Juniper Rocket Appliances


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Hey! Good work on the transformers and modular add ons to your ship but I feel that the turrets on the turret section are too large and bulky and don't fit the sleek original design on your ship. Perhaps you could look at flatter turrets or build a larger ship to accommodate the turrets!
    Cheers ^^
    Thanks for sure, and I agree that the turrets are bulky but it is intended to be a turret-boat that sacrifices some style for (hopefully)PvP suitability. The turret section provides the turrets with 2mil e/sec to share and they need to be big enough to house the modules required to take advantage of that. That said, a version with flatter, better-looking turrets employing overdrive is a good idea for a PvE version since I am already modifying this one to be more PvP viable.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Added angled antenna. Totally worth it.

    Cut the turrets down in size, module count suffered too much so added additional barrels to pack some modules back on despite impinging a bit more on the top turrets' field of fire. DPS and block damage greatly reduced as expected but they look a bit better.



    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    Spawn items and credits starter ship;


    Wings fold for hanger storage;

    Or deploy as landing skids;

    Cargo deck;

    Rear hatch;

    Cargo deck lowered for loading/ docking larger items;

    Max speed; 247.5
    Thrust; 292.4
    Total mass; 87.6
    Thrust/Mass; 3.3

    Corner light bars got physical (as expected) and broke the 1D-4U's ramp and landing gear so same idea, new direction maybe a bit more refined and actually useful. Has lots of logic because it's cheap including cross-function lockouts and weak anti-spam protection for the wing functions but they will fail if abused. After selling excess blocks had about 17k credits left.
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Tell the princess I've got that shipment of assault blasters she's been waiting for.

    YT-2400 Caseus Rotam (1:1-ish)

    Pointless landing gear and ramp


    RP turret access. You seem to exit from the turret bases back into the ship's interior consistently. Crammed ice crags in certain spots to control character spawn location - maybe.

    Seats four, core dumps you out in space (most of the time) if you don't sit.

    It's got one pod. The wireless refuses to connect (spagget) so you gotta manual launch from the open pod door then sit real quick. Activation beam the wireless module to re-set for docking. I ain't gonna fight StarMade bugs.

    Turrets are a bit big as was the style at the time. Systems balance level - RP/meh

    Thrust; 635.7
    Total mass; 191.7

    It's hard finding any two images of the YT-2400 with similar details.
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
    Jan 5, 2016
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    Juniper Rocket Appliances...
    Sounds like the only faction that come with onboard firewalls by default...
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Caseus Rotam
    Please forgive me if my Latin is a bit rusty, it's been a few decades, but "I'm spinning the cheese"?
    [doublepost=1562394760,1562393902][/doublepost]Oh, I get it – Rota Casei, "Wheel of Cheese"...


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Whatever you do, don't do this;

    Sector Wrecker; Nice Tryson Sphere #00f

    Historical records;

    I did this back when these planets were pretty new. Pretty small radius desert planet to start. I think the cut-corners on the rock squares are 10x10x2. Essentially each planet plate gets a new layer built so far under itself that it's 100m above the surface on the opposite side of the planet. 1x1 rock built out from each planet plate and all the way around to the opposite side of the entire planet then maybe 100m? straight down from the plate it started from which is the same as straight up from the opposite side of the planet.
    New plate gets built and the old desert plate part of it is build-blocked away with the new plate keeping the same planet-gravity direction but pulling away from the core on it's new side of the planet.
    It seemed like it would be difficult to mesh the seams but there was no collision detection at all. Great! but worrying. Testing was done on foot and by skid-racing; both required some jump effort but worked. I don't remember if I crashed out or logged but the sector never loaded again which seemed pretty fair.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    You took everything from me

    Toroito transforming mech

    The Toroito had to fit a 13m tall hangar and transform. After two abandoned versions the result is acceptable. Has arm cannons, shoulder missile, remote to control access to a ships docking system, good thrust-to-mass and not much else.

    Initial design was promising;

    But the frame had no-where near the volume needed for the logic to control such a complex transformation;

    The mark II simplified things quite a bit;

    But was abandoned as the frame couldn't reach the desired shapes while still being overly complex. Eventually the mechanics of the Bulldog were adapted to make this smaller mech function.



    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    "Danger! Banana!"

    TROLOLO-9001 Petite mech Memohachi

    An unarmed petite mech used for construction and salvage the Memohachi has very high thrust-to-mass, a tractor beam and exterior illumination. It is well suited for it main role in filling up an empty corner in a hanger.

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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Pillbugger compact emergency craft

    Abandoned but finished, it was not compact enough.

    Interior door control is behind the seat, exterior lights and landing gear controls are on the ceiling above the seat.

    There are all the controls needed to fold it back up but it's not automated nor labeled.

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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Big enough to get 'er done

    Phallus CIWS Mech

    Speed 600m/s Glutes 100%

    The Phallus CIWS mech is another 13m class mech joining the Toroito and the Toroito mass-production type. It mounts an AI controlled AMS turret on the right shoulder and carries a light bazooka with a co-axial machine gun, extra ammo on the right hip and a slat-armor shield. Also installed is the lightest e-shielding available to increase durability. Turret AI can be turned on and off by a pilot or remotely from a mothership in conjunction with the unit's main AI.

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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Work in 'progress'

    Scottish; Irish-Class Assault Space Battleship

    A big ship to stick a lot of rails stuff on

    Smedited long before this build

    Front hanger doors

    Rear hanger door

    Collapsible docking tube and two powerful escape pods are under the left hatch. The other side has an extendable platform with an astronaut launcher behind its hatch.

    Docking tube is mostly doors controlled by a wireless module every block, they open/ close as the tube moves so that it doesn't interfere with the entrance room when it is pulled in.

    Dipped my toes in display logic. These show in green X's which turrets have their AI turned on wirelessly as well as the AI status of the AMS turret group as green commas and there is a lot of possible combinations. I guess [mass] only displays the single entity's mass. Ship mass including docked entities is 203k.

    Much simpler to implement was the active turret AI ship holo display

    Almost everything is finished but still I need to build the logic to handle the docking and return to hanger positions of the mechs which includes an 'elevator' in the front hanger. I took a break from it to build smaller stuff while promising to build a better pc and I don't look forewords to trying to decipher the launch logic enough to mesh docking logic with it without breaking everything again always forever and I have to do it for both hangers.

    Logic to launch, recover, and return to hanger seems to be working for full and partial launches.

    Sometimes a mech might dock to the wrong pickup point though.

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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    You're lucky that reactor base boost didn't blow the welds on the intake.

    11970 Avoid Cayuse R/T

    Sweet JP's machine is a 11970 Avoid Cayuse (kai-yoos). Last of the R10 interceptors

    Me and my dad built her. 1100 e/sec of Plex muscle. It's a beast.

    It's got a cop reactor, a 34 cubic meter plant. It's got cop landing gear, cop sensors, cop tractor. It's a model made before reactor stabilizers so it'll run good on metal mesh.

    It's got power windows so you can give your opponent a proper stare-down at the starting line. Maxed top speed 810m/s, full thrust blast config excluding charge speed 2 due to power limitations, maxed anti-gravity for cutting close to gravity wells, stealth duration 2 with radar jamming and anti-lock-on for escaping the cyber-police.
    With all the mods it produces an approximate 14:1 thrust-to-mass ratio. Since it was originally a civilian-level ship there is no provisions for weapons hardpoints or shielding.

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