So much this. Please. I want this. I hate how huge and chunky turrets need to be to look any good.
EDIT: That might have been in the thread, I didn't read every page and only had to skim over the OP to love it, but I'm guessing turret docking areas would be replaced by the game simply checking if the "pole" (The part sunken into the hull) the turret is mounted on fits into the ship and that the gunhouse of the turret fits ontop, too?
It would be awesome if size restrictions via docking enhancers and stuff are gone then, or would we still need enhancers? How would they work then? In crease the total dimension the turret can have? That would work. But then we should be able to arrange the enhancers in a simple box shape and perhaps rename them to "turret module enhancers" or something like that.
Should turrets also share the ship's shielding? I'm for that, because otherwise turrets are extremely quickly blown off when two big ships fight against eachother, even if you can put a lot of shield blocks in the afformentioned pole. Since the turret will at best, without being EXTREMELY LARGE compared to the host ship, have the shield of a heavy fighter or small corvette.
So if two big ships would fire missiles at eachother, the turrets would just start exploding as if the big ships were actually destroying some smaller ships out of the way before tackling the equally sized opponent.
What happens if the docking zone of the turret is blown up though? Wouldn't the turret then collide with the ship and perhaps cause lag or something?