Salvage auto turrets and repair turrets

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I recently tried to use slavage with a bobby ai and a turret dock.

    i found out later in the chat that this is not possibel right now.

    I have a couple ideas for options for the AI.

    two options for salavge turrets. ships/stations and astroids/planets.

    If there was no player in the ship let us have the turrets fill plex storage with the stuff make plex storage linkable.

    There seems to be no in game reason why this doesn't work. If i can fire missles and lasors from a turret why can't i program my AI to salavge?

    I would love to build huge mining rigs on worlds, build a whole mining fleet devoted to the one cuase of minieral collection forproduction.

    I don't want to send forever mining, i dislike having to deal with my ships movement while doing so, efficant mining rigs are expensive for what you in reality need for it. It takes 1 hours to mine a whole astroid with a single beam, not becuase of how slow the laser is but becuase of the diffucutly in mining efficantly,

    mining is boring and a long slow proccess.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Tell that to one of my mates on the server I play on. His \"Dong Miner\" can harvest an entire asteroid in about a minute and entire planets in under an hour. Granted, his ship has around 1000 Salvage Cannons and is bloody huge, but it works.

    This seems to be more a case of insufficent information than a broken system. His ship is set up with columns of 40 SCs arrayed in a diamond pattern. He has about 25 of these columns and he devours everything.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ve been thinking of the repair turret, it\'s a good thing there are others who have the same idea, you could build several repair turrets in your docking bay and when you\'re damaged ship is docked or at least close by (since chain docking isn\'t here yet) the repair turrets will start fireing at your ship repairing any damaged blocks, of course if there are blocks missing you would need to replace them yourself, but just imagine you replacing missing blocks on your ship, the sound of your ship in the background and that spark sound effect they have in station, you turn and see the repair lasers firing off and hitting your ship fixing the damaged ones. That would look awesome, I like the mining rig on asteroids and planets idea too, I would make mine flyable, cause it would be a waste of time assembling and disassembling the mining rig when the asteroid is gone. You can make one look like the image (bottom) in layers, that station is one layer, imagine having three of this stacked, that would be one cool looking mining station.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If we could expand this to allowing the replacement of missing blocks, from an imported blueprint, this would work even better. Firstly, it would require some kind of automation (mentioned in the first post), the ability to move blocks from plex-storage to machines, tools, etc. on request.

    How about we make this a little more interesting? Allow AI to accept ship designs. Assuming automation gets working, you can program the AI to shoot technobeams at a ship when it docks (perhaps only with specific ship names) and rebuild the ship-adding or removing blocks as needed- to match the design. This could be done by uploading a base design to the catalog, then allowing the AI to access the catalog through its interface. And, to make it slightly costly: If an enemy destroys your ship, and the AI repair beam survives, they can get the design.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    That AI creating ships idea is cool, if that idea was implemented it could do what you say, repair a ship filling in the missin blocks or turning it into another ship, but another thing would be if it could make a ship. Of course you would need to link up the stoarge to the turret but imagine you putting down a design for a ship, you fire it off and it starts creating a ship inside of the empty docking bay. If there was a faction war and people don\'t want to use their own ships, or they can\'t use their own ships cause they don\'t know how to import (like me) they could activate the technobeam turrets and make an already designed battle ready ship without having to waste time building it yourself. Once it\'s done they just hop in and flying it out of the hanger and join the rest of the armada. If their ship gets taken down and they die, they can just go back to the docking bay and request a new ship. Of course the only way they can build it is if the technobeam turret (or differently named turret) doesn\'t run out of blocks, cause once it runs out the turret stops firing and all you will have is half of a ship.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    A repair Turret would be Great! this will allow faction homes to make a few Space docks, which either have AI repair ships, or Repair Turrets. This would help keep people from trying to mess with other players Ships easier to maintain then having to do it yourself, running the risk of coming under attack dieing and having yoru ship come under attack while you make your way back.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like to tag on that there needs to be some balancing of salvage cannons, they are simply too inneffective in small numbers, and since for now we can break any block with our bare hands instantly, there are no benefits...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    one of my favorite RTS\' is supreme commander. preactically all the factories use some sort of construction turret. the idea of haveing a bank of turrets repairing or even building a ship is awesome. something you alwayes see in scifi is a shipyard, and by having construction turrets like the ones previously mentioned would be all you need to build one.

    having a bank of turrets mine asteroids and planets is also a cool idea (personally i thought you already could but oh well) i would definitely like being able to afk mine an asteroid (obviously the rig would probably be super expensive though so not to op) it would certainly add more scifi feeling if a faction could span sectors and have control of factories and resource gathering facilities that are automated and working solely for their faction.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yeah, that is a nice idea, allowing some purpse to faction other then building a home or saving your ship from grief, Sectors be controlled by faction, by takin out their ships and factories, to put some taste in factions,

    The idea of having a huge mother ship just keepin on buildin drones in its hangers and oporational ships, as well as repairing other ships, will support more advanced wars but it will better if the undethinator can be placed on a kronos size ship will donate alot to this idea.

    i think this is a good idea, and this should be in the game.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Yeah this would be amazing you would just set up a A.I miner that goes out and collects stuff and brings it back to ship factorys that make MORE miners till you have a armada of miners then you make a massive AI army automatically. Until you have wasted the universe and have supreme power,and the ability to have AI ships actualy follow you but atm you can have them docked onto you because you have a tool to undock ships while flying so when you enconter a enemy you just select the enemy then use the undock tool and the ship starts to attack.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    Hi, well i was thinking about this for some time and wanted to share it.

