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    username: TwoNiner
    past factions: Calderon Republic
    role you would like: Pilot
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    reason for joining: To serve a faction revived by a leader, as dedicated as he is worthy of the title Overlord. It is good to see that in my absence due to exams and technical difficulties with the forums, a true leader has arisen and has led this faction to what is closer to its golden days as his predecessor could ever hope for. I take my hat off to you Leanson, you are the true embodiment of what it means to be a Calderonian, and it would be my honour to serve under the Calderon banner once more.
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    Jun 30, 2013
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    I have been reading the posts made on this forums page, and I believe it is only fair that everyone gets to know the reason for my sudden disappearance.

    I am not sure if anyone realized, but I only started to go inactive after the launch of the current website. It started with confusion, not being able to find the forums, the awkward new chat system that made me feel like I was typing in cmd, small issues that I resolved by time spent exploring the website. However, after attempting to re-establish communications with certain individuals including the now Overlord of Calderon, Leanson himself, I was faced with an error that sent me on the verge of smashing my keyboard. After every few navigations though the website I would be automatically logged out of my account, preventing me from sending a post or a PM. Even when I did manage to stay logged in, I would receive an error message telling me that I was logged out and had to log in again, sending me back to the home page forcing me to re-navigate to said post, with the risk of being logged out yet again. The problem I'm facing is hard to describe and confusing, but nevertheless nothing that would stop me from trying to fix it in order to communicate with others in starmade again, but then comes the real problem.

    During that period of time I was faced with issues that happened in real life, which left me with close to no free time, let alone gaming. Today those issues are resolved and I have a little more time to myself now.

    I am still faced with the same technical problems but no longer to such a great extent, and I sincerely apologize to those who I have kept in that dark during my absence, but I assure you that I did not intend to do so.

    Regardless of if you love me or hate me, have returned, and I will be here to server Calderon once more under the leadership of Leanson if he were to accept my application.

    Long Live Caldeon
    Jun 30, 2013
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    During my spare time I've been browsing through the contents written on this forum thread, and I believe I deserve a little more respect then what has been shown. I can understand that most of you aren't happy about my actions during the final days of the Old Republic, seeing as to how I was described by Cirdanorth as Emperor Palpatine converting the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire in Star Wars. But might I remind you that despite my "poor" judgement in your eyes that it was never intended to harm any former Calderon members, nor did it harm members as a matter of fact. Baalzann was not only a major threat to the Old Republic with the 1.5km titan he was about to unleash on us, he was also a nuisance on the server with his verbal insults, and was openly threatening all the major factions moving to Illusive at the time.

    The reason I took direct military command was because of the 1.5km Titan!!! It was scheduled for launch in a matter of days. There was no time to waste, the situation was either we incapacitate Baalzann before he launches the Titan or we get our arses kicked off the server. There was no time for a debate or whatsoever, that's why I stayed up that night with Kamika to set up the Gun platform.

    So now that it has been established that the reason I took direct military control was to ensure the safety of Calderon Prime and all our members from the 1.5km Titan, I can understand if you do not agree with my way of handling the situation, but I did it out of the care and concern for all of us. So why is it now I am being seen as a ruthless dictator by the very people I tried so hard to protect. I built the CR from scratch, back then on NASS I was a nobody, it was a painful and hard process of recruiting new members while being under the mercy of larger factions who were constantly looking for reasons to pick a fight with us. I had to kick one of my most trusted Member, "Deimoscrav" just to avoid a war that we could never hope to even survive. These are the kind of hard decisions none of you will ever have to make because your factions carry on the reputation and infamy that I built with the CR.

    Regarding why I left, did you think it was easy resigning from the faction I had spent over half a year of my life building? It was emotional, I shed tears upon clicking the leave button. If you think I left to avoid responsibility then you are gravely mistaken, I left as a sign to show that our faction was different from the rest, and that if the Leader were to commit a mistake in the eyes of the people he too will bear the consequences. And despite the result, I had no idea Bradely was about to unfaction Calderon Prime, the time I left Calderon was going through a state of security with the new super turrets installed to defend the capital, it was the perfect time to hand over the throne.

    I'm not saying people who hate me cant have an opinion, of their own, but bear in mind that the reputation you currently have was built upon my hard work. Do you honestly think that if I were to have ignored you instead of recruiting you on that faithful day you joined the CR, that you would reach the status that you currently have now?

    This all may come off as a little arrogant, but look at how you tried to put me down upon my attempt to revive Calderon with your "warm welcomes". Aside from Claru, none of you have the rights to tell me how I screwed up or how the new Calderon will never be a successful as the old one, because unlike Claru who has gained fame through her good literacy and democratic nature, all of you have only obtained your status through my hard work.

