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    1. StormWing0

      Dev Build Watch

      Just waiting for the stuff in the video to hit the dev server so we can watch the world burn. > : ) Anyone else got plans to give the poor thing a run for its money when the update hits it?
    2. StormWing0

      Dynamic Limitations for Ships, Stations, Factions, etc

      Got an amusing idea from an argument in another topic and thought it deserved a bit of thought. Why don't we start listing out ideas for how to limit the player dynamically without making them feel they are forced to do something? Basically how would you curb the players building up massive...
    3. StormWing0

      Bug Spawn Protection off by default?!?!?!?!

      Um guys might want to check if spawn protection is really on for your servers just checked my local single player game and a server I'm on and it wasn't on for some reason. Might have been turned off when updating but was never turned back on.
    4. StormWing0

      Faction updates/Fixes Ideas

      Lets brainstorm some ideas and see if we can come up with a list of things factions need or need fixed. :) Being able to view the members list of a faction without being in it or an admin: Like say clicking on it and the members list being a button like the relations is. The Times players...
    5. StormWing0

      AI Module and Faction Module needed for AI and faction on spawn

      Noticed that the AI can be active on parts without an AI Module when spawned under mob control and even under player control in a couple of cases. An AI Mod should be needed for there to be AI at all on a ship or docked part of it at least. Also noticed this same issue with faction being...
    6. StormWing0

      Pulse Weapon Primary AI needs to come 50% closer

      Just noticed only the front edge of the bubble is hitting the target when flying and that leads to hit or miss at best with pulse weapon using AI's. But if they came about a bubble radius closer the whole mid to front section would be hitting allowing for it to get good hits in. Just an idea...
    7. StormWing0

      Bug DevBuild Error - New Thrusters causing crash somehow

      Not sure what's going on but getting something odd for a crash with the new devbuild.
    8. StormWing0

      Save those old docked Power Reactors and Shield Generators

      You might find them useful when the AI finally learns how to use support weapons and fleets learn how to fly support around nearby allies these will come back from the dead for the most part. Just because they are useless as docked parts of ships now doesn't mean they are going to be dead...
    9. StormWing0

      Additional types of weapon modules & weapon firing mode ideas

      This isn't about making totally new weapons to use but a few new types of weapon modules for both primary and support weapons to allow for different things to do done with them. Currently we have what I call Single Direction modules meaning they can only fire in the direction either them or the...
    10. StormWing0

      Bug Ships with no operational weapons trying to attack as if they have them

      Noticed this happening and bug or not it's rather annoying seeing a ship that has no usable weapons try to keep attacking as if it has any without a good reason. I could understand this if the ships had crew on-board the ship and it was trying to get close enough for them to jump ship and board...
    11. StormWing0

      Bug Non-whole blocks appearing in slots.

      1/4, 1/2, 3/4 blocks are showing up in my faction storages but I can't do anything with them. They are picked up from other entities like ships and stations and they can't be placed as is only stored. I'll get some pictures up in a bit but this is most puzzling. Currently noticing this issue...
    12. StormWing0

      Warhead Launcher System

      Trying to create a super simple warhead launcher and need some help needless to say this is what I've got so far. Basically the general idea is to send them down one at a time into a launch position and than have the warhead in place waiting for a fire command. Also wanting to be able to load...
    13. StormWing0

      Bug Noticing some things in the configs getting reset each update

      Things like changed block settings for jump drives and warpgates, also the station cost went back up to 1,000,000 credits, and a couple other things I'll have to find again but to say the least it's getting annoying. >.< Not sure if logs will show this happening either but just letting you all...
    14. StormWing0

      A compromise between the old Buy with Credits system and the new Fill BP with Blocks one

      I noticed people like the old system of buy with credits but it totally blocks being able to use station blueprints. Meanwhile some people have blueprints that take a large number of blocks to fill and hate it with a passion. So I figured why not combine the two? Or at least have a combine...
    15. StormWing0

      Mining Drill Storage Logic

      Not sure if it is the fact there were things already in the storage or what but this is the only thing stopping me from finishing this monster of a drill. The offending drill in question is attached below. The general idea of it is you make a shaft as close to the center of the plate as you...
    16. StormWing0

      Bug Crash when trying to load or save blueprints to and from local on multiplayer.

      Needless to say this is getting on my last nerve and needs to die. Usually the first run of the game on a given server when I try to load BPs onto it or save from it to local the game crashes back to the mainmenu if I'm lucky total crash-out if not and I have to deal with this crash all over...
    17. StormWing0

      What are the current Default starting items when starting a new world on a fresh config?

      I forget, and also I'm trying to build a spamable ship with them.
    18. StormWing0

      Bug Not sure what's going on here for this type of crash

      So A faction member added a group of ships to a fleet, than I came around and did the same trying to get them to all dock again and well crash storm happened.
    19. StormWing0

      Got an error when trying to get into a single player world

      No idea what's going on here and my other one gets stuck and Connecting to World. If it does get into my other world it crashes java.
    20. StormWing0

      Ran into a strange problem when trying to run the game today.

      When I started up the game the computer slowed to a crawl and left me unable to do anything. So I opened the Task Manager to see what on Earth was going on and noticed a massive amount of spam from many java exe processes all opening at once and endlessly making more. While each one on its own...