Weapons Demonstration: News and Discussion

    Jun 29, 2013
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    I've just read the last news (9/04/2014) and i'm not sure rebalancing of cloack/jamming is a good idea.
    Firstly make an only perma cloacked ship become more harder.
    Secondly, jamming disable missile's tracking, this mean no more missile's tracking with this new balance, it's too easy to get this ratio of pw/blocks and this option will become a standard feature on all ship.
    I don't know if with the new update a new tracking system is added and in this case my comment is usless but in the other case maybe the ratio need to be reconsidered.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    Correction... Nothing *WAS* balanced ;)
    kkkk New dev build with the blockbehavior changed. want to test and see if the purple box bug was smashed away.

    more things i see from the my testings with the the 214200 dev build.

    Test AMC with the scales master-slave 1x10, 1x50, 1x100, 100x200 2*100x1 , 2*100x10, 2*100x50, 2*100x100 and 2*100 x 2*10.
    From this tests i seen that any combo that past the master-slave scale of 1-1 on the slave being bigger gets about the same of the equal scale.
    When you have more than one array of the same gun you need to do the same amount of arrays for the slave for better performace and effect scale.

    --- After read news ---

    I already see the file Calbiri, i notice some changes, but to see how it work out i need to get home for test there. i Hope the color for weapons change the place for any other place and be able to conect it with the concetion
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Looking forward to playing with the actually balanced weapons, I also had a weird bug this morning and I'll have to see if it happens again in this build.


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    I think changing 50e/block to 5e/block on the radar jamming device was a bit too much. Personally I would put on something between 25~10/block, in a ratio that could benefit more fighters then capital ships. The small ships needs more relevance IMHO...
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    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    I think changing 50e/block to 5e/block on the radar jamming device was a bit too much. Personally I would put on something between 25~10/block, in a ratio that could benefit more fighters then capital ships. The small ships needs more relevance IMHO...
    I think that Calbiri's thought between the jamming change is to provide a patchwork to the issues of 'core drilling' (especially now with weapons capable of actually drilling straight through a whole ship) to sate our needs while Schema is working on the permanent solution. Unless a ship has been drained of power by either overuse or EMP weaponry, you shouldn't be able to tell it's core location. This forces you to guess it's location or drain your opponent's energy until you have a bead on exactly where to pierce the enemy to permanently disable them.

    Meanwhile, true stealth (cloaking and jamming at the same time) retains it's previous energy usage.


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    weapon colors for cannons are now in for the latest dev. The color is drawn from any lightsource that is placed directly below the computer. There will be a lot more colors coming soon (new crystals). The color is taken from the block config so it's already moddable if there are more colors needed
    Nov 13, 2013
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    My concern about the hotfix is that it really does a number on turrets. No trace on radar, no actual shots being fired.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    weapon colors for cannons are now in for the latest dev. The color is drawn from any lightsource that is placed directly below the computer. There will be a lot more colors coming soon (new crystals). The color is taken from the block config so it's already moddable if there are more colors needed
    do the new weapons have new sounds?
    Jul 12, 2013
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    weapon colors for cannons are now in for the latest dev. The color is drawn from any lightsource that is placed directly below the computer. There will be a lot more colors coming soon (new crystals). The color is taken from the block config so it's already moddable if there are more colors needed
    WoW this even better than what Calbiri talked.

    Please someone answer Ace because he is desperate!
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    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    aceface, the new weapons currently reuse old sounds, but it's safe to assume that weapon sounds will be changed to a higher base standard as well as given player customizability just as every other aspect of them has.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    aceface, the new weapons currently reuse old sounds, but it's safe to assume that weapon sounds will be changed to a higher base standard as well as given player customizability just as every other aspect of them has.
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    Aug 18, 2013
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    New weapons, decorative blocks, and logic gates! Keep up the good work!
    The jamming, while it seems like a nice fix, really breaks turrets. Combat currently begins at a distance of about 2KM, making it tough to hit anything without turrets, and requiring a high render distance if sight is your only targeting method.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    weapon colors for cannons are now in for the latest dev. The color is drawn from any lightsource that is placed directly below the computer. There will be a lot more colors coming soon (new crystals). The color is taken from the block config so it's already moddable if there are more colors needed
    Might not be the best solution for very small ships, which would otherwise use that space for a shield block or something. Perhaps weapons computers could have an inventory space to put a single light block into...?
    Aug 10, 2013
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    "The color of weapons (only cannons so far) can now be modified by placing any light source block directly under the output block of a weapon group."

    Jolly good. Colored projectiles are a great addition.

    One serious problem though; Don't put the colored light block BELOW the output. That'll make the barrel broader or take the place of a weapon block. Also looks weird if left uncovered.

    Puth the colored light IN FRONT OF the output. We already do that to make the barrels glow.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    "The color of weapons (only cannons so far) can now be modified by placing any light source block directly under the output block of a weapon group."

    Jolly good. Colored projectiles are a great addition.

    One serious problem though; Don't put the colored light block BELOW the output. That'll make the barrel broader or take the place of a weapon block. Also looks weird if left uncovered.

    Puth the colored light IN FRONT OF the output. We already do that to make the barrels glow.
    Position shouldn't matter, we just need the ability to link a crystal or light to the weapons computer itself.
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    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    linking the light block is being looked into. it really makes sense since then it would be the same system as support/effect combinations.

    For this update i just wanted to test the system to delegate any light through to the projectile.

    Also AI now uses the exactly same (code)module as the player ships. This will for one make all combinations/effects available to use for AI ships immediately, and secondly changing things will affect both systems the same, and lastly there is only one point of failure