    I write this not to demand for your respects, but to remind those former CR members that if you were to criticize me that would make you are no better then what you try to depict me as.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Its best to show set an example than try curve peoples expectations. Two lets have people believe what they want, but the truth will always be clear to you. It is up to others to try to understand. Lets focus on Calderon now as it stands tall and proud. CR as it has been said is gone but its members remain. We have traditions to up hold and we have our lessons from our to keep us in check. It is time to build, not talk. First and foremost we get good members. Quality over quantity. Which is why Two is in Calderon.
    Aug 20, 2013
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    Two, I stated things matter-of-factly.
    The only problems I've ever had in regards to it all, is that we called ourselves a Republic, when we should've called ourselves an Empire, or other form of monarchic state, once you decided to take control. That some promises weren't kept. That the decisions made in those final days, did cause a number of people to leave, people that were at the core of the faction.
    Did you screw up...? Yes. Regardless of all the attempts justifying your actions...
    You did screw up. Is it particulary horrible to screw up...? Something for anyone to bear lasting negative feelings over?
    Naw. People will make mistakes. That's fine. It's important to learn from said mistakes, though.

    It's also important to remember, that Calderon Republic, in its peak days, was a group effort. Not your construct alone.
    It's somewhat disrespectful towards most of your former members to lay claim to all of its reputation single-handedly.
    To me, it seems like you still haven't learned. And I pity that, no more, no less.
    May ye build beautiful ships'n fly beautiful skies.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Two, I stated things matter-of-factly.
    The only problems I've ever had in regards to it all, is that we called ourselves a Republic, when we should've called ourselves an Empire, or other form of monarchic state, once you decided to take control. That some promises weren't kept. That the decisions made in those final days, did cause a number of people to leave, people that were at the core of the faction.
    Did you screw up...? Yes. Regardless of all the attempts justifying your actions...
    You did screw up. Is it particulary horrible to screw up...? Something for anyone to bear lasting negative feelings over?
    Naw. People will make mistakes. That's fine. It's important to learn from said mistakes, though.

    It's also important to remember, that Calderon Republic, in its peak days, was a group effort. Not your construct alone.
    It's somewhat disrespectful towards most of your former members to lay claim to all of its reputation single-handedly.
    To me, it seems like you still haven't learned. And I pity that, no more, no less.
    May ye build beautiful ships'n fly beautiful skies.
    "Its best to show set an example than try curve peoples expectations. Two lets have people believe what they want, but the truth will always be clear to you." -Leanson

    I shan't argue with you about facts written in stone, I know there are many who believe my actions were justifiable under the given circumstances, the mere opinion of a short sighted fool matters not to me. regarding "Not your construct alone. It's somewhat disrespectful towards most of your former members to lay claim to all of its reputation single-handedly." During the time in which you joined the Old Republic was the begining of the golden age.Compairing the contributions you made throughout your entire time of service to the Old Republic with mine is pathetic and somewhat insulting. I believe in justice, and honestly I believe the most under appreciated member would be Kamika, and all the miners and warriors of the Calderon Republic, they are the ones whom I see as my equal, not some ungrateful fool who takes everything others have done for him for granted, worst still, attempts to mock them publicly in their times of recovery.

    To be honest Cirdanorth, after introducing you to the forums and taking you under the wing of those who trully worked for the CR's success, I regret my actions thinking back. The day you stumbled upon Calderon Prime should have been the day I left you there in your ignorance.

    Accepting you was my biggest regret, Trusting you is my biggest mistake, You are a man not fit to judge nor let alone lead others. Craving power of leadership yet with the lack of a backbone to accept the responsibilities that come with it. The very political structure of the ToC proves my point. The fall of the ToC was no mere coincidence, I had easily foreseen it, and shared it with selected individuals whom I pitied following their blind, sad excuse of a leader into the darkness.

    If you want to truly experience the hardships felt by true leaders who started from scratch, go ahead, try it, the day you are successful with this task is the day you will be worthy of judging all of us, just because you picked up the shattered pieces of other's work and called it your own does not make you worthy of judging. I believe I speak for all whom you might or might have criticize in past or in future when I say these short four words." YOU HAVE NO RIGHT".
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed
    The cascade of evil, the torrents of war.
    Burning with wrath, He stepped
    down from the Heavens
    To judge the unworthy,
    To redeem the pure.

    -The Scriptures, Revelation Verses 2:12
    Nov 16, 2013
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    holy crap! lets hope the servers can take it and not pass out, great job btw.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Size comparison between yours and that? Would be neat to see.

    Where did you get yours?
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I binvoxed it myself at 831 meters long then used SMEdit to convert it.