Admin Commands for StarMade


    Server scriptologist
    Jan 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Courtesy of Schema. In StarMade, there is a variety of administration command available.
    Admin System


    Administrators are saved in the admins.txt in your StarMade directory. Administrators are identified by login names. WARNING: Please use the ingame "uplink" with to secure your login.

    If you add administrators manually by editing that file, the server has to be restarted. If you want to add administrators instantly, you can use the commands listed below.

    *NOTE* If a new server is started without or with an empty 'admins.txt', everybody is considered an administrators, so if you set up a new server, be sure to add yourself to the administrators.


    All commands are executed by putting a forward slash '/' in the chat followed by the command. There is Auto-Complete available. Just write a slash and press TAB to list all available commands. Pressing TAB will always list all available commands that start with what you have written. If there is only one option left, the command will auto complete.

    (add_admin) - Gives admin rights to player [PlayerName(String)]
    /add_admin schema

    (ban_ip) - Bans a ip from this server [PlayerIP(String)]

    (ban_name) - Bans a playername from this server [PlayerName(String)]
    /ban_name schema

    (change_sector) - Teleports the current player to another sector [X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /change_sector 2 3 4

    (change_sector_for) - Teleports any player to another sector [player(String), X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /change_sector_for schema 2 3 4

    (cubatom_random_fill) - Gives a set of random cubatom to player [PlayerName(String)]
    /cubatom_random_fill schema

    (daytime) - Sets the time of the day in hours [TimeInHours(Integer)]
    /daytime 12

    (debug_fsm_info) - Shows FSM state of objects (Debug Command: slows down network) true/false(Boolean)
    /debug_fsm_info false

    (debug_id) - Sets the id of an object to debug [ID(Integer)]
    /debug_id 1

    (despawn_all) - WARNING: this will delete the entites that start with the given pattern from the database! [ShipNameStart(String), Mode(used/unused/all)(String), ShipOnly(Boolean)]
    /despawn_all MOB_ unused true

    (despawn_sector) - WARNING: this will delete the entites of a sector that start with the given pattern from the database! [ShipNameStart(String), Mode(used/unused/all)(String), ShipOnly(Boolean), X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /despawn_sector MOB_ unused true 2 2 2

    (destroy_entity) - Destroys the selected Entity that is currently targeted

    (destroy_entity_dock) - Destroys the selected Entity and all docked ships

    (export_sector) - Exports the whole sector. Be sure to use /force_save before [X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer), name(String)]
    /export_sector 2 3 4 mySavedSector

    (export_sector_bulk) - Exports the whole sector from file. be sure to use /force_save before fileName(String)
    /export_sector_bulk sector-bulk-export-import-example.txt

    (faction_list) - Lists all factions

    (faction_edit) - Edits a faction with name and description [factionID(Integer), FactionName(String), Description(String)]
    /faction_edit 1001 myNewFaction mustbeoneword

    (faction_create) - Creates a faction with name and description) [FactionName(String), Description(String)]
    /faction_create myNewFaction mustbeoneword

    (faction_delete) - Removes a faction [factionID(Integer)]
    /faction_delete -1

    (faction_check) - Checks sanity of factions (removes leftover/invalid factions)

    (faction_list_members) - Lists members of faction [factionID(Integer)]
    /faction_list_members -1

    (faction_join_id) - Joins a player to a faction with given id [PlayerName(String), factionID(Integer)]
    /faction_join_id schema 1001

    (faction_set_id_member) - Sets a player to a faction id (warning: debug! not a join) [PlayerName(String), factionID(Integer)]
    /faction_set_id_member schema 1001

    (faction_reinstitute) - Adds ids to players from faction members

    (faction_mod_member) - Sets a player to role within the faction [PlayerName(String), Role(1-5)(Integer)]
    /faction_mod_member schema 1

    (faction_mod_relation) - Sets relation of two factions [FactionID(Integer), FactionID(Integer), enemy/ally/neutral(String)]
    /faction_mod_relation 1001 1002 enemy

