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    1. CyberTao

      Derelict stations

      It is not, not at this point anyways. It's probably buried in the code somewhere, but isn't something we can set. I imagine when loot-chests are added back in, it will be done is such a way that we could set it as well (probably after loot-clouds get fixed as well), same as the creature spawners...
    2. CyberTao

      Is Star Made primarily a shipbuilding game?

      Starmade is still missing a lot of it's features really, I've always thought of it becoming a "survival sandbox". But one of the most important thing in space games is the ability to travel through space, so ships are important. We are missing a lot 'content' wise though, that's why starmade...
    3. CyberTao

      More methods of propulsion

      The different blocks would have different textures, and some people use system blocks as Decor already. I think what he was pointing to, was the various 'effects', like the shrinking or the glowing and such. Snk, the ideas are interesting but unneeded. At the end of the day, once you strip it...
    4. CyberTao

      Temporary quick fix: Default player shop prices

      All you said was prices were resetting, nothing about buy or sell prices exactly. What's more, the blocks in a shop are in some cases more valuable than the credits. Unless a price of Zero means that it can't be bought/sold, you provide an easy exploit that allows anyone to steal all the blocks...
    5. CyberTao

      Effect Module Damage Calculation

      The problem with that is it doesn't take into account like Pierce/Ion affecting hull and shields in an opposite fashion. Also, the push/pull/stop effect do have a damage modifier of not-just-0 (I think it's x3 applied in thrust). What you could do is have 3 of those, one for hull, shield and...
    6. CyberTao

      What is the "HP system" I've heard about?

      In a later post, I added a quote from Calbiri; If you go to the other post, it's quoted properly and you can go to the thread I got it from.
    7. CyberTao

      Temporary quick fix: Default player shop prices

      Prices should default to zero, because you don't want to have to constantly change the prices, but if anyone else wants to change the prices, they should be forced to go through the effort? How is 0 a good value for player-economy as well? That's just giving away blocks, there's no economics in...
    8. CyberTao

      Ship Wreckage

      Kinda sounds like the Press X to loot body feature games like farcry has. Not sure if that's the effect you want, but is what it sounds like to me.
    9. CyberTao

      Atra's Reactor works.

      Due to the recent buffs to power supply beams, I have to ask. Is this thing still a thing?
    10. CyberTao

      New Propulsion system

      I thought Overdrive was used to increase Maximum speed, meaning that what you are suggesting already exists more or less.
    11. CyberTao

      A discussion on the usefulness of fighters

      They do actually, Isanth have All Weapon variants, Mb is just a rarer spawn that only appears at higher wave strengths (More difficult pirate spawns). I'm not sure if they can fire their missiles though, due to them have being made before weapons were finalized, they may not have enough power to...
    12. CyberTao

      Server editable speed limit for massive ships.

      Bigger engines means more acceleration, which would overcome more of the space friction. Keeps larges ship from reaching the speed cap unless they invest in some power thrusters, which was the idea iirc.
    13. CyberTao

      Block Behavor Config

      At the very bottom of the blockBehaviourConfig is the area for effects, divided into sections (1 per effects). Each effect then lists variables for the various weapon types, and the bottom, you'll find this snippet. <PiercingDamagePerservedOnImpact> The amount of damage carried through from...
    14. CyberTao

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      To the Left is FrankRa's ship, I believe he said the inspiration came from deviant art. Back half wasn't finished, but I don't think it is Tartaran?
    15. CyberTao

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      Yeah... sorry bout that. The server is good for building, but doesn't always hold up well when stuff starts to happen. Crashed it last night and it needs Deb or Creeper to reboot it manually, guess they haven't gotten a chance yet, sleep and school and all.
    16. CyberTao

      Scanner Power Consumption

      Scanners are quite widely used, the power cost is so they cannot be used so freely as to render Cloak and Jamming useless (I imagine they wont be able to instantly recloak or jam forever).
    17. CyberTao

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      Always something to see here, aint there?
    18. CyberTao

      Jaas' terrible engines

      Still better than "Whiteship" and "SmallShip". Names are hard.
    19. CyberTao

      Remove the diminishing Power regen

      Yes and no, the power formula is a combination of a flat rate and a group bonus. The flat rate is 25 e/s per block, and the grouping bonus curves and caps at 1 million, it's because of the other reactor blocks used that increase it to over that. 1.2 million is just a rough guide for most setups...
    20. CyberTao

      Any way to fix the Ghost Computer bug? /Nope

      It's some bug that is saved to the ship, persists after login and is saved to the Blueprint of the ship as well. Once you get it, you can't be rid of it it seems. Will try that Lancake was kinda hoping there was a better way, but it is only a fighter, easy enough to copy/pasta.