
    Reilly Reese

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    Wait wait wait!!!!

    The "mouth" has a yellow forcefield


    So when they updated the textures that made Caldari Ships Black they made the forcefield Blue on the Avatar?
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Avatar Update 2

    "Only through many hardships
    Is a man stripped to his very foundations
    And in such a state
    Devoid of distractions
    Is his soul free to soar
    And in this
    He is closest to God"
    - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 42:5

    In this second update, the majestic Avatar comes yet another step closer to it's final form. The capital ship's vast hangars have finally been constructed, with the space to house multiple squadrons of Calderonian fighter, it is indeed a hangar worthy to be built on a vessel as majestic as the Avatar.

    Hanger doors

    Hanger Overview

    Deck 2

    The hangar has a total of 3 decks, the top most deck used to dock bombers, 2nd deck for fighter and the last deck used to store drones.


    Nov 16, 2013
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    Ok the base is up and doing good, our factories are still in good order :). What we need now is focus on getting new members and keeping them, expanding acquiring new recipes, and building. We need new sentry ships that will be used to guard our home sector or other areas of interests. New ships are also needed refit as well as new ship in general. Multiple weapon concepts are needed that supports each other and that uses the effects that the new weapon system has available. Making certain ships useful in certain situation and our fleet capable of any tasks that we might have. Turrets are to be created as well, different sizes, purposes, and abilities. So far I am impressed with the turn out, lets see if we can make the faction more active and supportive with each member. Overlord Leanson out..
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Rodger, I have made an effort to scrap all out dated ships at Calderon Prime. The Absolution has been refitted with brand new laser technology, however might need further improvements due to lasers will work towards the goals stated above.
    Aug 20, 2013
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    "Its best to show set an example than try curve peoples expectations. Two lets have people believe what they want, but the truth will always be clear to you." -Leanson

    I shan't argue with you about facts written in stone, I know there are many who believe my actions were justifiable under the given circumstances, the mere opinion of a short sighted fool matters not to me. regarding "Not your construct alone. It's somewhat disrespectful towards most of your former members to lay claim to all of its reputation single-handedly." During the time in which you joined the Old Republic was the begining of the golden age.Compairing the contributions you made throughout your entire time of service to the Old Republic with mine is pathetic and somewhat insulting. I believe in justice, and honestly I believe the most under appreciated member would be Kamika, and all the miners and warriors of the Calderon Republic, they are the ones whom I see as my equal, not some ungrateful fool who takes everything others have done for him for granted, worst still, attempts to mock them publicly in their times of recovery.

    To be honest Cirdanorth, after introducing you to the forums and taking you under the wing of those who trully worked for the CR's success, I regret my actions thinking back. The day you stumbled upon Calderon Prime should have been the day I left you there in your ignorance.

    Accepting you was my biggest regret, Trusting you is my biggest mistake, You are a man not fit to judge nor let alone lead others. Craving power of leadership yet with the lack of a backbone to accept the responsibilities that come with it. The very political structure of the ToC proves my point. The fall of the ToC was no mere coincidence, I had easily foreseen it, and shared it with selected individuals whom I pitied following their blind, sad excuse of a leader into the darkness.

    If you want to truly experience the hardships felt by true leaders who started from scratch, go ahead, try it, the day you are successful with this task is the day you will be worthy of judging all of us, just because you picked up the shattered pieces of other's work and called it your own does not make you worthy of judging. I believe I speak for all whom you might or might have criticize in past or in future when I say these short four words." YOU HAVE NO RIGHT".
    Mate... What under the blue heavens has got you this spiteful?
    Do you believe attempting to insult me and spreading blatant lies will somehow make yourself look better?

    Let's recap...

    You're calling me a short-sighted fool. Fair enough, I am short-sighted, that's what you get for reading and sitting behind a screen all day.
    I consider myself a fool. Always have... It's better to consider yourself a fool, than to act like one.

    "Compairing the contributions you made throughout your entire time of service to the Old Republic with mine is pathetic and somewhat insulting. I believe in justice..."
    I meant what I said right there. You were claiming the reputation as solely your own. I didn't talk about my own contributions, or their amount. Because I quite frankly don't feel they need to be mentioned as they were humble at best, buildwise and so forth...
    Now, you decide to mention Kamika... And yes, I would agree, he's one of the unsung heroes of CR, the greatest builder we had.
    I was very much thrilled when he wanted to try'n build ToC together with me. I likely wouldn't have attempted such without him. And, I gave up my efforts when he told me he would be too busy irl...