    (faction_del_member) - Deletes a player from the faction [PlayerName(String), FactionId(Integer)]
    /faction_del_member schema 1

    (force_save) - The server will save all data to disk

    (give) - Gives player elements by NAME [PlayerName(String), ElementName(String), Count(Integer)]
    /give schema Power 10

    (give_all_items) - Adds every item for a player [PlayerName(String), count(Integer)]
    /give_all_items schema 20

    (give_category_items) - Adds for player items from category [PlayerName(String), count(Integer), terrain/ship/station(String)]
    /give_category_items schema 20 20

    (give_credits) - Gives player credits [PlayerName(String), Count(Integer)]
    /give_credits schema 1000

    (giveid) - Gives player elements by ID [PlayerName(String), ElementID(Short), Count(Integer)]
    /giveid schema 2 10

    (give_laser_weapon) - Gives player a sidearm [PlayerName(String)]
    /give_laser_weapon schema

    (give_logbook) - Gives player logbook [PlayerName(String)]
    /give_logbook schema

    (give_metaitem) - Gives player a metaitem [PlayerName(String), Metaitem(String)]
    /give_metaitem schema Helmet

    (give_recipe) - Gives player recipe [PlayerName(String), TypeOutput(Integer)]
    /give_recipe schema 1

    (god_mode) - Enables god mode for a player [PlayerName(String), active(Boolean)]
    /god_mode schema true/false

    (ignore_docking_area) - Enables/disables docking area validation (default off) [enable(Boolean)]
    /ignore_docking_area false

    (initiate_wave) - Initiates an enemy wave [Level(Integer), Seconds(Integer)]
    /initiate_wave 5 20

    (invisibility_mode) - Enables invisibility mode for a player [PlayerName(String), active(Boolean)]
    /invisibility_mode schema true/false

    (jump) - Jump to an object in line of sight if possible

    (kick) - Kicks a player from the server [PlayerName(String)]
    /kick schema

    (kill_character) - Kills the entity with that name [PlayerName(String)]
    /kill_character schema

    (last_changed) - Shows the unique id of the players that spawned and/or last modified the selected structure

    (list_admins) - Lists all admins

    (list_banned_ip) - Lists all banned IPs

    (list_banned_name) - Lists all banned names

    (list_control_units) - Who is attached to what (debug)

    (list_ships) - Lists the current ship catalog

    (list_whitelist_ip) - Lists all whitelisted IPs

    (list_whitelist_name) - Lists all whitelisted names

    (load) - Loads the object and puts it in the nearest available spot CatalogName(String), ShipName(String)
    /load mySavedShip myShipInGame

    (load_sector_range) - Loads sectors between a range [fromX(Integer), fromY(Integer), fromZ(Integer), toX(Integer), toY(Integer), toZ(Integer)]
    /load_sector_range 2 3 4 9 8 7

    (load_system) - Loads the whole system [X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /load_system 2 3 4

    (populate_sector) - WARNING: this will populate the sector. Use this as a reset after using /despawn_sector [X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /populate_sector 2 2 2

    (refresh_server_msg) - Refreshes the server welcome message

    (repair_sector) - Attempts to correct the regitry of the sector [X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /repair_sector 2 3 4

    (remove_admin) - Removes admin rights of player [PlayerName(String)]
    /remove_admin schema

    (restruct_aabb) - Reconstructs the AABBs of all objects on the server

    (save) - Saves the currently entered/selected Object in the Catalog [NameInCatalog(String)]
    /save myNewShip

    (search) - Returns the sector of a ship of station with that uid [ShipOrStationName(String)]
    /search myLostShip

    (sector_chmod) - Changes the sector mode: example '/sector_chmod 8 8 8 + peace', available modes are 'peace'(no enemy spawn), 'protect'(no attacking possible) [SectorX(Integer), SectorY(Integer), SectorZ(Integer), +/-(String), peace/protect(String)]
    /sector_chmod 10 12 15 + peace

