Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Suggested Alternative Turret Docking Ideas

      The ability to add a turret to a ship/station from build mode is an often requested feature, primarily because of larger ships having larger numbers of turrets (in the dozens or more) and the time wasting hassle of spawning one in from blueprint, flying over to it, flying it back, etc. So...
    2. Edymnion

      Entity Wide Master Storage Interface - Aka: Build Mode Lite

      Okay, I've been working on my station lately and something that is becoming an ever growing annoyance to me: I like to sort out my blocks in storage into different containers so that all of the armor is in say box 1, the weapons are in box 2, the decorative items are in box 3, etc. However...
    3. Edymnion

      How Does Stop Work?

      Not how to build a stop effect weapon, but mechanically? Is it "Weapon Damage >= Thrust, Ship Stops"? Something else?
    4. Edymnion

      Storage Sort

      Pretty simple one. I have automated sorting into boxes (so all the hull/armor goes into one box, all the weapon computers/modules into another, etc) and after long days of farming pirates I get a wide range of random parts that end up going into my storage essentially at random. Might have...
    5. Edymnion

      Initialize the Shipyard Space

      Might have changed recently as its been a little while since I've built anything big in a shipyard, but I've had times before where I'd be building large in a shipyard and got hit with "build area not initialized". Really? Since the shipyard has known boundries, can't we just initialize the...
    6. Edymnion

      Hull Temperature Display

      Okay, I know we have a heat map that helps define where asteroids spawn, and I know that there is a zone around each star that is defined as damaging, so is there any way we could use some of this information to display hull temperature on the display? Objective of this would be: 1) Knowing...
    7. Edymnion

      Massive Memory Leak?

      It looks like we've got a memory leak on our hands after the patch. After the patch, I'm able to play normally right after starting the game, but my FPS drops steadily until I'm slideshowing. If I close the game completely and bring it back up, everything is fine for another 10 minutes or so...
    8. Edymnion

      Beta Launcher: Auto-Update Notice

      I'm on the beta launcher, everything looked good until I tried to log into the server and got the "versions out of sync" notice. Took me a few minutes to find where to select the newest build from the dropdown. Could we tweak that to be more visible when there is an update available? Maybe...
    9. Edymnion

      Re-Order or Re-Color Asteroids

      Not really a big thing, but I constantly find myself going "Okay, I need green asteroids, where were they in the chart again?" to try and figure out where a specific type of asteroid is in relation to the star (aka, where it is in the heat map). Might make things a bit more intuitive if the...
    10. Edymnion

      New Launcher: Where Are The Tools?

      Specifically I'm looking for the skin uploader, but also need the blueprint importer/exporter.
    11. Edymnion

      Fleet Control Buttons/Blocks

      I'd really like to have the ability to either put specific fleet commands on my hotbar, or to be able to automatically trigger them via logic. Example: My mining drone carrier currently has logic to launch the drones via an inner ship remote. Triggers all the logic to move the drones into...
    12. Edymnion

      Fleet Control: Mine Sector -> Mine Target

      Been running a serious mining drone fleet for the first time, so I finally have some real experience with it. Biggest thing I would like right now is the ability to tell the drones specifically which asteroid to start with. Especially at lower levels (as in, when you only have smaller ships)...
    13. Edymnion

      Docked Command Ships

      Something that I would honestly really like to have is, for lack of a better term, a docking command ship. A relatively small ship that I could dock to a larger one, and then take control of everything the large ship has from the smaller one. Kind of a plug and play mobile bridge that I could...
    14. Edymnion

      Larger Thruster Plumes - With Color

      This mod has been around for a while, would love to see it become standard: Larger Thruster Plumes Just let us link it up to lights in order to change the plume color.
    15. Edymnion

      Texture Issues

      Haven't played in several months, trying to get back into it. Updated, java would crash every time I tried to load the world, always at the same place (48% with the error saying it was related to block textures). So, I told it to do a full forced re-download. Redownloaded everything, game...
    16. Edymnion

      Recognized by Council Link All: Lights

      Just a quicky. Was trying to set multiple adjacent lights to a single logic output and discovered you can't Shift + V on lights to link them all at once. Several hundred individual 'v' presses later I got it all done, but would have been nice to be able to link entire rows and blocks of lights...
    17. Edymnion

      Implemented Jump Down to Main Core

      Often times when I'm working on adding multiple turrets to a ship, there will be ones where I'll get stuck somewhere odd inside the ship or turret. Ideally I should be able to just Down my way to the core of the main ship, but most times I simply get lost in other turrets until I give up and...
    18. Edymnion

      Recognized All Entity Menu: Fixed Positions

      The order in which items appear in the Ship > All Entity menu are constantly shifting. Could we please nail those buggers down so that they always appear in a fixed order (like alphabetical)? Gets to be a pain to have to constantly stop and search for where the main rail entry is so I can...
    19. Edymnion

      Deus [ex Machina] : Titan Hybrid Carrier

      Welp, been working on a new titan lately, and its finally coming along enough to show off a bit. Goal I'm shooting for is a double hybrid, hopefully I can pull it off. I say double hybrid as I am attempting to build it as a both a hybrid armor/shield tank, and as a gunboat/carrier...
    20. Edymnion

      Read by Council Jump Drives - Highway to the Danger Zone!

      Okay, but in all seriousness, would it be possible to have a mechanic in place to stop a jump drive from activating if the output point is inside of a star? Or give a warning that makes you click again to get it to activate? I swear, forget pirates and other players, the biggest threat to my...