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    1. X

      Questions on Pirates.

      Figured this would be a good place to ask another question on pirates... Is there a way to get the pirates to use more than 8 different ships? Did a bunch of testing with custom pirates last night and found that no matter how many ships I set for enemy use, there was never more than 8...
    2. X

      My speculation on HP implementation and why it will be awesomesauce

      I don't think things will ever stalemate. I think what'll happen is that once one ship starts taking serious damage, it jumps out. But that's a whole 'nother fix and prolly a fairly long argument.
    3. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      I know. I haz lots of gravity tubes. 'Twas jus' bein' silly.
    4. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      The multifloor elevator is cool and everything, but you know in a month or two rails are going to make it infinitely easier to build. In fact, I'll bet the devs are working to make sure of it just to spite you ;)
    5. X

      Question about attack drones

      Actually, they can. And they're MUCH easier to launch that way since you can just use the structure tab and undock all fixed, or set up a logic button to undock them. The reason for the pod comes in resetting and resupplying drones. Instead of having to manually buy a whole bunch of drone...
    6. X

      My speculation on HP implementation and why it will be awesomesauce

      There are lots of threads on one hit KO being too easy and too boring. There are lots of replies of the "wait for HP system" variety. There is very little info on what the HP system will be. I'm bored, so I figured this is how I'd do it, and how it would make armor matter and battles much...
    7. X

      Update in one day...maybe?

      Hey, I just met you and this is crazy But here's a bug list So update maybe (I'm so very sorry, but OP's subject just stuck that ear worm in my head, and I felt compelled to share)
    8. X

      What are the largest possible asteroid dimensions?

      I have an idea for another of my silly ships, but I want it to be able to match the biggest possible asteroids in the game. So, was wondering if anyone had already figured out max dimensions, or if I was going to have to go out and do it myself.
    9. X

      Fation home and system resetting themselves

      Just to follow up. Moving my station to a new sector fixed the problem. The server now has no problem letting me keep my home. So I guess my advice is: If you build your station in orbit around a planet, don't kill the planet. Or, better yet, don't build space stations near planets.
    10. X

      A question on L-shaped grav tube detection location

      First, thanks all for the replies so far. Thalanor, that's easy to do for one way tubes. My tube is bi-directional. It works now. Just requires you to stand in the middle of the platform. Was hoping there was a way to make it more fault resistant.
    11. X

      A question on L-shaped grav tube detection location

      The opening just before the turn for the triggers that will make that turn? Doesn't that screw up when you hit the second set of triggers, or make you turn one block too soon?
    12. X

      Can pirates attack offline players?

      We're running on a rented server and both using steam install clients. Pretty sure the server updates from steam as well (Blue Fang)
    13. X

      Can pirates attack offline players?

      One of my players logged off last night with his ships all docked on his non-fation-home planet. He logged on this morning and a couple of his ships were missing, and another had lost its turrets. I was the only one logged in during the time he was off. I did not blow them up. So, is it...
    14. X

      A question on L-shaped grav tube detection location

      I lurve gravity elevators. Up down bidirectional no problem. I have a working L-shaped tube as well, but with a catch. You have to be standing exactly on the center of the floor before hitting the activator in order to make sure you catch the detection blocks at the turn because I could not...
    15. X

      Fation home and system resetting themselves

      It was next to a planet, so I'm guessing yes. And now that I think about it, it was roughly the same time I blew up the planet that this started happening. Does this mean I need to move my station? Because I think I can figure out how to do that although I'd prefer not to.
    16. X

      Fation home and system resetting themselves

      Like the subject says, the space station that is my faction home, and the fact that I own the system both reset any time I live my home sector long enough for it to unload from memory. Other owned systems show up and work fine. I have over 10k faction points. It is not an admin changing...
    17. X

      Question about block ratio for weapons

      I don't think Sven was talking about the DPS of the gun, but about how easy it'd be to add 100% secondary effect since all you'd have to match with your tertiary blocks is a single block master. So you'd get 1 block master, 5998 block slave, 1 block effect. That's way easier to build and...
    18. X

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      LoadOut, My chaff systems works flawlessly. It's very difficult to get missiles to hit my ships with it installed. If I went crazy and checkerboarded the inside of my hull with cannons, it might very well get to impossible. Except from the front. From the front, I can't use the chaff...
    19. X

      The early work of the Xavori Imperial Shipyard

      Aww thanks. Next up for me is finishing my station, and then building a carrier. I'm hoping the devs finish rails faster than I finish my station so I'll have them available for my carrier.
    20. X

      The early work of the Xavori Imperial Shipyard

      I've only been playing the game a month now, but loving it. Here's some of early ships. First up, a pure homage ship because if you read the newbie handbook to games, you are required to build at least one, and usually several clones of more famous things. Plus, this ship is insanely...