Well first, i haven't got to test any of them yet, I don't recall saying I have, but there may have been a misunderstanding on that if i somehow came across that way, i even went back through and re read my posts and didn't see where that came across.More (OCD) technical questions:
1. When is / is there a "deadline" for our submission? (You stated that winners will be announced on May 1st, but you'll obviously need time to test and determine and confer, yet no mention of a cut-off date... so how much time is yet remaining?)
2. Would you be so kind as to send each participant a message verifying that you've received their submission?
3. Would I be correct in assuming that turrets do contribute to the total mass?
4. Do you prefer we label the ships in a standardized way (eg. Corvette-1, Corvette-2, Fighter-1, Fighter-2 or something similar) for your convenience? Or just go with whatever we've already named them?
5. Will you reserve a special honorable mention (for me) for "Weirdest Design" ? (If someone has one even weirder than mine, my hat will be off to you, sir!)
I don't expect to win, the fact that I'm even attempting to participate is a minor victory for me. Only 1 more to go though!
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BTW, I have not seen any submissions on the Community Content (are we all still "optimizing" our stuff??) But haven't you said that you've tested some squadrons already? This implies you received them via another route. Would you prefer another avenue, or stick with the CC arena as stated in the Cover Page?
"I am thinking of on the side doing a little gladiator event and have all the waves face each other 1 on 1 verse another wave, would be cool to see what squad of ships comes out on top! ( Just a thought as another way to test their abilities)"Depending on the number of submissions you get, and if you have time, you could test applicants' ships against one another. See how one group of five fares against another.
I did the one that looks like a Dodge charger from 2070All i have left is one more ship to finish.. But here is where i am right now... (note that some of these ships still need some cosmetic touch up)
View attachment 10603
Yeah feel free to use it for your videos! And you can post WIP stuff here, seems what everyone is doing and its a good way for people to see whats going on!Hello guys.
Damn, I wish I'd kept my old world with my Pirate fleet now! I had 8 ships ranging from 300 mass to 4000, all built to the same style... Oh well start again..
I'm also fairly early on into a you-tube gaming/building channel. Anyone mind if I use this contest as a theme for a couple of vids? I'd say it would increase your exposure, but I've only got 3 subscribers, so don't get excited. Hoping to get more with this contest!
So final submissions go in community content. I'm fairly new to the forum, where should my WIP thread go? #noob