Weapons Demonstration: News and Discussion

    Jun 20, 2013
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    In the image linked, it says you have 124,740 shield capacity, divide this number by 495 (the total capacity given per shield block) and you have 252 shield blocks on your ship.

    Each shield block provides 5.5 regen per second (the game mechanic rounds this number down, so at the worst you'll only ever lose 0.5 regen from an odd number amount of shield blocks.)

    This puts your total shield regen at 252X5.5=1386 which is what your image is displaying for your regen as well.

    Each shield block charges 55 power per second to activate its regen, this means that to keep your shields active while under fire, you must generate 13,860 power per second.

    Your stats say that your generating 43,558 power/second, with a total capacity of 53,263. This means that if your not running other systems (thrust, weapons, or various support systems) your ship should be able to maintain power on its shields indefinetly.
    There needs to then be a hotkey to recharge/not recharge shields because sometimes you just want to blast through someone who has downed your shield, but you can't because the shields are recharging and you are unable to fire.
    Nov 7, 2013
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    Can you provide the line of the Config that your using regarding the cannon setting, look in the starmade/data/config/blockBehaviorConfig XML and scroll down to this line.

    <Speed>2</Speed> <!-- In relation % to server max speed 1 = 100% -->
    <Damage style="buff" value="5" />
    <Reload style="nerf" inverse="true" value="5" />
    <Distance style="skip" />
    <Speed style="skip" />
    <Split style="skip" />
    <PowerConsumption style="buff" value="5" />

    I've been looking at the values you've stated and they simply don't make sense, you should not be able to achieve a 30 second reload time on any Cannon combination. Also, are you shooting shields, are you shooting armor? Using a 40k/40k cannon/pulse combo, I am getting 3,000,000 damage per volley against shields, every 15 seconds, this comes out to 200k dps. Using the same combo and shooting normal hull (25% damage reduction) I get ~150k dps, and against hardened hull (50% damage reduction) the damage is further reduced to only 100k dps.

    I don't know what the hell is going on either. Here is my config lines:

    <!-- In relation % to server max speed 1 = 100% -->
    <!-- Nerf based on amount of groups connected to the same controller: powerConsumption * (1+countGroups*thisValue); 0 tu turn off nerf-->
    </BasicValues><Combination><Cannon><Damage value="30" style="nerf"/><Reload value="30" style="buff" inverse="true"/><Distance style="skip"/><Speed style="skip"/><Split style="skip"/><PowerConsumption value="30" style="nerf"/></Cannon><Missile><Damage value="10" style="nerf"/><Reload style="skip"/><Distance style="skip"/><Speed style="skip"/><Split value="10" style="buff"/><PowerConsumption style="skip" inverse="true"/></Missile><Beam><Damage style="skip"/><Reload style="skip"/><Distance value="2" style="buff"/><Speed value="2" style="buff"/><Split style="skip"/><PowerConsumption style="skip" inverse="true"/></Beam><Pulse><Damage value="5" style="buff"/><Reload value="5" style="nerf" inverse="true"/><Distance style="skip"/><Speed style="skip"/><Split style="skip"/><PowerConsumption value="5" style="buff"/></Pulse></Combination></Cannon>

    Sorry for the messy display - couldn't make it any better.

    And i have screenshots that state that my gun with rate 41880 amc\44260 pulse has 30000 ms reload time. I'm as puzzled as you. I even timed it myself with my smartphone timer - i got 30.3 seconds. So this doesn't make any sense to me either.

    And yes, I was shooting shields on the same ship as the one i'm using for testing.

    Maybe the problem is that amc is divided in 7 arrays and pulse is one array. Maybe it's because i have a bit more pulse than amc. Or i don't know, SOMETHING...

    I even tested it on a newly build 1000\1000 gun and STILL got 30 000 ms reload speed. I don't know what to think about it anymore...

    And 40k-40k having the same dps as 40k amc is strange anyway. Shouldn't it be at least twice better? Because if you connect 40k amc with 40k amc you get dps of 80k amc. But you won't with the pulse? That's weird. The numbers you provided don't make sence to me. Again - what's the point of linking amc with pulse if you your dps remains the same, but the reload time is 5 times worse? You should rewise those numbers.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    In the image linked, it says you have 124,740 shield capacity, divide this number by 495 (the total capacity given per shield block) and you have 252 shield blocks on your ship.

    Each shield block provides 5.5 regen per second (the game mechanic rounds this number down, so at the worst you'll only ever lose 0.5 regen from an odd number amount of shield blocks.)

    This puts your total shield regen at 252X5.5=1386 which is what your image is displaying for your regen as well.

    Each shield block charges 55 power per second to activate its regen, this means that to keep your shields active while under fire, you must generate 13,860 power per second.

    Your stats say that your generating 43,558 power/second, with a total capacity of 53,263. This means that if your not running other systems (thrust, weapons, or various support systems) your ship should be able to maintain power on its shields indefinetly.
    So shields now scale linearly? I am going to have to strip a LOT of shields from my bigger ships in order to get them to be viable now... My destroyer does have 28613 shield modules which equals 14,163,435 with this linear scale. Originall it was only 754,725 so that's an increase of 13,408,710. My regen is 157,371.5 so this would take 8,655,432.5 E to charge my shields... This isn't even a warbox so I can only imagine how bad these changes are for people who spam systems in their ships. Has the soft cap in power been removed to counter this change? If power stops being effective at 1.2mil but shields on my not very big destroyer takes 8.6 million power than I imagine most ships out there are now useless.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    i like linear shields so its easier to have heavy shielded ships!
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I'm really starting to get disheartened after testing these updates... none of my ships are able to function anymore, they cannot power their guns, they cannot power their shields, and I don't see anyway of making them function. In combat power runs dry before the enemies shields break. Even my destroyer cannot kill a single target. Either power requirements need to come down or energy generation needs to go up. The 50000 power in the core helps but small amounts of power tanks are useless. I converted my missile turrets over to use the new weapons and one missile alone was taking 36000 power making the duel missile launcher impossible to self sustain.

    i like linear shields so its easier to have heavy shielded ships!
    It's a double edge sword, yes it's easy to make more tanky ships, but your enemy can do so as well. Additionally this plays favorites with larger ships too, throwing that big ship vs lots of smaller ships argument for a curve. I guess it is a change that needs to happen because it's the only way to make the new defence systems viable, less shield blocks gives you room for the new tech.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It's a double edge sword, yes it's easy to make more tanky ships, but your enemy can do so as well. Additionally this plays favorites with larger ships too, throwing that big ship vs lots of smaller ships argument for a curve. I guess it is a change that needs to happen because it's the only way to make the new defence systems viable, less shield blocks gives you room for the new tech.
    mhm, and will make it so battles don't end in 1 sec
    Aug 28, 2013
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    I've also noticed that when you hold down the trigger on anything that doesn't reload almost instantly, it "dry fires," consuming the same amount of energy as if you had actually fired, but not actually shooting. Is this a bug or intended functionality?