The turret thread

    Jun 30, 2013
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    And now for something completely different... Sometimes the coolest turrets are the ones you can't even see. My opinion of course. :)

    Pictured is first combat test of my current build, A frame out rebuild of the TOS Constitution class. Build includes internally articulated rail based turrets that fire through an "arrow slot". The system provides 90x45 degree field of fire while hiding the body of the turret within the shielded hull of the main ship. It preserves the aesthetic of the original design while providing many times the fire power of a low-profile surface-mount turret... as these pirates would attest if there had been any survivors.



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    First is setting up your washing machine and checking to make sure that the spin cycle works.

    Getting the height above the deck is important, the barrel should be able to depress 10-20 degrees, on all turrets really.

    teeter totter! It seemed so easy at this point...

    Got the shape down to where it doesn't jam, this is tricky.

    The hardest and most time consuming process is placing a few blocks, wiggling around looking for jams, troubleshooting, and remove offending blocks. Then repeat...

    like a snail out of it's shell, I had to yank it out to keep building because I was getting obstruction errors when I shouldn't of been.

    After building the bottom of the turret base, I am ready to open the swinging ship ride lol

    (complicated working is complicated. Ended up with only 41k power generation :( )

    Empty hull, ready to be filled with modules.

    Filled with 2 Beam+Beam+Ion+Blue cannons, 225 modules each (450 all together). (Has like 15k shields if I remember correctly... I think)

    2/10, wouldn't build again.

    Moral of story, don't spend 6+ hours on a turret. Hire an expert to make it for you.


    token ruskie
    Jun 25, 2013
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    On the surface, I was like, "Hmm. Working phasers. Neat."

    On the inside,
    Jun 30, 2013
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    On the surface, I was like, "Hmm. Working phasers. Neat."
    Here's a working prototype:
    starmade-screenshot-0034.png Here's a section of ship hull plating with embedded turret.
    starmade-screenshot-0035.png Here's the same section with gun port open.
    starmade-screenshot-0036.png The turret housing is a 7x3x3 Barrel, which is connected to the "X" turret axis just under the hull plating.
    starmade-screenshot-0037.png The barrel shape rotates within a window in the hull. The "Y" axis of the turret is housed in the top wall of the barrel. starmade-screenshot-0038.png The Barrel rotates up slightly to track the target in "X", the dual beam port turret pivots within the barrel to track the target along the "Y axis"
    starmade-screenshot-0039.png The target is struck.
    starmade-screenshot-0040.png Both gimbles articulated below the hull for targeted tracking.

    There are two hard-won secrets that I will share with you to avoid buggy glitched out turrets:
    • Both turret components must share a common orientation relative to their core blocks, or at least share a common "up" or the two parts will not integrate and track together.
    • From the perspective of your turret, the rail docker that attaches to the turret pivot point must be "down". If you connect a rail turret on its side, the second turret structure will glitch and freeze whenever it collides with the host ship or first turret structure.
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    Building masochist
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    First is setting up your washing machine and checking to make sure that the spin cycle works.

    Getting the height above the deck is important, the barrel should be able to depress 10-20 degrees, on all turrets really.

    teeter totter! It seemed so easy at this point...

    Got the shape down to where it doesn't jam, this is tricky.

    The hardest and most time consuming process is placing a few blocks, wiggling around looking for jams, troubleshooting, and remove offending blocks. Then repeat...

    like a snail out of it's shell, I had to yank it out to keep building because I was getting obstruction errors when I shouldn't of been.

    After building the bottom of the turret base, I am ready to open the swinging ship ride lol

    (complicated working is complicated. Ended up with only 41k power generation :( )

    Empty hull, ready to be filled with modules.

    Filled with 2 Beam+Beam+Ion+Blue cannons, 225 modules each (450 all together). (Has like 15k shields if I remember correctly... I think)

    2/10, wouldn't build again.

    Moral of story, don't spend 6+ hours on a turret. Hire an expert to make it for you.
    I sympathize with your pain, this joint took me about 6 hours to make too:


    Maiden of crashes
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    People can't do ball turrets? I made an R18 one in half an hour.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    The middle axis with the TT on it is part of the base of the turret and the barrel rotates on the bases. The station is mounted with 2 of these that will warn you if you've come too close.

    Both of these built and located on Ragnarok Galaxy server.
    Edit: Put pics in spoilers
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    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Here's a open view of a omnidirectional turret I've been working on for a destroyer.
    This particular turret can hit any target that isn't directly blocked by the ship itself (makes a awesome AMS in testing).

    Trigger warning: skeleton build pre-wedging


    Who's idea was this?
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    Will do, these turrets also have another nifty feature that needs them to be completed to show off.
    They can be forced to pick a opposing directions when formulating a firing solution, so they cant block each others line of fire (for example in a dead on situation).


    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    So finally got back around to that ship and its turrets, still wedging to do and a redesign of the head but for the most part they are complete.


    We'll start off with a side view just before I closed em up, 5x cannon-cannon-overdrive per turret.
    These little beasties output 26k dps each and draw 500k power while operating.

    Next is a semi action shot showing the turret rotated on two axis.

    The shots following this are demonstrating that the turrets can indeed target something in any direction, and also target independently (shooting at missiles I was shooting around).
    I was too lazy to re-align them so that they counter rotate, thats something to do later.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    This is not a Turret, this is a Planeteater :D

    So it is a little one compared to yours but here are a few shots from my Turrets, installt at the D3ST1NY :D

    ^These are the Main bottem Turrets

    And the Wing Turrets, installed at the top and the bottom of each wing
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    Dec 23, 2013
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    I will have to experiment with similar panel turrets for our own starships. Your turrets look suspiciously... tiny... but regardless it is probably better than the odd embedded rocker panels we have in the sides of our ship and one way or the other the amount of blocks I can fit will end up being the same anyway. :p