
    1. Crashmaster

      VF-1S Super Valkyrie 1.2

      A re-fit with new inner and outer shoulder hinges to get arms in mech mode further forward into a more "human" position. FAST pack and FAST pack accessories added. New logic Y-clock to account for differing transformations depending on FAST pack presence that can handle transformation from each...
    2. Crashmaster

      Scottish 1.0

      111 Entities 200k Mass 420m Length Level 500 Internal Array Stabilized Reactor 1.7 Thrust-to-mass 268m/s Max Speed 10M Shield Capacity 150k Shield Recharge 2x Twin 6.9kilomodule Main Beam Turrets 5x Single 1.4kilomodule Secondary Beam Turrets 2x Twin 3.5kilomodule Missile Launchers 6 Mech...
    3. Crashmaster

      11970 Avoid Cayuse R/T 1.2

      Sweet JP's machine is a 11970 Avoid Cayuse (kai-yoos). Last of the R10 interceptors Me and my dad built her. 1100 e/sec of Plex muscle. It's a beast. It's got a cop reactor, a 34 cubic meter plant. It's got cop landing gear, cop sensors, cop tractor. It's a model made before reactor...
    4. AtraUnam

      Atlas Mobile-Refinery 1.0

      My submission for the community build initiative mobile factory/refinery competition. Honestly this isn't my best work as I kind of burn't out near the end but I hope its at least worth an honorable mention. Has little bits of lore on display modules all over the place so worth looking around.
    5. AtraUnam

      Nauvinoc Omin-Ship prototype 1.0

      Just had the build spark suddenly come back, literally built this thing in a single day to shake off the rust so appologies if its not up to my old level of quality. Its got some nice rail antenas with an in-ship toggle and a super simple airlock that I'm honestly not proud of. Anyway please...
    6. ScorpionInc

      4-Bit Address Space 8-Bit RAM Block 2.0

      --DEPRECIATED-- For the most up-to-date information please see the updates tab. This is left "as is" for historic record. --DEPRECIATED-- Old Title: 4Bit AddressSpace RAM Block Old Tag line: Wirelessly linked and docked one bit memory modules forming a 4-bit 8wide Ram Block Old Game version...
    7. Crashmaster

      Kyphosis 2019-01-07

      Ship made with starting items and credits. Logic wings, hatches, cargo deck. Much activator, very push. https://starmadedock.net/threads/juniper-rocket-appliances.25409/page-2#post-375207
    8. Lone_Puppy

      Transmitting Display module content between entities

      Today I was thinking about an Elevator project I've been working on for ages that has a wireless destinatio selector. I know people avoid using Wireless because of connection issues that occur, but logically this is the best way to go when dealing with entities on rails that you want to have...
    9. G

      Save Rail Load/Unload Settings on Blueprints

      Would it be possible for rail load/unload settings be saved in blueprints, or just default to "always allow for faction"? I'm trying to make shipping containers, but each needs to be configured manually, making it unfeasible for a trade fleet.
    10. Kraengis

      Sliders and Pivots

      Right now we have rails and rotators but those "just" (it's still possible to do a lot of cool things) provide simple movements : translations and rotations on one axis only. That's were sliders and pivots can come in handy. Basically, sliders are rails and pivots are rotators but without...
    11. Matt_Bradock

      Rail load/unload help

      Is it me, or load/unload rails really don't work? Here's what's happening: As I used to, I connect the storage on the docked entity to the rail docker, and the storage on the main entity to the rail unload. I allow rail load/unload on both entities. I turn off the pull on the docked entity's...
    12. Gmodism

      GHI Elevator Template Pack With Simple Set-Up STANDALONE

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GHI Elevator Template Pack - Standalone Release The Gmodism Industries brings you a time saver from our template pack as a standalone release, as this is one of the most requested thing to have as a template, figured you in particular might not want the other...
    13. Gmodism

      GI-RE SideDocks (Micro Landing Pad) v.1

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI-RE SideDocks The Gmodism Industries Real Estate division brings you landing pads to be used for landing small crafts like our space Volvo or any of our space bikes. The type 2 uses turret sockets so that vehicles can be placed in a stylish angle...
    14. xX_Tyvier_Xx

      Rail Logic Glitch/Solutions?

      Anyone who is having similar problems please let me know. When I dock entities to my ships/stations (Specifically doors) after a while, they fail to continue working properly. In the case of doors, when I hit the button to start my logic sequence to slide doors open, or rotate them, they...
    15. Crashmaster

      Turret extender maybe 2017-09-23

      Spam-proof rail logic with rotation step.
    16. AtraUnam

      Fulrent Mech 2017-08-20

      So a few caveats, due to the upcomming power update this mechs is presently a shell with the exception of mass enhancers and dockd thrust in the legs. As such if you want it to work you'll need to add more enhancers to allow the arm turrets to move. Additionally there is a little bare logic on...
    17. Wilavid7

      USS Enginuity-class Shipyard Mk 1.0

      After several years of using contracted shipyard production, the United Sectors Shipyards is proud to present the first in its line of private stations, the USS Enginuity-class Shipyard. Intended for use well within faction controlled space, this station features modest defenses in case of the...
    18. eliotgx

      High speed rails systems

      It may have been asked already but didn't find a good thread about it thought. Why don't make the ability to make high speed rails so so players would be able to build big monorails or MAGLEVs system across big stations? It would make moving across the station easier and you could event buils an...
    19. AtraUnam

      Brevis Mech 1.0

      The Brevis is a small mech designed for one thing and one thing only, to have a ridiculous amount of cool but pointless features: Frontal view in all its poorly lit glory 33% of this arms function is to flip the bird More intimidating from the back for some reason This mechs main...
    20. AtraUnam

      Easy edit mech frame 1.1

      So the idea of this is to be a barebones frame that people can use to easily build their own mechs, all the logic is pre-setup and wired to an easy to use logic board in the mech's back. Its very simple to setup a complicated animation, simply set up a chain of delay blocks and connect each...