StarMade 0.15 is out

    Nov 18, 2013
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    Supercarrier helpless while 1.6 BILLION shields regen! Hahaha. I need to make another and transfer energy to myself.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Shields Overcharging!
    After talking more with schema about the repeatedly reported issue of power supply problems on shields, I've figured out that there was a miscommunication in how the shield power setting in the config was working.

    I was balancing the system using this line
    <ShieldRechargePowerConsuption>55</ShieldRechargePowerConsuption> <!-- (when shield < 100%) per block / second -->
    assuming that this setting would make each shield block charge 55 power per block per second.

    After talking with schema, I realized that this number is meant not as a base stat for the blocks, but as a MULTIPLIER of a stat in the code "1 power used per 1 shield regenerated" so instead of charging 55 power to regenerate 5.5 shields per second, this setting was charging 55 power per single shield point regenerated.

    This setting will be changed in the first hotpatch to come out,
    In the mean time, players and server admins can fix this issue temporarily by replacing the line in the config with this

    <ShieldRechargePowerConsuption>10</ShieldRechargePowerConsuption> <!-- (when shield < 100%) per block / second -->

    Replacing the entire line isn't actuall needed, just replace the existing cost of 55 with the new cost of 10.
    Again, this will set your shields to charge 10 power per 1 shield point.

    Thanks for your patience on this balance issue, and we will continue to look at this and other issues as things progress to get a smooth balance setting sorted out.
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    Sep 27, 2013
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    from dev direct to release? not even a pre version? wow.... sry, but not much hope
    Sep 3, 2013
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    So will changing that nerf the shield capacity too?
    I really hope it does..
    Jul 3, 2013
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    But I like my swarm drones running with 3 million shields.

    But yeah:
    AMC nerfed to uselessness. Can be outrun by a single core.
    Shields are ridiculous. 1mil and 1.5mil in the old system is now 40mil and 370mil.
    Power is FUBAR.
    Everyone who was hyped for beam weapons. Brace for disappoint.

    I would be pointing, laughing, and posting cat memes but at this point that would be like making fun of a handicapped kid.

    Now, on the GOOD side:
    Missiles are semi-useful (If only since everything else sucks).
    Having shields recharge slower but harder to down is a good idea since you can't (Usually) take out a ship of similar size before they can even react anymore. Plus it makes Hit and run a much more viable strategy.

    Let this be a lesson for those who kept pushing for updates. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS.
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    Dec 23, 2013
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    So much win in one update :) Good work people, good work *hearty applause*

    Ty for making StarMade

    Cant believe some of the attitudes in here tbh....oh noes, all my ships that I made when the game was still(and is really) in dev need rebuilding...whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaa

    In case you hadnt read, the weapons are all configurable in a simple xml file...go re-read the post by schema....and if I read that wrong, I take it back (but I didnt).


    Great work, but haters always gonna hate :/
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    But I like my swarm drones running with 3 million shields.

    But yeah:
    AMC nerfed to uselessness. Can be outrun by a single core.
    Shields are ridiculous. 1mil and 1.5mil in the old system is now 40mil and 370mil.
    Power is FUBAR.
    Everyone who was hyped for beam weapons. Brace for disappoint.

    I would be pointing, laughing, and posting cat memes but at this point that would be like making fun of a handicapped kid.

    Now, on the GOOD side:
    Missiles are semi-useful (If only since everything else sucks).
    Having shields recharge slower but harder to down is a good idea since you can't (Usually) take out a ship of similar size before they can even react anymore. Plus it makes Hit and run a much more viable strategy.

    Let this be a lesson for those who kept pushing for updates. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS.
    I do agree that the animation of beams sucks, but they will add that later as mentioned, but the thing is you should combine weapons computer and beams to make them act like proper beams. Then they rock actually :D
    Jun 9, 2012
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    I am a glad the update came out but at the same time it means most of the ships i have made since i started playing are becoming obsolete.
    Well i can just make better things from what was.

    area logic, doors, and lasers.
    When a door is open the space it occupies can still be shot at instead of going through. This also affects area logic blocks(invisible to the player/visible to the builder).
    Is it possible to have shots go through these "open" spaces?
    Aug 14, 2013
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    from dev direct to release? not even a pre version? wow.... sry, but not much hope
    The last few dev releases were actually release candidates 1 2 3 and 4, at some point you do have to bite the bullet and push a full release. In this case I personally feel it was a little early but the the system is in place for easy balancing, as demonstrated already, and having the entire community now providing feedback will help find an optimal solution.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    So much win in one update :) Good work people, good work *hearty applause*

    Ty for making StarMade

    Cant believe some of the attitudes in here tbh....oh noes, all my ships that I made when the game was still(and is really) in dev need rebuilding...whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaa

    In case you hadnt read, the weapons are all configurable in a simple xml file...go re-read the post by schema....and if I read that wrong, I take it back (but I didnt).


    Great work, but haters always gonna hate :/
    No hate here, only concern and feedback. I am well aware ships will need to be refit. Yes you can change individual settings for your game but the majority of the players are going to be using default settings and it is beneficial for building ships with vanila in mind. Sure there will be servers who want custom configs and they will probably have ships built specifically for those servers but I for one do not want to build a ship with a custom config only to find it is useless on servers running vanilla.
    Oct 6, 2013
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    Since this update came out, the light emitted from plex beacons is black now. My ship's engines now generate shadows instead of brilliant plumes of light.....

    Oh, and now everything seems to take twice as long to load in as well.
    I've got a few reservations about the new weapon system, but I'll withhold judgement until after I've refitted a few ships and tested them.
    And then there's the shield and power issues......
    I think the most I'm going to do in Starmade for the time being is just hollow out a few ships here and there, and wait for the dust to settle.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Thanks Calibri for the 'hotfix'

    I've also found it's a good idea to personally play around with the Block Behavior Config thingies because you can learn a lot about the game through it
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Sweet! Is it possible to use the logic system to activate and deactivate turret groups? That would be pretty sweet to have different turrets designated for different situations.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Sweet! Is it possible to use the logic system to activate and deactivate turret groups? That would be pretty sweet to have different turrets designated for different situations.
    That is something I would very much like to include. There's many thing like this that were left out of the patch, generally speaking, this stuff will get thrown in often with each new patch we do (remember schema is going back to frequent small updates instead of the long core patchs.)
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    Sep 11, 2013
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    Sven_The_Slayer... Have you tried to use the beam weapons yet? They are supposed to be much more accurate that the conventional weapons and might be better for taking out smaller more maneuverable ships. What you have there looks like it would be effective against larger slower moving vessels instead of small fighter craft like the Isnath.
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    Jul 15, 2013
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    Let this be a lesson for those who kept pushing for updates. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS.
    I feel like this update could be kept in dev for some weeks, but in SP it's fine you just have to edit the settings you don't like
    Is there any line to set the quantity of shields granted by a single block?