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    Naagloshii General Heavy Chassis 2018-09-24

    Game version
    After a long break from the game until the laws of physics and ship parts manufacturers more or less decided what they were going to do, I thought I'd try my hand at building again. After many frustrating failures, I decided to just go with simple, elegant, brute-force.

    Like it's namesake, the Naagloshii is a shapeshifter. It's shape allows it to be fitted out in any number of ways for any number of purposes. Warship, colony ship, mining mothership, hardened cargo vessel, carrier, outpost, station, etc.. At 81x81x81 meters, it is of suitable size to be converted for any number of purposes.

    The only system installed is very basic, but redundant power. The primary and secondary power stacks are at the fore and aft apex of the ship, each capable of generating 120,100 e/sec and stabalized by two massive blocks at the port and starboard apexes.

    The dorsal and ventral apexes house the tertiary and quaternary backup power stacks, each capable of generating 68,800 e/sec, but could easily be expanded to be the equal of the primary and secondary banks.

    The aft port and starboard equatorial facets have large blast doors, currently serving as the only way in and would make the beginnings of good landing bays if you wish. Otherwise, it is empty and free for you to build out nearly any systems or interior you could want.

    I hope someone finds it useful. Enjoy!
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    Reactions: Lord Daro
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