    Adding option \"DRONE\" in boby AI module will allow to define \"non-combat\" drone(ship) or turret.

    Turrets that repair your ship are the simpliest(case of refilling blocks and building from shematic further down), but harvesting ones...

    Harvesting Turrets

    To harvest will requirer space to storeage, linking Salvage CPUs to PlexStorages would be pain in the ass so why not to make \"CARGO\" block that by default would gather space debris(pirates loot), and harvested blocks.
    So ho to make transfer from turret with such \"cargo\" block to mothership? simply by linking (ANY) docking bay to \"cargo\" of you main ship. (item filter would be set in dockig block, for ex by item value)

    Harvesting AI drones

    • AI harvesting by it self can be chalanging to create , first drone/turret needs to know what to harvest, for that it need \"MINING SENSOR\" and \"mining sensor CPU\" CPU operates sensors and defines values of items that are in mined \"rock\" and allows to set value/mineral filter, mining sensor detect minerals in direction and certain distance (bigger it is bigger the distance)
      Additional information for AI would be \"excavation depth\" (set in MsensorCPU) defining how far drone will dig for minerals (option \'as far as you can see makes it dig as long as sensor picks up minerals of set value)

    Repairing Turrets (refilling / building)

    • Refilling -\"DYNAMIC SHEMATIC\" it\'s possible by using saved schematic , but not as efficient as we think would be.
      Option could be changing way of defining blocks (im im correct how its done) in \"ship save\" (ships are saved as 3d boards of data [X,Y,Z] as high, as long , as wide as the ship gose - some of cords can be empty, simpliest C++ way of thinking, in game on 99% is used more advanced system of defining ships)
      Aditiona layer of data defining its stance (destruction)
      Main goal is to add test befor interacting defined block IF DAMAGED>=100% and not clear it space in ship exept its overwriten or delated by player.
      - what is ment to do ? the block type is saved , he will not interact if its destroyed but auto turrets will be able to define what block is needed to refil
    • Building
      To build automaticly your ship from shematic on the board of \"mothership\" / \"motherstation\" you will need some sort of \"MANUFACTURING BAY\", that will work like other docking stations in exeption in exeption that it will draw from cargo (at price defined in guild ranks). ship size would be defined by size of bay.

    Drones / AI fighters

    Many of us was thinking about building Carriers with AI drones / interceptors, we made nice hangars but wehn we detach our fleet from docks its starts to freek out inside our ship how to simply imprve it? What about collecting drones after battle? and how to define that we would like to fly in formation with our fighters, ask drones to chek our ship?

    Improved hangar docking

    • \"Docking waypoint\" - additional option in docking module or block, defining ROUTE of UNDOCKING and docking, it will allow to navigate AI ships in interia of hangars.
      docking unit + AI fighter, docking unit have 3 waypoints after undocking fighter, he will fly with the speed of main ship (sort of staying in gravity wheel) from dock to w1 ->w2 ->w3 and after that it will be relesed to service.
      same waypoints would allow AI to dock in its place.

    AI after battle / AI contorl

    • Gathering interceptors after combat takees a loot of effort, why not to make \"DOCKING CPU\" that will allow you to take control of DOCKED or LAST DOCKED unit that was pluged in \"docking unit\"(same thing turret docking units).
      Docking CPU would be ment to contorl 10 docked units (ships that was docked or turrets)
      After entering DOCKING CPU we ccould undock fighter in slot 1 buy pressing LMB , and recall it after ending \"starting route of waypoints\" by cliking LMB.
      we could change viev between ships by arrows LEFT-RIGHT , and choose ship to radiocontrol by arrows UP-DOWN.(temporary disabled AI)

    Flying formation / ship attachment to its \"mother\"

    • Making grones or fighters fallow ship that has got its docnking point will fix some issues. but what about escort ship?
      Addding block \"FLEET BEACON\" would make that easy to handle, how he could work ? like some sort of space RTS UI

    I hope someone will find it interesting
    sorry for wall of text :P
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Imagine you have a shell around your entire ship. Inside of the shell you have a hundred little repair beams. Every time you took damage the repair turrets would repair it. Of course you will rarely see a ship do less then *200* damage a shot with multiple barrels.
    Dec 2, 2013
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    Read the date of the post above you. It may not be my place to say this, but please do not necro.