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    1. AmeriChris

      Happiness System for the new Population Update

      I suggest a happiness value that effects the population growth of a station or colony. High happiness would increase growth while low happiness would decrease it. Having negative happiness would even decrease your population or possibly defect your citizens to another faction. Proper planning...
    2. AmeriChris

      Salvage auto turrets and repair turrets

      Imagine you have a shell around your entire ship. Inside of the shell you have a hundred little repair beams. Every time you took damage the repair turrets would repair it. Of course you will rarely see a ship do less then *200* damage a shot with multiple barrels.
    3. AmeriChris

      Space dwelling creatures

      But I want to a bunch of beautiful space sea creatures to \"swim\" around my ship while under the sea plays! Just going around looking out the plexglass windows and see all the cool creatures would make anyone\'s day. I know its not as exciteing as zergzombiemonsterthings but it would make...
    4. AmeriChris

      More bugfixes (0.107)

      for dev of the century.
    5. AmeriChris

      Can't do anything

      Have you tried reseting your nitendo 64
    6. AmeriChris

      How do I make a ship that can fight pirates?

      1. Your right. They are shitty as balls. 2. Not in SMP.
    7. AmeriChris

      Booster thrusters

      we could use them as a RCS for turning those massive behemoths that go from 1 - 50 in half a second but turn like a rockect in ksp with little torque.
    8. AmeriChris

      Spawn Camping Pirates Fix?

      This could be easy to do, and help new players. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT making big ships is difficult when you have Isanths flying everywhere and bumpin in to your hull.
    9. AmeriChris

      Useless Turret Bug

      Docking core, do you mean the Turret Docking Unit, or the Docking Unit.
    10. AmeriChris

      New to the game

      HI there, welcome to starmade. Ships in this game tend to get really large. You will find that your standards on how big a ship should be change. A big ship for you now might be a small ship later on. Pirates aren\'t that hard to deal with when you havea a powerful enough ship. I recomend...
    11. AmeriChris

      **News Flash - Jan. 13th, 2014

      I still think it limits creativity. What if you put a limit on the number of systems you can put on one hotkey. I would even be okay with 2. This could make people think of new weapon arrays that can make ships unique instead of having 2000 box ships with the exact same weapon layout.
    12. AmeriChris


      While I support this idea I don\'t want schema to focus on this atm. There are more important things like bug fixes. Adding more features without fixing the old will just snowball the bugs until the game is unplayable.
    13. AmeriChris

      Either the developers don't care, or they are going at an extremely slow pace. (rant)

      Someone needs to play a bit longer before he jumps ten my miles in the wrong direction to find a poposterious and wrong conclusion insulting a great game (and those who made it) with an excelent building system and excellent fighting mechanics. This is an early game. Alpha even. Bugs are to be...
    14. AmeriChris

      **News Flash - Jan. 13th, 2014

      I have a demand. When you make the new weapons system we should make it so we can put multiple computer systems on 1 hot key. I am worried about this making shotgun arrays a bit OP. But it impairs creativity too much that we have to checkerboard weapons.
    15. AmeriChris

      Defensive Turrets

      You can have a bunch of docked plates acting as sheilds. That might work.
    16. AmeriChris

      Saronin's Items

      I think you are proposing a bit of a too complicated solar panel system. I think the solar generator and the solar sheilds are fine, but you don\'t need that other crap. It seems like added complication. The solar generator should feed into the main power generation instantly.
    17. AmeriChris

      New Years News

      The hull system does need to be changed. When ships have masive amc cannons that 1 shot hull blocks they are pretty pointless. They are usefull with low damage fighters but they add so much mass to be effective.
    18. AmeriChris

      New Years News

      Schema is the best. I hope starmade becomes as big as minecraft some day, so i can say that i was there in the begining to put my 3 dollors into the game.
    19. AmeriChris

      Movable ship core

      Imagine you spend 15 minutes making a hole in your enemy\'s hull to get to the core. Then, suddenly it moves to a diferent place in the ship. I know this would make most people furious.
    20. AmeriChris

      A possible solution for the Astrotechno beams: Structural Integrity

      This has been sugested but I think that they are great idea. Dock with the repair dock like any other docking system and pay to have all the destroyed blocks replaced. A tax will be put on the price but it will be low by default and changeable in the server files. It will not replace or repair...