    All that ToC was, was an attempt to revive some part of the CR, to keep it alive'n in people's minds. In great part, your work was honoured.
    We built in the colours of our golden days and further improved old ship designs, refitting them as the updates came. You somehow desire to see me as ungrateful, merely for disagreeing with some of your final actions and mourning what came to pass...

    I haven't mocked you. I haven't mocked Calderon. A fool wouldn't mock another, as they at least know themselves a fool'n feel pity for one in worse or similar position.

    'Craving power'... I myself requested not to be promoted beyond commander. You insisted on making me admiral and then made me vice-admiral when I vehemently requested you not to. I don't crave power. Quite frankly, I don't want power, never wanted power. ToC's structure existed, because I didn't want power. I just wanted to have fun, teach people the basics of the game and continue to play as we were used to. I wanted to somehow turn back the time, when I should've known that such was impossible. We won't be returning to those days... We might never see anything like them again. And, that's a shame. I've never called myself a leader. I am, at best, an advisor or a teacher, possibly, only a dreamer and generally a gamer, out to have fun'n enjoy myself.

    I've never judged you... I merely pity you and am witness to your continued baseless hostility.
    I would like for you to see past that haze. I would really like for you to learn and rather than raping my words to make them seem malicious to you, read what I'm actually writing... That, while you were part of what caused CR's downfall, you surely weren't the only reason for it. By far, I still believe Bradley to have the greatest weight in it, as he broke the last bit of spirit of those that were left. Without him, they might've recovered...

    My four words for you...
    Just enjoy the game.
    That's what we're here for.
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    Jun 30, 2013
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    "I've never judged you... I merely pity you and am witness to your continued baseless hostility.
    I would like for you to see past that haze. I would really like for you to learn and rather than raping my words to make them seem malicious to you, read what I'm actually writing... That, while you were part of what caused CR's downfall, you surely weren't the only reason for it. By far, I still believe Bradley to have the greatest weight in it, as he broke the last bit of spirit of those that were left. Without him, they might've recovered..."

    -Cirdanorth 10/6/2014 Current Starmade website

    The Republic is long dead. You're the one whom killed it.
    You cannot hope to revive it as it was, so don't name it, as it was named, 't is folly and undignified.
    It is a monument to our enemies, and a reminder of our flaws. By taking the same name, you remove the value that lies therein.
    Such is my judgement as a Hermit among the Tribes.

    (But besides that, good luck. We'll see what happens.)

    -Cirdanorth 03/28/2014 Old Starmade website

    Cirdanorth the grudge I hold against you and all your lies is undescribable, and that was built upon by not only that statement but numerous others that you have made to criticize me as a person. no matter how many times u try to deny it you have given me more then enough reason to hold a grudge against you.

    " Mate... What under the blue heavens has got you this spiteful?
    Do you believe attempting to insult me and spreading blatant lies will somehow make yourself look better?"

    Hell you think I give a damn what people think of me? I am who I am, I am friendly towards ever stranger I meet and hostile towards those whom have lost my respect.

    "I haven't mocked you. I haven't mocked Calderon. A fool wouldn't mock another, as they at least know themselves a fool'n feel pity for one in worse or similar position."

    Oh yes you have, but you do it in such a way where you can easily deny it.

    I am cold and ruthless towards those whom threaten me or the people I care for partially due to what I have experienced in life, I have displayed this consistently throughout my existence both online and offline. There are only 2 things people know me as, a dependable friend or a cold hearted asshole.

    "I meant what I said right there. You were claiming the reputation as solely your own"

    I was showing you that however painful it was for you to leave it was ten times worse for me. The CR was my pride and joy, it was my child in the online world you could say, and after going through the pain of having to leave the faction in a desperate attempt to save it, I feel that your comments regarding my my actions have neither a drop of respect nor empathy let alone justice saying it as if I had simply lost interest and intentionally hurt everyone who was part of the CR due to my "short attention span".

    Last but not least

    "The Republic is long dead. You're the one whom killed it.
    You cannot hope to revive it as it was, so don't name it, as it was named, 't is folly and undignified.
    It is a monument to our enemies, and a reminder of our flaws. By taking the same name, you remove the value that lies therein.
    Such is my judgement as a Hermit among the Tribes."

