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    1. X

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      Kinda surprised you haven't built a JK flip-flop counter. I wasn't kidding when I said it was the go-to counter in electronic circuits since computers don't care what a pain it is to convert to base 10, nor are they unfamiliar with what numbers look like. 'Course in Minecraft simply building...
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      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      And yet you had to stick those delays in because???? Now, finish the circuit so that the binary counter can output something other than binary. Not saying your solution is wrong or bad. After all, JK synch counters are the go-to choice in electronics for a reason. But my counter was built...
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      Dev Blog : February 26th 2015

      ZOMG I JUST CHECKED AND NONE OF MY SUGGESTIONS HAVE PREFIXES CUZ THE DEVS ARE BIASED AND HATE AMERICA AND FREEDOM AND STUFF AND REASONS!!!11!eleventy!!!!!!111! I'm actually kinda surprised we haven't gotten that in a thread yet. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's a mandatory rule of all game...
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      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Not sure why you're pissed off. We are just having a discussion about a game. We are not deciding the fate of the world or trying to cure cancer or anything of true importance... However, no playing silly definition games. You did know what I meant. A real world circuit that say, has a...
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      Recognized Server config option to keep some sectors loaded all the time

      Hence why it's an option and not mandatory. (p.s. Arguing bad administrators is pointless. Don't play on their servers. Problem solved not matter what it is which is important because this new feature would be the very least of what an admin can do in this game to play favorites. After all...
    6. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      takethispie I just came up with what I think is the perfect example of why StarMade logic and circuit logic are not the same thing. I accidentally misclicked a NOT block in a circuit I was working on and gave it a second input. You obviously can't do that in real world circuits. I thought...
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      Recognized Server config option to keep some sectors loaded all the time

      Pretty straightforward. I think the game would benefit from being able to name at least one sector (and preferably more) as 'always on' That means any factories, logic, NPC's in that sector would always be doing what they're supposed to be doing. And, as we get more tools for moving stuff...
    8. X

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      Ya. And not sure if you set out to do it or not, but you really are just a couple steps from building a full-on binary based computer. I just used your setup as an example because when I tried to google "Starmade logic counter" yours was the only truly relevant response I got. Apparently...
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      Star Trek Phasers

      Gotcha. And that's why god created heat seeker missiles with explosion effect. In a battle of cheese, its a gouda idea to have whey better ideas than your opponent or victory will nacho be yours.
    10. X

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      I do know how to build all the gates and flip flops. That was the first thing I figured out how to do once I started playing StarMade the same as it was the first thing I did when I started playing Minecraft the same thing as it was when I built my first little electronics kit computer way, way...
    11. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      That's just the basic Activator - NOT - DELAY - AND resetting pulse limiter that everyone uses. See... The wiring is just Activator into the NOT and the AND. The NOT into the DELAY. The DELAY into the AND, and the AND back into the activator. If you need longer than a single half second...
    12. X

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      It's not a bug. It's doing exactly what you'd expect it to do based on how StarMade batch process logic rather than sequentially processes each block. Basically, because StarMade doesn't have electrical flow simulation, you get all circuits that could be turned high or low during each half...
    13. X

      Star Trek Phasers

      Things have changed. Internal turrets don't do jack. They'll turn and make really growly noises at stuff outside the ship, and maybe they're actually shooting, but they won't hit anything outside because their weapons hit the mothership and do nothing. And yes, I really for reals tested this...
    14. X

      Logic Ticks for Factory Cycle

      Okay, first the solution to finding your answer: (and Sven is prolly right, but you can be sure) You can build a logic circuit to time your storage ticks. Put down 2 storage blocks and slave them to each other and set them to pull everything. Throw 1 item into one of them. Doesn't matter...
    15. X

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      For some reason, there is a distinct lack of counters in StarMade. Not sure why. They are the heart of most sequential systems, fixed repetition systems, calculators, etc. I suspect when rails show up, they'll come into more use. I did find this monster...
    16. X

      Is it possible to keep a sector always loaded in server memory?

      Basically, I want to set up a logic clock that runs no matter what. To do that, I need the sector to stay active on the server even if no players are in that sector. Is there an admin command or a config file setting that will do this?
    17. X

      Logic Ticks for Factory Cycle

      What are you trying to do that simply chaining factories and storage doesn't accomplish?
    18. X

      Do y'all think there would be any point in asking for a shorter delay block?

      There are pros and cons to both systems. Like you said, in Minecraft you have to run redstone so it's usually necessary to make things bigger to account for the wiring. But Minecraft also processes redstone sequentially so its a lot easier to build circuits where you need things to happen in a...
    19. X

      Do y'all think there would be any point in asking for a shorter delay block?

      I spent yesterday making counters and clocks and stopclocks just playing around with the logic system to see what it's limits are. And the biggest limit is that the shortest possible pulse is a full half second. In logic terms, that's forever. That means the fastest counter I can reliably...
    20. X

      XavLogic: 5 block infinite input (high pulse) toggle

      I've built it in lots of arrangements. Then, after your post, I built it in just about every arrangement you can with five boxes. My personal favorite is now OR-(AND-NOT)-(AND-OR) because it's a straight line with the input at one end and the output at the other. I've stacked them in two rows...