Search results

    1. sayerulz

      Proper throttle control

      Can we please get a proper throttle control so we can set ships to full speed/half speed/quarter speed/whatever and have them stay that way until we change it rather than having to hold down W forever to go at full speed and tap it repeatedly for anything else?
    2. sayerulz

      Read by Council Changing how scrap works: how to make abandoned stations useful again

      So, I have noticed that it is fairly commonly agreed that salvaging abandoned stations simply isn't worth the trouble since they made them yield only scrap. This is due to the fact that scrap is only used for making into metal mesh and crystal composite- these being materials that, unless one...
    3. sayerulz

      Recognized Flak weapons

      Flak weaponry was originally planned for the weapons update, but was cut along with the mine layer. I propose the addition of flak as it's own weapon system, complete with master/slave effects. The function of the basic flak is to fire a shot that will detonate into a number of extremely short...
    4. sayerulz

      Read by Council Shorter duration beams?

      This is, of course, purely a matter of personal taste, but I think that beams would look better if they had a shorter duration- more of a brief pulse than staying on a target for a moment. Anyone else?
    5. sayerulz

      So, whenever the sound update finally comes out...

      ....Do you plan on making use of the sound assets already hidden away in the game files? A lot of them are quite good, and I would hate to see them go to waste.
    6. sayerulz

      Recognized Weapons ought to be more specialized

      I doubt that I am alone in thinking that a single weapon system should not be able to serve all of your ships needs. One should have to use different weapon combos for different things. Now, we do have some of this- cannon pulse is certainly not what one wants for anti-fighter weapons. But their...
    7. sayerulz

      Read by Council Ship stat editor commands

      I think that we should have a set of admin commands that can be used to edit all of a ships various stats. The main use of these would be for RP and replica ships as a way to make them perform how they are supposed to. A prime example of what these would be good for is the new Star Destroyer...
    8. sayerulz

      Cant wait for visual and sound improvements

      I do quite like building in this game, but what would really make me appreciate mine and others creations is if they had some sound and visuals to go with the design. Cools ships in this game look really good from a distance, but up close they seem a bit lifeless, and it always makes me a bit...
    9. sayerulz

      Changes to planetary gravity

      Right now, land/atmospheric vehicles don't really exist. Any vehicle that can move around well on a planet will also have enough thrust to go into space, and thus is really a spacecraft. I have ideas for number of changes too make land vehicles and atmospheric craft an actual thing, distinct...
    10. sayerulz

      Increased DPS for harder to aim/use weapons

      So currently, DPS is based entirely on block count. The result of this is that a number of weapon combos are just not really used, because they do the same DPS as other weapons that are easier to use. The biggest examples I can think of is unslaved missile and cannon/beam+missile. These two...
    11. sayerulz

      Planned Wreckage fields

      I think that a really cool feature would be if one could find rare sectors filled with the old hulks of wrecked ships. Basically the remains of an old battlefield. There could perhaps be various wrecks, perhaps with two different styles in each area, giving the impression that two factions had a...
    12. sayerulz

      Brainstorming on new sounds

      With a sound update seemingly in the works, I thought that it would be good to throw around a few ideas for sounds that could be good additions. My ideas are as follows. -footstep sounds: we really could use some simple sounds for footsteps. Clanking on ship hulls, swishing in sand, Ect, to get...
    13. sayerulz

      Can we PLEASE be able to paint every level of hull

      It is the most annoying thing that, to get for instance grey standard armor, I need to make grey hull, then add parstun and macet. BUT to make blue, I need to paint grey hull blue, then add (varat?). Why can we not just make grey standard armor by adding certain materials to grey hull, and THEN...
    14. sayerulz

      So, between the HP system and shipyards....

      I wonder if totally armor based ships are viable? With the HP system, armor is pretty good for protecting ships, but it was a pain to repair all of it. I wonder if shipyards will allow for armor-only ships?
    15. sayerulz

      Mod installation frustration

      What am I doing wrong here? The installation instructions say to go to "roaming" and find the .starmade folder, but while there is a folder called that, all it has is the "eula properties", a file I cannot even open. If I use the blueprint manager from the launcher, I can get to the starmade...
    16. sayerulz

      Intergrating the HP system with planets

      I feel like it would be a good idea if planet plates had something like armor HP that massively buffed stone. Basically, until this pool is depleted (and it is very large) stone blocks on planets would be very tough to destroy. This would not apply to player placed stone. What this would mean is...
    17. sayerulz

      Anyone else wonder what a "yhole" actually is?

      I just wonder what the thought process behind adding them was. What is a "yhole", and why does it stand out so much as different from other flora in the game. I remember when they were used in some sort of crafting thing ("yhole atoms"). Are they some reference I don't get? What are they!? What...
    18. sayerulz

      A setting for turrets so that the prioritize different sized ships

      It would be nice if you could have turrets prioritize targets above or below a certain mass, so that you don't end up with anti-fighter turrets trying to kill titans while your main heavy guns try and rotate to hit fighters.
    19. sayerulz

      RTS mode

      I think it would be cool if, instead of flying your ship directly, there could be an option to control it a bit like how you control ships in Homeworld. Would be nice for long journys (no more holding w forever) and could also be nice for turret based capital ships. And of course, it would be...
    20. sayerulz


      So, I had spent pretty much an entire day making a battleship, which was by far the best ship I had ever made. Then, something went wrong with my starmade, and it gave me an error message about a "socket exeption". So, backed up the ship, then went to steam and deleted local content and...