The Gmodism Industries [ GI ]

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Yes yes yes, I think your friend is one of my longterm subscribers then! Back when StarSquadron was alive we had a community planet, but it caused to much lag, so it was decided to blow it up in a cinematic video, actually let me fetch the clip for you, it is very cool if I can say so myself ^^ ... actually it is pretty shitty, i thought it was better but anyways

    I think it was a nice little production, roleplay on a new level to actually have a news broadcast about the events of a virtual city (y)
    Jun 11, 2016
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    Jun 11, 2016
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    Yo man, let me critique you. =)
    I have looked at your recent workshop entries and think here is a good place to leave it.
    GI-RE Chabaz Apartments
    GI-RE Interior Bar

    Booth are nice ideas and look pretty good. Now I mention booth, comes to mind the critique on the bigger picture when you try to establish an actual experience in your own built universe.

    The apparements are a great idea, and I think your style is pretty and advanced in its detailing. As I see that you spent some time into building I think you might consider this additional build philosophies:

    First of, if we compare the bar with the aparetments interior we immediatelly notice: the bar is 4 blocks high, the living cells are 3. Now this makes sense, if the appartments are meant to be cheap ones. But I think you didn't consider that.

    Either way, you have 2 options to improve here: Make a second appartment complex, that has wealthy living space, and make the small apartments appear cheaper or more dirty, as they are low price sector.

    Or, and that's is what I would do: Any building you build in your city, should have bigger and more distinct interior. 4 high rooms for the start, 5 is better. And not just stairs, but staircases, and elevators. This is likely to double the size of your appartments, and might blow the overall city size. But on the other hand you have the opportunity to actually give your buildings some unique interiors for each room, and make them feel alive and enjoyable to explore. The appartments with 3 high rooms are not worthy to explore right now for me - I see one room, then I know how the whole building looks.

    Another way to work around this "not alive feeling" (if its all the same inside it doesnt feel dead, it just feels like all the same and then you look at it and think: it just looks like a building, but inside its not a building as all the rooms are just generic copies, it doesnt feel real) buildings, as the rooms are all the same, feeling: Make more interior props, that you can place randomly into your rooms of the apartments. Those props can all work with rooms of at least a size of 4 height, 5 is perfect imo (5 leaves me with many room for more complex props, you can take a look into my shipyard thread for examples). More examples: TV, 3 different sizes, small gaming controllers in front of a tv (round pipe plus stone fragment in front as steering wheel), different tables, paintings with displays + ascii art, chess table with an top faced display having a asccii grid on it - I can prolong the list,if you need more inspiration. =)

    Anyway I like that you try to build usable schematics and the overall idea to build like that is pretty effective and looks pretty good in the end.
    Last edited:
    Feb 1, 2015
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    Yo man, let me critique you. =)
    I have looked at your recent workshop entries and think here is a good place to leave it.
    GI-RE Chabaz Apartments
    GI-RE Interior Bar

    Booth are nice ideas and look pretty good. Now I mention booth, comes to mind the critique on the bigger picture when you try to establish an actual experience in your own built universe.

    The apparements are a great idea, and I think your style is pretty and advanced in its detailing. As I see that you spent some time into building I think you might consider this additional build philosophies:

    First of, if we compare the bar with the aparetments interior we immediatelly notice: the bar is 4 blocks high, the living cells are 3. Now this makes sense, if the appartments are meant to be cheap ones. But I think you didn't consider that.

    Either way, you have 2 options to improve here: Make a second appartment complex, that has wealthy living space, and make the small apartments appear cheaper or more dirty, as they are low price sector.

    Or, and that's is what I would do: Any building you build in your city, should have bigger and more distinct interior. 4 high rooms for the start, 5 is better. And not just stairs, but staircases, and elevators. This is likely to double the size of your appartments, and might blow the overall city size. But on the other hand you have the opportunity to actually give your buildings some unique interiors for each room, and make them feel alive and enjoyable to explore. The appartments with 3 high rooms are not worthy to explore right now for me - I see one room, then I know how the whole building looks.

    Another way to work around this "not alive feeling" (if its all the same inside it doesnt feel dead, it just feels like all the same and then you look at it and think: it just looks like a building, but inside its not a building as all the rooms are just generic copies, it doesnt feel real) buildings, as the rooms are all the same, feeling: Make more interior props, that you can place randomly into your rooms of the apartments. Those props can all work with rooms of at least a size of 4 height, 5 is perfect imo (5 leaves me with many room for more complex props, you can take a look into my shipyard thread for examples). More examples: TV, 3 different sizes, small gaming controllers in front of a tv (round pipe plus stone fragment in front as steering wheel), different tables, paintings with displays + ascii art, chess table with an top faced display having a asccii grid on it - I can prolong the list,if you need more inspiration. =)

    Anyway I like that you try to build usable schematics and the overall idea to build like that is pretty effective and looks pretty good in the end.
    Hey thanks for the critique! So the bar is new, but the chabaz apt is actually arround 2 years old, just decided to release them now, but now compatible with the new power. I release them now as I work on a new apartment set, will be a big pack. You are right they are generic and a bit boring, but for example tekt apartments have no interiors (but it is also hard to see in) I think the 3 high feels most right when you walk around inside, if it is a fancy place, then 4 or 5 is good as you say, I will take the idea in account of making the smal apt in my new pack look a bit dirty, that is a great idea!
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    Feb 1, 2015
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    1 we reached 5k subs :D :D :D and built a monument!
    2 look at the added flying ships in pandora haven now, really adds life I think :D :D :D
    3 suggestions of the next feautre to add to the city? pleas drop some ideas!!! :D :D :D

    Feb 1, 2015
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    We started a new series where we will have some cinematic GI projects, so take a look :)
    Feb 1, 2015
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    Hey, updated the front page now, do you think it looks better now? (if you remembered how it used to look)
    Also right now Djthekiller djthekiller is helping us converting blueprints to new power so that is AWESOME!!!
    Feb 1, 2015
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    Happy new years from Gmodism Industries!!
    We will be publishing a corporate celeration video tomorrow!