Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Core Docking

      Old request, but bringing it up again. Could we get back to the docking beam originating from either the core or the camera we are currently using? Still have the ship dock at the location the docker is located, but make it so we don't have to go through quite as much hell trying to dock a...
    2. Edymnion

      Minecraft Style Buttons

      Minecraft has buttons being what would basically amount to a 1/4 slab of half size centered in the block face. Makes an actual button on top of the block to press. Was thinking it would be kind of nice to have a control platform that has actual buttons on it sticking up instead of just a bench...
    3. Edymnion

      Saved Jump Coordinates Via Displays?

      Since the display modules have gotten a serious upgrade, got me thinking. Something I would find useful is the ability to store jump locations physically in a ship. Such as having the home base coordinates saved so that I could jump back home easily without having to stop and change the nav...
    4. Edymnion

      What is this block?

      That spotted black block that looks like stars, what is that?
    5. Edymnion

      Shipyard Revamp: Use Test Sector?

      Shipyards are great, we really needed them for efficient ship design. Thing is, shipyards can't really handle docked entities well, and proper turret design and placement is a big part of any good ship design. I routinely wish I could get out and basically treat the shipyard like I would any...
    6. Edymnion

      Remote Drone Control

      There are two big problems I see with Starmade combat at the current time. 1) Not enough players to fully man entire fleets. 2) No one wants to man a fighter when they could man a cruiser or a titan. So we get lots of big ships, but at least fleets are helping to bring the small fighters back...
    7. Edymnion

      Read by Council Add Weapons to Sensor Block Probing

      Something people have been asking for for a while now, and the sensor logic block looks tailor made for it, kinda surprised it wasn't included in the original release. I'd like to see weapon computer status added to what the sensor block can probe. I'd like to see the % cooldown remaining be...
    8. Edymnion

      Logic Controlled Thruster Plumes

      New thruster plumes are awesome, I want to use them as decorative blocks in places (like on my station). Thing is, they only flare up when actively being used, you drop one on a station and it just sits there inert. Could we possibly make it so that you can slave a thruster to an activator and...
    9. Edymnion

      Rotate Slabs During Pasting

      Likely a bug, but something I noticed the other day. I was writing on the side of the ship in 1/4 slabs. Did a copy of it, went to the other side of the ship and rotated it around so that it would still be readable (instead of being mirrored), and the slabs did not rotate with the rest. I...
    10. Edymnion

      Forge Welding

      For those that don't know, forge welding is the process of taking two pieces of metal and heating them together in a forge, then hammering them together into a single solid piece. Concept: Have premade sections of ships that can be attached to another ship and merged together to become a single...
    11. Edymnion

      Read by Council Nav Menu Option: Group by Sector

      When mining, I will often be searching for a specific resource (like say Fertikeen). When in the middle of an asteroid field, I'll look at my nav menu and find the fertikeen asteroids, and then head for the largest one for the most efficient harvesting. Thing is, sometimes a sector has...
    12. Edymnion

      New Jump Drive Effect?

      Currently the jump drive uses pretty much the Star Wars effect for the jump, in that the ship stretches out and vanishes at a point, then pretty much just re-appears at the destination point. I'd like to see it spiced up a little. My favorite alternative on the stretchy jump? A portal jump...
    13. Edymnion

      Star Trek 50th Anniversary Tribute

      Its been 50 years of Star Trek. We've had our ups, we've had our downs, but I'm here to pay tribute to the ship that started it all. Many have built her in the past, I'm sure many will build her in the future, but here's my take on the old girl, built one block at a time at 1:1 scale...
    14. Edymnion

      Docking Beam on Pickup Points

      I'll keep it brief. My drones have their docker fairly well offset from the camera due to how my rail launch and recovery is set up. Makes it very annoying to try and jiggle back and forth trying to hit the sweet spot for magnetic docking to make it latch onto the pickup point when I'm having...
    15. Edymnion

      Jump Drive Overcharge

      Currently if you charge your jump drive and then lose some mass (like deploying drones) you can see that the drive retains the extra energy in that it shows a second more opaque slice of charge in the overlay. These days, the most dangerous thing in the universe for me isn't pirates or...
    16. Edymnion

      Planned Sector Boundary Spawn Protection

      One thing I've had an issue with before but never thought to mention: We need protections in place to prevent a station from spawning so that parts of it cross sector boundaries. I've designed large stations in the past in single player creative where I could crank the advanced build area up...
    17. Edymnion

      Range to Target When Overheating

      Pretty simple one here this time. When you focus on a target ship/asteroid/station/whatever with F, the HUD gives you the distance to it in meters. When the target is overheating, the overheat timer replaces the distance readout. Makes it quite difficult to tell how close you actually are to...
    18. Edymnion

      Read by Council AI Assisted Aim

      Right now, the only really viable ship based weapons for taking out other ships are lock on missiles and beams (IMO), due to the fact that they can actually be accurately aimed by a human. Cannon fire, dumbfire missiles, etc for me at least are relegated to either base assault weapons (cannons...
    19. Edymnion

      Planned Build Mode: Flip Axis

      Dunno about anyone else, but I seem to work better on a top down build orientation, as in I find it easier to work on something when I'm slightly above it looking down than I do from below looking up. Makes it harder for me to get enthusiastic about doing the under side of ships and stations...
    20. Edymnion

      New Trailer

      Its been 2 years since the last trailer video. It was made before rails, and had to use "faked" elevator lifts to get some of the footage it did (don't get me wrong, that was genius, but we can do it for real now). Think maybe its about time we got a new trailer that shows off our rails, our...