They would, except your ship is so big it causes a singularity.with in-game dimensions it'd be a planet :p (or more, depending on the size of the planet). Small planets should orbit my turret.
They would, except your ship is so big it causes a singularity.with in-game dimensions it'd be a planet :p (or more, depending on the size of the planet). Small planets should orbit my turret.
I usually do the same. This design happened to have a block of dead space that I couldn't use for anything inside of it though so I figured it couldn't hurt.Very nice little turrets.
Just a personal preference on the systems, usually I put the thrusters on top and remove them after I dock. It saves a bit of room for more systems.
Single shield block isn't really worth the trouble. Don't turrets share shields with the mothership up till 50% anyway? I haven't had a chance to field test the ship itself just yet, just that the CIWS works well (but lags the crap out of me since I have 24 of them on this cruiser).Why not a shield block?
If you have one extra block, add a recharger. Cores have 220 shields, twice that of a shield capacitator so adding a recharger to get those shields is the most gain for the least input. Is it a lot? No. but it's 220 shields on every turret that doesn't have to be taken directly from your ship.Single shield block isn't really worth the trouble. Don't turrets share shields with the mothership up till 50% anyway? I haven't had a chance to field test the ship itself just yet, just that the CIWS works well (but lags the crap out of me since I have 24 of them on this cruiser).
Good point. I'll leave in the thrusters for the default blueprint, and replace them with a power source when mounted (or a shield if I want to go that way). Best of both worlds.If you have one extra block, add a recharger. Cores have 220 shields, twice that of a shield capacitator so adding a recharger to get those shields is the most gain for the least input. Is it a lot? No. but it's 220 shields on every turret that doesn't have to be taken directly from your ship.
Nice job.I've been working on a low-profile ship for a couple months in anticipation for the rail update. Now that we've got them I decided to make some low-profile point defense CIWS to go along with it.
What do you guys think?
- 90-degree barrel articulation
- compact and almost fully armored
- only 3m high and 5m wide in default position
- full 360 rotation on the base with only 1m of space between each CIWS
- built in thruster inside for easy installation
Well, one other advantage I can think of is that say in the unlikely case that the turret axis is destroyed and not the turret itself, it will still operate separate from your ship without burning out through the core's power. Very unlikely though.Does power on a turret really gain anything?
True, but it'll shoot at your own missiles as well at that point I think. Since I imagine it would become unfactioned when it seperates.Well, one other advantage I can think of is that say in the unlikely case that the turret axis is destroyed and not the turret itself, it will still operate separate from your ship without burning out through the core's power. Very unlikely though.
Though, typing power was a mistake on my part, I meant recharger like Sven said.
Rapid fire turrets I almost never bother with power. Maybe just a single power core so it can have a little trickling into it's own batteries. Artillery and Missiles I almost always try to make self sufficient. I try to deigns my ships with enough power to get the job done a little extra for good measure. I've had plenty of combat tests fail because poorly designed high alpha turrets cripple my mothership while the faster rate of fire turrets ensure it never recovers.Nice job.
Shield recharger like Sven said, (I like even numbers when possible since they're 5.5 but you lose the half...yeah not really relevant here)
Not sure anymore how worthwhile extra shields are on turrets anymore, but the base 220 protects from stray shots from small ships & drones if there's any glitches in the shield-sharing system besides if you're under half. Nothing but the main shields is going to protect a small turret from a large main gun strike.
Does power on a turret really gain anything? (not directed at you personally, asking this in general) I've toyed with the idea of self-sufficient turrets, but then the power output of a couple reactor blocks compared to a reactor running end to end in your main ship is a waste of mass. That being said, I do try to keep in 1 (even when I steal Sven's turrets I tweak them), but I was wondering if there's a good reason to.
And yeah ditch the thruster![]()
No this is not really the case anymore. The bobby AI on a turret barrel cannot aim the base of a turret when it is detached. Dislodged turrets can now only engage targets in their line of sight and I guess in their FOF too. Of course if the base is destroyed the turret should operate like a normal ship with no engines. So there is a gain, just not as much as there used to be as it's conditional.Well, one other advantage I can think of is that say in the unlikely case that the turret axis is destroyed and not the turret itself, it will still operate separate from your ship without burning out through the core's power. Very unlikely though.
I'm a spreadsheet junky so I plan the entire ship around it's power system, which includes calculating for the shield-chargers using full power (not doing that burned me hard on an otherwise good ship I built early on) so I don't run into that issue.Rapid fire turrets I almost never bother with power. Maybe just a single power core so it can have a little trickling into it's own batteries. Artillery and Missiles I almost always try to make self sufficient. I try to deigns my ships with enough power to get the job done a little extra for good measure. I've had plenty of combat tests fail because poorly designed high alpha turrets cripple my mothership while the faster rate of fire turrets ensure it never recovers.
No this is not really the case anymore. The bobby AI on a turret barrel cannot aim the base of a turret when it is detached. Dislodged turrets can now only engage targets in their line of sight and I guess in their FOF too. Of course if the base is destroyed the turret should operate like a normal ship with no engines. So there is a gain, just not as much as there used to be as it's conditional.
Damn, if I knew you were gonna be done that fast I wouldn't have bothered with the 4-1 (that's the new one bottom center right? I'm going to go delete the version I made right now). Actually it was a valuable learning experience for me, even though I like it less and less the more I see what other people have done.Here's all my refit turrets so far. The three sets in the back are all point defense depending on my needs.
Next up is a rapid fire anti-fighter"Gatling" gun (civilain)... (I just pretend it rotates). Another small deck gun that uses small explosive rounds instead of rapid fire. Two missile turrets, civilian and light military ship to ship radar missiles. And lastly my standard light turret.
I really need a new naming/classification scheme as I used to use a rating system based directly on the number and configuration of enhancers. I already miss that system but it is pointless without enhancers.
Phalanx is top right.Damn, if I knew you were gonna be done that fast I wouldn't have bothered with the 4-1 (that's the new one bottom center right? I'm going to go delete the version I made right now). Actually it was a valuable learning experience for me, even though I like it less and less the more I see what other people have done.
Phalanx (top left) really benefits from the new system. The rest are still recognizable.
Derp...yeah I meant top-right. I know my left from my right, reallyPhalanx is top right.
The 4-1 was the easiest to do, all I did was chop off the sides and build a base for it, unfortunately this means that it is 2 meters taller than the original version though but it's a nice turret none the less. I may try and do a lower profile version later. However, they do work great if you counter sink them a little.
The Bull-shark Escort Gunboat has a nasty set of broadside hardware. Unfortunately this ship has crashed my game 2/3 combat tests... the new turret system is still very buggy.
The Bull-shark was a ship I did for Raibens "Ship a day to keep the pirates at bay" contest a while ago. It used docked "shield cores" to have those broadside guns using the old system. Of course those are no longer needed so they were scrapped. The ship was never finished so it was never released.Derp...yeah I meant top-right. I know my left from my right, really
I overcomplicated the hell out of my attempt at it. The first try I was trying to do kinda what you did, except from center, underneath. That was a dismal failure.
So is that the Maul turned into a gunboat, or the gunboat the Maul is based off? Crashing with only....what 18 turrets? Ugh. Hopefully Schine gets that sorted soon.