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    1. X

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      Well, that's the whole points of creative combat. Finding a weakness in your enemy and then exploiting it. Oh, and aircraft carries aren't escorted by battleships. Battleships are all pretty much mothballed because missiles and drones make them unnecessary. Aircraft carriers tend to get...
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      Named cargo and cascading ship storage guide

      Ya, I've been using the cascading cargo chain all along, so the new naming is great.
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      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      So while this is cool and all (and I truly hope we can do rail launched drones)... What's to stop someone like me creating a drone killer that uses lots of internal heat seeker missiles firing from every direction on my ship using logic to automate them while I focus on flying? Yes, I can't...
    4. X

      Activate logic from Inside your ship core/build block!

      While I, like many others, definitely look forward to the day when we can stick activation blocks into our hotbar with labels, I'm not sure this is a good work around. It's still a pain to click into the named inventory and trigger movement of some kind vs just go into build mode and click a...
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      Is there a good way to add custom pirate ships?

      Sven, quick question on that Isanth pack... If I switch to those, do they still drop loot, and more importantly, can I still reduce it in the config file?
    6. X

      Named cargo and cascading ship storage guide

      With the newest hotfix, we gained the ability to name up to 16 storage boxes per structure (ship/station/planet). Kinda meh, thinks you? Well, you're wrong. It's love. And now I'll teach you why. First thing, you should ALWAYS set up ship's cargo in a cascading chain. What that means is...
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      Is there a good way to add custom pirate ships?

      Thanks all for the replies. Defintiely going to add the new Isants, Sven. Thanks. That alone should up them for a bit.
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      Is there a good way to add custom pirate ships?

      And by good way, I mean actually works :P After googling and reading various threads, I come in desperation to y'all. I really want to make the pirates harder, but don't want to give them access to all player ships. I figure a few 75 mass shielded fighters, some upgraded existing ships, and...
    9. X

      StarMade v0.1885 Hotfix and fast inventory management

      Yay for named inventory! Boo for not enough of them :P Also, please let us set filters by keywords. That way I can grab all "advanced armor" in to one chest without having to pick all colors of all pieces mnaually.
    10. X

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      So how many blocks does it take to spawn a station? And do the shops let you trade blocks or something, or no shops? I'm curious since like I said, I'm stupidly rich in credits without trying, and now with having a couple ships that wtfpwnbbq pirates, it's not like I have much use for credits...
    11. X

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      Ya know...I'm gonna go slam my head into the wall a few times. Just checked and the game reports the ship at 7094.4 mass with 100,526 blocks. So it's going to be the tiny happy adorable ship I thought it would be when I started the build. I was definitely looking at blocks and thinking mass...
    12. X

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      1. My ship is definitely not a "noob cube". It's adorable, and boxes are not. Well, except Companion Cube, but that's only because it loves me. 2. Your math sucks. If I built a rectangular box, I could stick 1,958, 580 blocks in it. It's nowhere near a box, which is how I knew it would be...
    13. X

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      Well, I originally envisioned my ship as a dreadnought with mining capabilities (cuz why not when I have that much space to play with). It's got decent firepower 4500-4500-4500 cannon-cannon-punch as a main gun, and a pair of 1500 block guided missiles (~7m energy each to fire...missiles don't...
    14. X

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      I know. I know. It's been debated a thousand times and a newbie like me shouldn't be dredging up things like this. But I have to since my poor ship is getting to be really sensitive about his weight. See, he's only 261m long. Compared to the titans I've seen in videos, that's tiny. And he's...
    15. X

      Are the plex lifters going to stay like this?

      Build a ship that doesn't have a beer gut? I'm kinda failing at that. My current ship (ya, I'll post pics in a day or two when it's done) is definitely not a skinny, supermodel type. It's only 260m long, but also 81m high and 93m wide, and is likely going to mass at 150k-200k. It's also the...
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      Are the plex lifters going to stay like this?

      I'm building a 60 story space station. Pretty sure taking the stairs will kill you.
    17. X

      Regarding Logic

      You can also just throw an activator in your core room and go into build mode for a moment to activate your drone launches. Pretty much the same trick you'd use to shove all the floaty stuff you get after smashing open a loot pinata.
    18. X

      Are the plex lifters going to stay like this?

      By that, I mean are they going to stay off center? If so, can we at least rotate them to pick how they're screwed up? Cuz I could see some interesting ways to "hide" the plex lifter shaft while still having a decent looking elevator. But I don't want to set up new lifts only to have them get...
    19. X

      For the love of sweet baby Jesus!! (and other Inventory Filtering desires)

      My suggestion for inventory improvement would be much simpler. Just let the filter grab everything by a typed-in category. For example, if I type "advanced armor" into the filter, every block that has advanced armor in its name should go into that storage bin. That way I don't have to pick...
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      For the love of sweet baby Jesus!! (and other Inventory Filtering desires)

      Just taking a quick look at your suggestion made me cry. Building a large ship when you can only hold 1k mass or 5k mass or whatever would bite. Add in the fact I'm flipping between pages in my inventory, and I'm going to kill things. Prolly you. Which server do you play on just in case...