    (set_debug_mode) - Set's mode to debug server remotely [mode(Integer)]
    /set_debug_mode 1

    (set_global_spawn) - Sets default spawnpoint to where client is now

    (set_spawn) - Sets the spawing point for this player to the current position

    (shop_restock) - Restocks the selected shop with items

    (shutdown) - Shutsdown the server in specified seconds (neg values will stop any active countdown) [TimeToShutdown(Integer)]
    /shutdown 120

    (simulation_invoke) - Invokes the simulation thread directly

    (simulation_spawn_delay) - Sets the time of the day in hours [TimeInSecs(Integer)]
    /simulation_spawn_delay 300

    (simulation_ai_enable) - Enables/disables AI simulation [enable(Boolean)]
    /simulation_ai_enable false

    (spawn_entity) - Spawns a ship in any sector with a faction tag and AI tag [BlueprintName(String), ShipName(String), X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer), factionID(Integer), ActiveAI(Boolean)]
    /spawn_entity mySavedShip shipName sectorX sectorX sectorX -1 true/false

    (spawn_mobs) - Spawn AI from catalog with factionID at random places around you [CatalogName(String), factionID(Integer), count(Integer)]
    /spawn_mobs mySavedShip -1 20

    (spawn_mobs_line) - Spawn AI from catalog with factionID at the point you are looking at [CatalogName(String), factionID(Integer), count(Integer)]
    /spawn_mobs_line mySavedShip -1 20

    (spawn_item) - Spawn an item in front of you [BlockName(String), count(Integer)]
    /spawn_item power 20

    (start_countdown) - Starts a countdown visible for everyone [Seconds(Integer), Message(String)]
    /start_countdown 180 may contain spaces

    (start_ship_ai) - Makes current ship into a AI for faction [factionID(Integer)]
    /start_ship_ai -1

    (status) - Displays server status

    (stop_ship_ai) - Current ship will stop being AI

    (teleport_self_home) - Teleports the current controlled entity to the spawning point of the player controlling it

    (teleport_self_to) - Teleports the current controlled entity [X(Float), Y(Float), Z(Float)]
    /teleport_self_to 0.0 1.0 3.5

    (teleport_to) - Teleports the current controlled entity [PlayerName(String), X(Float), Y(Float), Z(Float)]
    /teleport_to schema 0.0 1.0 3.5

    (tp_to) - Warp to player's position [PlayerName(String)]
    /tp_to schema

    (tp) - Warp a player to your position [PlayerName(String)]
    /tp schema

    (unban_name) - Unbans a playername from this server [PlayerName(String)]
    /unban_name schema

    (unban_ip) - Unbans a ip from this server [PlayerIP(String)]

    (update_shop_prices) - Updates the prices of all shops instantly

    (whitelist_name) - Add a playername to the white list [PlayerName(String)]
    /whitelist_name schema

    (whitelist_ip) - Add an IP to the white list [PlayerIP(String)]

    (whitelist_activate) - Turns white list on/off (will be saved in server.cfg) [enable(Boolean)]
    /whitelist_activate false
    Last edited:
    Nov 16, 2013
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    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    wow this is really handy. Auto complete will save alot of time and effort.


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Schine
    • Video Genius
    One I think could be handy in the future would be something like a /control which would allow the selected entity to be entered (assuming it isn't currently controlled) from any distance as long as it's selected. That way admin's would be able to jump directly into a core without having to travel a long distance or destroy an entity. It would also allow them to enter a ship which is glitching out and move it, without deleting it.


    Server scriptologist
    Jan 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yes, I agree that would be handy. It would also be nice to have a command that would take you to a ship by name and put you in control of it.
    Feb 15, 2014
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    So this is just a copy/paste from the old commands, but it doesn't explain things.

