The Odium Pact "acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt"

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    Jun 29, 2013
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    An ingame bounty means jack shit to be honest. Telling the mods that you don't want your ships being distributed, now that's another. I believe that post of Ridik's has been reported by quite a few different people now, and he was a hair away from a permaban for it.
    Indeed, Flying. I shall leave a note for the Moderators outlining the conditions reguarding the auctioning of my ships. (more like an in-depth document that entails copyright policy). As for Incap's comment, I am at the moment privately contracted to them. (notice all the turrets on that list but not the ship they go to.)
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Indeed, Flying. I shall leave a note for the Moderators outlining the conditions reguarding the auctioning of my ships. (more like an in-depth document that entails copyright policy). As for Incap's comment, I am at the moment privately contracted to them. (notice all the turrets on that list but not the ship they go to.)
    Oh ho ho... I was going to say, for a group that used to be called The Lazarus Engineering Corp, and now a faction that prides itself on excellent building, I don't see a whole lot of building going on. Come on man, your talent's wasted on a guy like Nature, who doesn't build, doesn't fight, hell he doesn't even play the game.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Oh ho ho... I was going to say, for a group that used to be called The Lazarus Engineering Corp, and now a faction that prides itself on excellent building, I don't see a whole lot of building going on. Come on man, your talent's wasted on a guy like Nature, who doesn't build, doesn't fight, hell he doesn't even play the game.
    It always depends on the size of the build. The bigger the build, the longer the time. Ridik's list proves that I was building in that time period. And as a key feature, none of my builds come out until they are finished, but not necessarily furnished (leave room for creativity). As for the policy document, anyone can take a look under the ships forum, where soon (being in the next year) there will be a nice public fleet. For the moment, there will be a few oldies but goodies available to the general gamer.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    It always depends on the size of the build. The bigger the build, the longer the time. Ridik's list proves that I was building in that time period. And as a key feature, none of my builds come out until they are finished, but not necessarily furnished (leave room for creativity). As for the policy document, anyone can take a look under the ships forum, where soon (being in the next year) there will be a nice public fleet. For the moment, there will be a few oldies but goodies available to the general gamer.
    Just so you know, if someone takes your ship in game and makes a bp, your "copyrighted material" is public.

    Deleted member 301635

    May I remind the "Ridik" that I do not give out little to none of my blueprints. (seeing that half of them are mine). Seeing as most of these are stolen, I should warn you that Forge Industries does not take lightly to acts of piracy on any of it's copyrighted material. That said, I suggest you do not post anymore unauthorized material or a certain unnamed faction shall have, let's start the price at, 1 bil bounties (in-game) on their head from now on.
    You can get the forum post banned, but you can't stop ingame transfers. Trying just makes you look like the RIAA, the most hated organisation to ever annoy the internet.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    I would also like to point out, if the original builder has rights or if the faction has rights, would have to be decided, otherwise say for instance MrTagarean who left DFN, who was a ship builder, could retract the rights and retrain ownership, and leave DFN with out a fleet. If I had a spy build a factions ships, I could retract owner ship and leave them in a bad position.

    If the faction owns the ships, well who decides who owns the faction? is it the leader or the players, what if a leader of a faction is working for me? does that mean I own that factions ships by proxy?

    The sensible thing legally speaking would be to say starmade and schine retain ownership, that would clear up a lot of this discussion and actually give mods authority, but then replica ships like starwars, star trek and such would cause greater legal issues.

    Whos to say you made those ships anyway, do you have proof you created them before anyone else? hell do you have proof I even have them? I am known for lying its just a screen shot of folders. Find me 1 person who has actually traded with me and confirmed I have lazarus ships and by proxy your ships, with chat logs and you might have the start of a discussion.

    But basically what we have here is you pleading to the mods to enforce factional politics, something entirely unenforceable, and beyond reason to do so even if they could.

    As for selling them, well ship builders sell their ship building service, mercenaries sell their service, I an information broker am selling information. DFN has stolen Euro-corp and vaygr ships in the past, we have stolen theirs if trading those stolen enemy ships is ok then how is it not ok to role play and sell the service. Besides the people I have "sold" to haven't actually paid a thing the selling of the ships is entirely a roleplay aspect of my faction as I have 0 need for wealth or money.

    so in summery things you need to prove before you even continue here.

    They are with out a shadow of a doubt your ships, not sure how you can do this, but you need to prove it before shouting copyright.

    That I in fact even have them.

    That I am even selling them.

    before the discussion of owner ship can even be entertained we need to know these details.

    Also from what I heard between your faction leaders, there was talk about stealing euro-corp and vaygr ships but you guys didn't know how to get anyway, so you resort to QQing because you can't get your way, when you would have done the same your self had you the ability. Which I find hilarious, not only double standards and QQing to the mods, but more deceitful and disingenuous behavior then I partake in myself, the worm has indeed turned gentlemen


    Reilly Reese

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    First off I Want to see that Condor Escort. Secondly I thought Lazarus was getting a new fleet. Who cares if people get the old ships?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Now hold on. What I don't get is how Ridik may be punished for "advertising". Although, this isn't anything being advertised outside of StarMade. In fact, it just deals with StarMade. So what I don't get is why would Ridik be punished if he isn't advertising anything that doesn't involve StarMade?

