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    1. X

      XavLogic: 5 block infinite input (high pulse) toggle

      Ya, I've noticed the delays. Because they are consistent, you can actually use them in your circuits reliably. I started working on this after watching your video and watching Bench make a JK flip-flop, and realizing that while toggles are useful, those circuits are as big as Minecraft...
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      XavLogic: 5 block infinite input (high pulse) toggle

      This is the smallest possible toggle I could come up with after quite a bit of trial and error. It consists of an OR which is the input that is linked to a SvenCell™ (AND/OR memory cell) and a NAND. So 5 blocks. Either block of SvenCell™ becomes your output as that cell toggles its state...
    3. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      I've started calling them SvenCells™ since I stole them from your video. Gimmee a sec and I'm going to post a screenshot of my 5 block infinite input toggle that I built out of nothing more than an OR, a SvenCell™, and a NAND.
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      Add autofill and angled blocks to build helper

      I'm all for as much control as we can get on the shape building. As I mentioned I'd like to be able to use half an ellipsoid for a dome or maybe a quarter of an ellipsoid for the corner of a building or turret, etc. And I can definitely see how being able to set all the dimensions of a torus...
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      Missile Setups

      You should watch Sven's video on what AI difficulty actually does :P
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      Star Trek Phasers

      A weapon that is part of your ship cannot hit your ship. So like Panpiper said, if you build the weapon inside your hull, it can still fire. You can build anything you want over the top of it if you want making it look EXACTLY like a ship from Star Trek. Of course, we're still a few years...
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      What is the ideal shield capacitor/shield recharger ratio?

      Okay. I'm gonna just hafta say it. There is no spoon. Err... There is no ratio. Do not consider these two blocks to have much of anything to do with each other when placing them. Shield Capacitor: How big of a hit you can take with some consideration for covering DPS if and only if you...
    8. X

      Is there a truly complete list of admin commands somewhere?

      The wiki is still missing tons of commands. All the creature stuff, clear overheating, etc. If nobody else does, I'll prolly get time to fix it Monday.
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      Star Trek Phasers

      Beam - Cannon-whatever-red light works exactly like Star Trek phasers. It's a continuous beam and you can use the mouse cursor to track along the surface of your target. In fact slaving cannons to just about any beam-thing gets it to continuous. I'm a big fan of doing that to my salvage guns.
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      Is there a truly complete list of admin commands somewhere?

      I know the wiki has the cost common, but I've found others that aren't on the wiki and that do work. I'd even be willing to update the wiki to the complete working list if someone would just point me in the direction of where to find it.
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      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Me. I can say, "No." I can also say, "Ni." I can even say, "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious." Anyway, animated doors is bad laggy on huge doors. Small shuttle and figher doors, tho. Ya. They're cool.
    12. X

      How do I give pirates new blueprints and other questions...

      My testing and working with pirates: 1. You need to use the admin tab of the catalog to get the 'enemies' permission to stick. 2. You can only have 8 different blueprints available for pirates. Setting more than 8 just means some blueprints get ignored. 3. Weight absolutely affects the...
    13. X

      Add autofill and angled blocks to build helper

      Let me begin by saying I lurve the advanced build mode. Lurve. Lurve. Lurve. The one thing that does get a tiresome, tho, is filling in all the blocks when I'm using the build helper. Then, after filling it in, having to go back and figure out all the angled blocks that need to go in to...
    14. X

      Starmade Masterclass - Learn the theory behind logic etc.

      I think you could save yourself a lot of extra words and video just by teaching people what each logic block does and then how to make a pulse limiter, an RSNOR memory cell, a clock circuit, and maybe a T flip-flop. You really can do just about anything with just those tools because unlike...
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      Seeking Information: Anti-missile turrets

      You should also test using the various colored lights to create a nude portrait of Rosie O'Donnell on your ship. Pretty sure nothing would hit that...
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      Will the game have AI factions in the future?

      You're wrong about it not coming any time soon. I'm pretty sure everything in the game is coming Soon™.
    17. X

      Looking for help simiplifying a logic system

      Thank you for the reply. I think looping the single pulse back might actually be the best solution as it simplifies setting up timing by a lot. And ya, I was considering using a memory cell based clock at one point. I prolly still will do it since you can use it for things like animated...
    18. X

      Looking for help simiplifying a logic system

      Okay, what I'm trying to do is build a logic system that toggles lights/doors/guns/etc at fixed time intervals and can control as many different things as I feel like hooking into the system. Here's my current brute force solution: The top clock is a 4 second interval to the activator below...
    19. X

      Seeking Information: Anti-missile turrets

      Some testing I've done on this problem. Turrets and drones don't necessarily fire all the weapons computers they have available. There is no consistency in this problem either. I've had drone/turrets that used all their guns, and other drone/turrets that would only use a single gun. I've...