drones on the fly...