Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Planned Keep a Steam-Free Option

      Not so much a gamplay suggestion as a distribution model request. Keep a version of the game that doesn't require Steam to play. I hate Steam, I hate it so very much. I hate it's ads, I hate it's constant attempts to shove me into a community I don't want to be in, I hate it deciding to...
    2. Edymnion

      Ship Points, Utterly Random

      Okay, I knew the various ship points were funky and rather meaningless, but this takes the cake. Offensive score of almost 18 million. With an entire armament of 16 anti-missile turrets and some decorative weapon modules on the bridge: Now granted, its a kilometer long (starting to...
    3. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Invisible, Intangible Rail Dockers

      Ever since we switched to rails and dockers, actually docking a ship has become far more painful than it really needs to be. In ye olden times, the docking beam came from the core so you could always see it, and docking would simply position the core over the docker. If the ship had extra bits...
    4. Edymnion

      Implemented Mirror Cubes by Default

      Okay, quick and simple one. Before, mirroring cubes only really applied to computers and displays. These days slabs are a much more common build element, and if you don't have mirror cubes on, bad things happen. Nothing quite like sitting back all satisfied after a long day's build thinking...
    5. Edymnion

      Planned Turrets: Target Wireless

      So, messing around more with drones (finally) and started wishing that I could power/shield them without having to take up so many blocks on the drone itself. Then it hit me, we have power and shield supply beams, and we have turrets. AI isn't at a place yet where we could stick a Shield...
    6. Edymnion

      Humor: Asteroid Guns

      When guns are made from asteroids, only asteroids will be guns.
    7. Edymnion

      Recognized Auto-Align Station to Universe

      This is the view of the transporter room on my station: In the doorway there are area sensors to toggle gravity so that when I beam in and leave the transporter room it will automatically turn the gravity on. Thing is, when I cross into it to teleport out, this happens: Apparently the...
    8. Edymnion

      Sit and Spin Mining Drone?

      Okay, so I finally got around to building a test mining drone, and its a little... derpy. Okay, a lot derpy. It has power, lots of thrust, properly linked cargo space, and as you can see it (usually) will start mining just fine. Sometimes it'll do nothing but sit and spin, but usually it...
    9. Edymnion

      Saved Server Host List: Where Is It?

      When you're logging in, there is a dropdown list of the servers you've connected to. After a server I'm on dies, I usually bounce around a lot of different new ones until I find one I like and settle there, so I have a laundry list of said server hosts in the dropdown. Right now its not a big...
    10. Edymnion

      Read by Council Dockable Shipyard Anchors

      Depending on the ship I'm building, I sometimes like to have the core (and the bridge built around the core) at the front of the ship, sometimes in the back of the ship, sometimes on top somewhat exposed like a Star Trek bridge, sometimes buried in the ship itself. Aka, I'm very inconsistent...
    11. Edymnion

      Implemented Remove Hull/Armor Manufacturing Cube Middleman Step

      If you want to make a hull/armor wedge, tetra, hepta, or corner, you first have to manufacture the standard cube, then turn the cube into the shaped piece you want. Which means for every non-cube hull/armor block you want, you have to manufacture it twice, first as a cube then as the block you...
    12. Edymnion

      Work Around for Undo Paste Crash?

      Okay, I'm working on parts of a station that are just huge amounts of precise copy/paste work, so I'm hitting this bug CONSTANTLY now. It isn't consistent, so I'm wondering if anyone has spotted a pattern to it yet that can be exploited to avoid it until it can be fixed?
    13. Edymnion

      Implemented Slow Your Roll

      Holding shift decreases your forward momentum (aka, puts on the brakes), it doesn't decrease your angular moment. Aka, when you do a roll, the only way to stop is to either let it slow down on it's own, or hit the button to roll the opposite direction. When you're trying to align to something...
    14. Edymnion

      Do Forecefields Cause Lag?

      Something that got said on server the other day that I hadn't heard. That large force fields (as in the blue/yellow/red force field blocks in large continuous sheets) cause unusually high amounts of difficulty for the server. Can anyone else confirm/deny if this is the case?
    15. Edymnion

      Planned Logic Shipyard Anchors

      I would love to be able to have docking effects for my shipyard the same way I have for the rest of my docking areas. Turn lights on/off, have gangplanks extend when a ship is docked in the shipyard, etc. Only problem, can't put logic blocks on shipyard anchors or they block the actual ship...
    16. Edymnion

      Read by Council Bank Vaults

      Have already been discussions about better banking in the game. But one I don't think we've see before: Make money take up space, and then have a bank block with it's form of cargo to hold the money in. Just so we can have bank vaults full of money that piles up until we can jump around in it...
    17. Edymnion

      Have You Mothballed Your Titan?

      Just a quick and dirty show of hands. Now that fleets have been out for a little while, have you retired your large ships and switched over to a fleet of smaller ones?
    18. Edymnion

      Venting - So hard to find a decent server

      Ugh, I am having a devil of a time trying to find an acceptable server to play on these days. It seems nobody really does a plain vanilla PvE server anymore. Everybody is "Huge mining bonus!/Hardcore 1x mining bonus only", "No solo factions", "Vote for our server and get God Mode!", "Block...
    19. Edymnion

      Recognized Disable Systems While Docked

      Not the turrets, just the onboard systems like weapons and salvage arrays. Why? Well starting on a new server, I picked my temporary planet base location to get started, built a house into a cliff face so I could dock my miner hanging out over the plate without having to do messy landings...
    20. Edymnion

      Planned Nested Fleets - aka Squadrons

      One thing I would like to see in the future are nested fleets. Specifically, I'd like to be able to designate specific squadrons underneath my main carrier and be able to order the squadrons around independently. Specific examples? Fighter escort squadrons that go after the same target, and...