    I personally see no problem with selling other faction's ships. Hey, they were there so why not? It's public now, not our fault. Also, my ships have been publicized more than once. Am I upset? Not as much as you guys are. I'd say just chill out and deal with it.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I'd also like to state that even if all of the other reasons the post should be deleted and Ridik getting told off by the mods (at the very least) it was obviously meant to make the members of DFN and Lazarus look bad, which is an EULA violation. Along with that, zoro mentioned to me that he got some ships from you. I don't have proof, but I know where I can get some.

    Also, I would like to point out something brought to light by someone else. You've been keeping a database including the personal and contact information of every person you know about onthese forums. After that, you distribute this information to anyone who asks. I do have proof of this.

    Put simply, the only reason you weren't banned to shit a long time ago is favoritism on the part of a few mods in particular. The rest, along with a good part of the community, want you gone.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    In all seriousness Debris, there's no EULA violation here, since the ships don't fall under the jurisdiction of creative property. All we're really doing is building stuff that Schema has given to us, and since the ships are still within the game itself and isn't being used in another game, then that means no EULA violation of any kind. Also, since most of those ships are ones built by MrTargareyan, he's the one who should be citing EULA violations and the sort, not you, but he won't because he's clearly not bothered. You are though, because it's made you look bad, and you're honestly playing into Ridik's hands at this point.

    You all make it so easy, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten bored of the same old routine. And there is indeed favoritism Debris, in your favor of course, because if I was a mod, I'd tell you to suck it up and look after your shit. Not try and screw someone on a stupid 'advertising' technicality that has less ground under it than Atlantis.
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    Jul 22, 2013
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    I'd also like to state that even if all of the other reasons the post should be deleted and Ridik getting told off by the mods (at the very least) it was obviously meant to make the members of DFN and Lazarus look bad, which is an EULA violation. Along with that, zoro mentioned to me that he got some ships from you. I don't have proof, but I know where I can get some.

    Also, I would like to point out something brought to light by someone else. You've been keeping a database including the personal and contact information of every person you know about onthese forums. After that, you distribute this information to anyone who asks. I do have proof of this.

    Put simply, the only reason you weren't banned to shit a long time ago is favoritism on the part of a few mods in particular. The rest, along with a good part of the community, want you gone.
    Incap it the spot on the post above mine, none of the games content is legally protected except the game engine and a handful of things that schema protected legally. Your shit on the other isnt protected all, your whole point here is invalid.

    Reilly Reese

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    Honestly the biggest issue is if Ridik has IRL information on people and is giving THAT away. Thats cause for serious concern.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    Ok so ridik's causing a stiring things up again, can't say im surprised.

    I'm not fussed about IRL information to be honest, the thing that bothers me here is people getting credit for their ship designs. If ridik is handing these out like candy, i would just like people to know that the Lazarus Scindo Class Frigate, and the Sagitta Class Light Cruiser are my designs, and if people have them i would like a small crumb of recognition...

    Reilly Reese

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    Enjoy getting kidnapped because Ridik gave information to a criminal.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    I highly doubt ridik is part of a real life mafia. Besides no one would want to kidnap me. Whats the incentive anyway? There is no reason to do so, theres just as much reason to just break into a house at random and take someone, probably eaiser than coming to find me anyway.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Thadius, stop acting like a little whiny shit.
    I somewhat doubt he actually knows where any of us live, other than the country, and that's generally because we tell them.

    Reilly Reese

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    Doesn't have to be a mafia. Ridik could not even know if their criminals. Also they can do a lot more than kidnap. Identity Theft, con, murder (Don't need reason nowadays look at Santa Barbara a few days ago) burglary. Criminals don't give a crap who they get but if they know someones defenses rather than just guess they are more likely to hit that person.
    Jan 13, 2013
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    Also, since most of those ships are ones built by MrTargareyan, he's the one who should be citing EULA violations and the sort, not you, but he won't because he's clearly not bothered. You are though, because it's made you look bad, and you're honestly playing into Ridik's hands at this point.
    Well, I can't say I was particularly overjoyed when Ridik released 100 hours worth of my ships to anyone who wants them-but since I can't magically fly into Ridiks computer and delete the files, I thought I might as well keep my mouth shut about it, especially since even if the mods make him delete the post, he can still sell them in game. Also, to be fair; I don't use these anymore, the DFN does, so they have as much right to argue over it as I do. I suppose the only thing I really have to say is at least Ridik isn't giving away the Antarion blueprint, despite the fact that I never flew it, I was rather fond of that thing.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Well, I can't say I was particularly overjoyed when Ridik released 100 hours worth of my ships to anyone who wants them-but since I can't magically fly into Ridiks computer and delete the files, I thought I might as well keep my mouth shut about it, especially since even if the mods make him delete the post, he can still sell them in game. Also, to be fair; I don't use these anymore, the DFN does, so they have as much right to argue over it as I do. I suppose the only thing I really have to say is at least Ridik isn't giving away the Antarion blueprint, despite the fact that I never flew it, I was rather fond of that thing.
    Oh, well that's fair. Sorry if it seemed like I was speaking for you.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    You know what, let's all play a little game of I spy.

    In order to win, you have to cite the most EULA, Terms of service, or forum rules that Ridik has broken, and cite the rule breaking post. Whoever gets the most legitimite ones wins.
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