Search results

    1. Ithirahad

      AwfulAstronomicalApellations - Fixed event listener priority

      Didn't realize how the priority system in Starloader events works. Any other mod should be able to override AAA's naming assignments now.
    2. Ithirahad

      Moar Void - Updated for Starloader changes.

      Now compatible with mod reloading.
    3. Ithirahad

      AsteroidFieldExpander - Updated for Starloader changes.

      Now compatible with StarLoader reload.
    4. Ithirahad

      TrekQuadrants - Updated for Starloader changes

      Now compatible with mod reload.
    5. Ithirahad

      AwfulAstronomicalApellations - Version 1.1: Admin Overrides

      AAA now comes with a new feature: manual name overrides! Admins can now override the random name generation, and assign names to star systems manually. To assign a name to a star system, use the command: /set_system_name x y z <NAME> e.g. /set_system_name 0 0 0 Origin To clear an assigned name...
    6. Ithirahad

      TrekQuadrants - The mod should work now.

      Fixed the .jar structure; mod should be usable.
    7. Ithirahad

      TrekQuadrants 1.02

      🛈 Requires Starloader. As of v0.202.104, run the latest dev build with the command-line argument -patch to get the latest Starloader every time the game starts. Simply tacks the name of the containing quadrant onto the system name. Eventually, I'd like to add the symbols onto the star map as...
    8. Ithirahad

      AwfulAstronomicalApellations 1.35 - Protostar

      🛈 Requires Starloader. As of StarMade dev branch v0.202.115 or so, Starloader comes standard with your StarMade install. This mod replaces the default modular star system name generation with a syllable-constructing name builder. The diversity should be far better than the default names. AAA...
    9. Ithirahad

      AsteroidFieldExpander - v1.01

      Prevented asteroids from going below vanilla limit (sometimes resulting in nonexistent asteroid entities); fixed internal mod name.
    10. Ithirahad

      Moar Void 1.3 - Astraeus

      🛈 Requires StarLoader. As of v0.202.115 or so, StarLoader comes standard with your game installation. Also, old versions of this mod relied on temporary features of development StarLoader and will no longer work. If you downloaded this and found it non-functional, please update to the latest...
    11. Ithirahad

      AsteroidFieldExpander 1.06 - Dimorphos

      🛈 Requires Starloader. As of v0.202.108, run the latest dev build, click on the 'enable modded' option inside the "Tools and Mods" panel, then reopen the game to play with mods. 🛈 Not currently recommended on multiplayer servers. Feel free to experiment with different server settings and...
    12. Ithirahad

      reintroduction power snakes

      It didn't make any sense. Reactors were ugly clusters of spaghetti capped by an arbitrary magic number, and then aux groups also had a magic number where they were optimal and after that you had to split over to another group, all with no real rhyme or reason as to why they were that way. Also...
    13. Ithirahad

      The Aethi Imperium: Aethi Saia Lem Vai'sa!

      The Selayanthe-class Transport Utility Vessel nears completion. Eventually, it will serve as the Imperium's light/medium cargo transport, as well as potentially replace the venerable Velkaaras-class as a primary mining vessel, using a special forward-mounted harvesting array attachment to...
    14. Ithirahad

      Red blackholes

      Having looked at the code, black-hole colouration is simply a parameter that is randomly assigned to every single system (if memory serves, this is including void systems!) when galaxies generate. Whichever type of stellar object gets placed inside, it inherits the system colour. In this case of...
    15. Ithirahad

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Smaller ships are naturally more maneuverable, meaning it's inherently going to be harder to land a hit. Do you really want corvette/FAC or fighter battles to take an hour because defenses and 'damage sponge scales' are scaled perfectly to how they work with face-tanky capital ships? Also from...
    16. Ithirahad

      Screenshots for official use

      A starter mining ship of mine, hacking away at a rock. (pssst: tone down those rock colours pls) (rejected, but subsequently updated) fleet submission, and accompanying station. I should get back to working on those... More of those ships. IDK, random test interior. Not the greatest, I'll admit.
    17. Ithirahad

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      I've seen similar, albeit inconsistent, issues with beam aiming. There's nothing we can do about it; it's a code issue and not a config one. Cannons can hit sometimes, but it seems to depend on acceleration direction and relative velocity. Again, that's a Schema problem. We aren't going to try...
    18. Ithirahad

      Balancing with Mass is fundamentally flawed!

      I'm not huge on the idea of balancing via mass either, tbh, but I don't really have the expertise to weigh in on that subject too much, so instead I'll just point out that armor sucking is an issue that goes beyond trying to minmax for mass. If you want to measure with power output, then the...
    19. Ithirahad

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      As far as I've seen, the infinite strafing is only a big deal in free-space 1v1s, which are only common because StarMade isn't a game yet. In fleet combat or 2v1 or whatever, or where actual objectives are being attacked or defended, 3D positioning aside from range starts to matter, and things...
    20. Ithirahad

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      I'm not going to spend time trying to reply to everything here, but I will say... any comparison between the stuff on this ship and aimbotting is pretty silly. This is all ingame stuff, and with a few tricks you could more or less do all of this in survival without ever touching a creative server.