--Killuhkookie, 15, Male
--The UGSC are a common enemy to us, and I believe you need all the help you can get. I have many diciples awaiting my command to join you as well.
--Engineer, Ship Master, or Special Ops
--I enjoy building efficient craft for maximum use of minimal resources, which allows me the capability of Spec Ops missions (reconning) and I enjoy leading my fellow crewmates into battle. Whenever a pilot or crewman is placed under my command, more often than not, the person ends-up really enjoying themselves or becoming a more efficient player all-in-all.
--Banshee or Assault Dropship
--I enjoy the Idea of Human kills, but I agree with your point of a combination considering an ace pilot may not be a good leader, or a good leader may not have played Star-Made long and etc.
--I use a defensive fighting style when going against new enemies, but if the enemie\'s strategies are known I tend to become more agressive.