But turrets will be shielded yes? Please have them be shielded by the mothership's shield.
Because of this issue:
"Since the turret will at best, without being EXTREMELY LARGE compared to the host ship, have the shield of a heavy fighter or small corvette.
So if two big ships would fire missiles at eachother, the turrets would just start exploding as if the big ships were actually destroying some smaller ships out of the way before tackling the equally sized opponent."
I know there are people that say "but it we will lose the ability to destroy the turrets before destroying the main ship, since if the shields aer down you might as well take down the whole ship instead of picking off turrets. So disarming is not a viable tactic anymore."
Well, how about when a ship drops below 50% shield everything that is docked to it isn't shielded anymore, except it got its own shields. So you have to blow away 50% of a ship's shield, then you can destroy the turrets.
Also, I wouldn't know what there is to change about your suggestion except that we need a up and down angle restriction on the barrel.