    For example, "(despawn_sector) - WARNING: this will delete the entites of a sector that start with the given pattern from the database! [ShipNameStart(String), Mode(used/unused/all)(String), ShipOnly(Boolean), X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]
    /despawn_sector MOB_ unused true 2 2 2"

    Despawn is a powerful and dangerous command. The explanation and example provided, neither explains nor gives an example.
    What is the mode and what do the options mean? No explanation.
    What does "boolean" mean?? If there are options, what are they and what do they mean?

    This: BlockName(String), meaningless. If it's talking about the "block ID", then it needs to say "block ID". At best, copying code chunks with no explanation isn't informative or helpful, it's just laziness.

    Something like this "[ShipNameStart(String), Mode(used/unused/all)(String), ShipOnly(Boolean), X(Integer), Y(Integer), Z(Integer)]" is fine for people who write code, but it is meaningless gibberish to people who don't code. Some commands are pretty much straight forward while others are not clear at all. Is there any instruction that explains how to use entity names that have spaces in them instead of dashes or underlines? No.

    Do you want the game to cater to coders and elitists, or gamers willing to pay for a game?
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    (give_logbook) - Gives player logbook [PlayerName(String)]
    /give_logbook schema

    (give_recipe) - Gives player recipe [PlayerName(String), TypeOutput(Integer)]
    /give_recipe schema 1
    I didn't knew about these. Especially the logbook one is nice :)


    Server scriptologist
    Jan 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    25z - If there are spaces in the ship name you would probably use quotes. The purpose of this post was just to carry over the information from the previous forum not to make it so everyone could understand these commands. Some of these commands are pretty much defunct at this point such as /repair_sector 2 3 4. We will be putting together a better guide to these commands in the future. I would like to see this guide included with the launcher.
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    Reactions: NeonSturm
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Just a heads up, the /teleport_to command has changed(it now teleports the entity you have selected with f, and completely ingores the name you put in)

    Also /kill_character crashes the server now so i would not recommend using that
    Oct 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    One I think could be handy in the future would be something like a /control which would allow the selected entity to be entered
    Select the ship and hit Tab + F8. You can take control of any ship, including pirates, that isn't controlled by a player. Obviously, you have to be an admin.
    Jul 12, 2014
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I didn't knew about these. Especially the logbook one is nice :)
    Hmm, /give_logbook <usedname> "ERROR: Unknown command". Oh well, it probably isn't a logbook one can make notes in anyhow. ;)




    Oct 30, 2015
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    Is there a print-friendly list of these commands somewhere?. I want to edit my own 'Hot List' of regularly used commands.

    Erth Paradine

    Server Admln & Bug Reporter
    Feb 15, 2016
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    I'm not having much luck figuring out how to work with spaces in UIDs. I've tried just spaces, substituting spaces with underscores, quoting the string, brackets, and escaping combinations thereof...nothing seems to work. Is there any way to reference UID strings with spaces in them?
    Last edited:
    Mar 31, 2016
    Reaction score
    Wow, some massive amounts of necro going on here.
    Ignore the spaces, Erth Paradine, ignore them completely and make it one block word.

    Erth Paradine

    Server Admln & Bug Reporter
    Feb 15, 2016
    Reaction score
    enclosing them in " " isnt working either ?
    Upon another run at this, enclosing JUST the string in escaped quotes does seem to work:
    /change_sector_for_uid \"ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Starter Scrapper_1463358732145\" 5 5 5
    RETURN: [SERVER, [ADMIN COMMAND] [SUCCESS] changed sector for ENTITY_SHIP_HRMT Starter Scrapper_1463358732145 to (5, 5, 5), 0]
    RETURN: [SERVER, END; Admin command execution ended, 0]
    Last edited:
    May 24, 2016
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    is there a command to make a shop have infinite items? i cant seem to find it
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    How do you delete a faction? Ive tried it for half an hour but still doesn't work. i would like to delete a faction named The Nk. Could anyone give me the command pls?