Search results

    1. StormWing0

      Builtin Auto Updater and Auto Restarter for servers?

      Just thought this idea was a bit long overdue and figured it'd be rather helpful for a lot of server admins out there that don't like manually updating but can't figure out how to auto update or don't have the time. Same thing if the server goes down when no one is around. Admins of course...
    2. StormWing0

      An amusing competition idea Dev Builders vs Player Builders

      Now in this case one or both sides provide the ship or station shells to use worked with and things go crazy from there. In this case all the insides of any station or ship are gutted and it is up to the builders to fit things in as able. The main rule is the ship/station has to remain as...
    3. StormWing0

      Satisfying/Funny Moments

      You know those moments where you could unleash the true overkill's worth of weapons fire on something, having a station stolen from you and HB'd by the enemy only to retake and fortify it later when they get dumb and let their FP go negative, or maybe some poor griefer thinking they can grief...
    4. StormWing0

      Crew Brainstorming Ideas

      There's so many ideas out there for crew I wander how many of which the devs are planning? In the meantime lets see how many ideas we can list out. :) Automated Empires/Factions: Basically automated shipyards, crew generation, mining even in unloaded but explored space, AI Ship to Station...
    5. StormWing0

      Time to "murder" assist with the Devbuild again

      :) Devs are going through versions like water so lets see what we can break again. :)
    6. StormWing0

      Deep Space Weapon Effect

      I was trying to figure out how to not make this OP but there aren't too many ways around that other than putting some annoying limits on it. The idea behind this effect is it allows the weapon to be fired well outside the normal range by taking advantage of a scanner and jump drives. The...
    7. StormWing0

      Bug Noticed a rather annoying bug with Sun Damage

      Well several actually. Sun Damage vs AI Faction Shops, Stations, and sometimes ships causes spawns from AI factions. Because of #1 the game thinks the thing that caused the damage was the player. Sun Damage can still happen while in a ship on a planet, while it does stop after a while the...
    8. StormWing0

      Bug Latest Devbuild Crash

      Can't even get into a single player world and the dev server appears to be dead at the moment.
    9. StormWing0

      Personal Build Challenges you give yourself?

      Name some of the challenges you give yourselves on occasion when building ships, stations, turrets, etc. What are the details of the challenge and what name would you give it if it needed one? Here's one of mine: Name: One Ship, A Million Parts This is a challenge and research into docked...
    10. StormWing0

      That Loading Image: Lets turn it into a ship :)

      You know that loading image on the screen when the game is loading up? It looks so much like the cross section of a ship in the lower right, is just begging to be made into a full one. Scale the size to whatever you deem needed to make it work and lets see what we can all cook up. :) This is...
    11. StormWing0

      Dev Server Whitelist?

      hmm seems someone turned the whitelist on for the dev server. >_>
    12. StormWing0

      Bug DevBuild Error & Starmade window Closing when trying to click back into it

      Got this error when trying to logon to the dev server not sure what's going on. Meantime I have a far more annoying issue. Sometimes when I Tab Out into another window than try to click back into Starmade the game just outright closes for no reason. No idea what's going on.
    13. StormWing0

      Favorite Anti-Personnel Systems?

      Could be turrets, traps, a fleet parked nearby, you name it. Feel free to show it off and why you like it. :)
    14. StormWing0

      Read by Council Download Selected Blueprint Button?

      Found it rather annoying when working with BPs from the catalog when I just want to download something to local and mess around with it but have to build than save it first if it isn't my own thing or have to have a built copy of something floating around in order to save to local at all. Sure...
    15. StormWing0

      Read by Council Mining in Unloaded Sectors and Mining in nearby sectors

      I know at least one of these is planned but I'm going to post up an idea anyways to see if it'd work. :) For mining in nearby sectors the Mine Sector command would work like it does now except the ships would hunt down any salvageable/mineable target in the loaded sector range. In this case...
    16. StormWing0

      Bug Getting Stuck in things getting out of the Core and other blocks!

      This is getting rather annoying and needs to just never happen. Also the UP Arrow Key no longer Unsticks you when you get stuck. Uploaded as example of a ship that has this happening. It is designed the way it is for a reason and I'd rather not get stuck in these things any time I need to do...
    17. StormWing0

      Bug Fleets not maintaining last order when logging out

      It's rather annoying and I was wondering about this. It seems any time a logout all fleets return to idle order rather than the order I last gave them. Say I tell them to Guard X Sector and than logout, well the next time I login they are set to Idle in that sector rather than Guard. Needless...
    18. StormWing0

      PvP Anti-Player Research

      Just trying to build up a good source of info on what to get setup for servers that have PvP setups. This is mostly about what kinds of building techniques to use that'd work very well against players. Also there are other things like what to do when dealing with players as opposed to the AI...
    19. StormWing0

      Read by Council Admin Only Blocks?

      I figured it'd be good to have a certain type of block that can only be placed by admins unless someone that is an admin allows a person to do so. Creature Spawners: General block type for any blocks that spawn creatures be they fauna or not. Could be anything from deadly spiders to shop...
    20. StormWing0

      Logic Jump Drives?

      Do they still work and if so how are people doing them these days? Wanting to upgrade from a normal 4 block clock charging system to get my Loot Pinatas up to patch without the jump clock taking up half the ship. >_> Logic charging at a reasonable speed and small enough to be placed just about...