All applications have been accepted. Please go to the \"New\" new website when you can, and fill out an application there, so we can see our active roster. (Anyone without the address will be PMed the site address.)
As of 12:00 tomorrow (EST), the system of Ranks will be put into effect. The info post will be changed to reflect this as soon as possible, and several changes will take place.
First of all, only Ship Masters can fly ships classified as Corvettes or larger. (if you are uncertain about the ship classes, please refer to the website under the Engineer section in the Ranks and Roles forum) To be a Ship Master, you must first become the rank of Zealot in other roles (for info on ranks, go to the forums on the website)
Secondly, we will officially be at war with the UGSC as of noon tomorrow. However, this does not mean that you can just fly ships into enemy territory at will and attack. There must be set rules for war, otherwise chaos would descend upon te server and our factions. We will be deciding on battle dates, and discussing missions, before most major fighting occurs.
Finally, all exisitng members should try to decide on a single role, so I can make an in-game roster detailing ranks and roles of each member, and so the system will work. Please send this to me in a private message, or tell me in-game. as soon as possible. Thanks for your membership! Any further information will be given AR (as remembered).
-ElvenSong117, Supreme Commander and Master Builder of the Covenant