    -Cirdanorth 03/28/2014 Old Starmade website

    This statement alone proves that you did not care about the CR after it's downfall, you can try all you want to justify those words, but I urge everyone not to fall victim to his word play, instead read the thread for yourselves: . Stop pretending Cirdanorth, if you have the balls to insult a man then have the balls to admit you did it.
    Don't hide behind fancy word play.

    There is only one thing I hate more then people who lack due respect, people who cower and refuse to admit their actions and face the consequences.


    The Devious Traitor
    Jun 21, 2013
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    If leaving CR was so painful as you say, then you wouldnt had left it without a word like you did. claim not more then is true.. For many in this community knows the truth and talking more about a dead old idea will not lead to anything else then idiotic flame wars.. also to mention Calderon dont want to start a war with VT.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    If leaving CR was so painful as you say, then you wouldnt had left it without a word like you did. claim not more then is true.. For many in this community knows the truth and talking more about a dead old idea will not lead to anything else then idiotic flame wars.. also to mention Calderon dont want to start a war with VT.
    Oh really? You didn't see the 3 paragraph long letter of resignation I wrote explaining why I left? Really, you didn't read that? Ask around, I'm sure some people remember it and some even referenced the DFN.
    Aug 20, 2013
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    I didn't judge you. I judged a very specific act and I did it 'in character'. Which is why I felt the need to add what I actually wanted to say in brackets. My opinion remains that Calderon should not call itself a republic, when the wished for command system is based off an overlord.
    Leanson agreed there, which is why Calderon's now named Calderon, and not Calderon Republic. <-<

    I've never meant offense. Yet you have interpretted it as such.

    It wasn't particulary painful for me to leave. It's a game. We're doing this for our entertainment.
    I don't like such drama in this kind of environment...
    The moment CR was infected by drama, I bailed. Neither of us expected it to fall so suddenly.
    I had hoped there'd been more time'nd CR would've re-assessed itself'n turned into the relaxed environment I was used to.
    Whether it was going to be led by Overlord or council, it wouldn't have mattered much.

    It'd just have been nice if, once you wanted to take full control, you had renamed the CR to the CE, or the CI, Calderon Empire or Imperium.
    If you wanted to be a strong military faction, over a relaxed, open faction... You could've made it so. But you didn't.. And you're angry at me for still pointing such out. You went as far as to swear complete destruction on me, or so I was told.. And all that really did was make me a tad sad. Because I don't have such feelings for you. I don't hold such feelings for anyone. It's nonsensical, to swear destruction over lil' things that happen in a game. It's nonsensical to insult'n anger people... When, outside of the game, we truly need to work together to achieve what needs to be achieved. Antagonizing each other serves no purpose, on a greater scale. It's instinctive, bestial behaviour and we shouldn't commit to it.
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    Stop this now. Take it to pm if you must, but it will not be solved by building your walls higher or making your words sharper. i do not wish for bad blood between you to, but some history and its outcome can be to much for some to accept and take ownership, and instead blame others. Lets make it simple, so the blame goes to the correct person. I was the leader of CR when it fell and disbanded so it was my fault. Not two, not kam, not Cird or anyone who came and went. As leader I take the responsibility that was presented to me, and I failed. That is that, IF THERE IS ANY TALK OF WHY CR FAILED it was because if ME CLEAR.....
    Zeveryn we all see the embers Calderon doesn't want to start a war with VT. I doubt this would happen. And u would not war because of our good relationship with the VT.
    Aug 20, 2013
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    My words aren't sharpened and I'm not building walls.. I'm quite clearly explaining to Two that I don't hold any ill feelings towards him.
    What happened happened. It's not an awefully big deal. It was fun and then it stopped being fun. That's all...

    I stick with.. The blame for CR's fall ended up being with Bradley, the one that truly betrayed CR. Whom all three of us welcomed as a friend and ended up being the first to bring truly dirty warfare into the game.
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    Sometimes it is best to not respond at all, or to give a short clear message to convey your point and set the tone for what you are going to say.
    True bradley did do that, but as a leader, the success and failure falls on the ones in charge.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    As I was reporting, Obsolete ships have been cleared off and will be replaced with the new Absolution MK IIs. I'll let you take a look at them to decide if they need any redesigning in terms of weapon systems.