A New "Wave" [Pirate Ship Community Contest]


    Jun 20, 2013
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    First (and largest) ship, the Vulture nearly done. Just need some point defense turrets and flashy lights.

    Note the pirate emblem on the wing.
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    Jan 22, 2015
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    Finally got my five ships done, even tested them against several waves of pirates. They performed very well, though I am tempted to redo the weapon systems on a couple of the fighters.

    Feb 15, 2015
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    More (OCD) technical questions:

    1. When is / is there a "deadline" for our submission? (You stated that winners will be announced on May 1st, but you'll obviously need time to test and determine and confer, yet no mention of a cut-off date... so how much time is yet remaining?)
    2. Would you be so kind as to send each participant a message verifying that you've received their submission?
    3. Would I be correct in assuming that turrets do contribute to the total mass?
    4. Do you prefer we label the ships in a standardized way (eg. Corvette-1, Corvette-2, Fighter-1, Fighter-2 or something similar) for your convenience? Or just go with whatever we've already named them?

    5. Will you reserve a special honorable mention (for me) for "Weirdest Design" ? (If someone has one even weirder than mine, my hat will be off to you, sir!)

    I don't expect to win, the fact that I'm even attempting to participate is a minor victory for me. Only 1 more to go though!

    - - - - -

    BTW, I have not seen any submissions on the Community Content (are we all still "optimizing" our stuff??) But haven't you said that you've tested some squadrons already? This implies you received them via another route. Would you prefer another avenue, or stick with the CC arena as stated in the Cover Page?

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    Jan 30, 2015
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    More (OCD) technical questions:

    1. When is / is there a "deadline" for our submission? (You stated that winners will be announced on May 1st, but you'll obviously need time to test and determine and confer, yet no mention of a cut-off date... so how much time is yet remaining?)
    2. Would you be so kind as to send each participant a message verifying that you've received their submission?
    3. Would I be correct in assuming that turrets do contribute to the total mass?
    4. Do you prefer we label the ships in a standardized way (eg. Corvette-1, Corvette-2, Fighter-1, Fighter-2 or something similar) for your convenience? Or just go with whatever we've already named them?

    5. Will you reserve a special honorable mention (for me) for "Weirdest Design" ? (If someone has one even weirder than mine, my hat will be off to you, sir!)

    I don't expect to win, the fact that I'm even attempting to participate is a minor victory for me. Only 1 more to go though!

    - - - - -

    BTW, I have not seen any submissions on the Community Content (are we all still "optimizing" our stuff??) But haven't you said that you've tested some squadrons already? This implies you received them via another route. Would you prefer another avenue, or stick with the CC arena as stated in the Cover Page?

    Well first, i haven't got to test any of them yet, I don't recall saying I have, but there may have been a misunderstanding on that if i somehow came across that way, i even went back through and re read my posts and didn't see where that came across.

    The deadline is midnight the night before the first. I have talked to everyone about it and figured we wouldn't have more than a couple hours of "Last minute testing" from those who turn in on that final day. I will be getting up bright and early with my team on the First to do any final preparations for announcement of the victor.

    Yes turrets contribute to total mass.

    You may label them however you would like. The mass will make them obvious of there class.

    And unless i am confused about something, Things get zipped and posted here on the CC thread when done, either directly or via link from shipyard or both. And yes, i would be more than happy to PM people on the submission of the entries, that's a great idea.I will also of course post soon as i see them here with a positive remark!

    If you have any more questions let me know.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    The Salvagers
    The small crafts from the Salvagers' fleet are now ready.

    (no idea why it's in two segments, too many spoilers maybe)

    The Salvagers
    (Quick terrible logo)

    The Salvagers is a notorious faction from the human world.
    As their name suggest they live by salvaging ships the come across, if the ship is still full of people though then they will destroy it and assimilate it into their fleet.

    The Salvagers have long been a big problem for the LDCT and the City-Gate project although they have made The Far Traveler a very profitable company.
    Many try to seek out the Salvagers to find their treasures hidden amongst old wreckages that they use as their bases. Though none of those who dare try to look for this treasure returns.

    The Salvagers started as a simple salvaging group back on earth, trying to live of what they could salvage, this was not because they wanted to but because they had no other choice since they were amongst those humans that lived in the slums of planet Earth.
    A good amount of years after space-travel had become a normal thing for the human race, the Salvagers started to do what they did best, they salvaged the older ships, repaired them, and improved them, and now, now they are out amongst the stars continuing their life as salvagers, hoarding in ships and the valuables these contain, constantly improving their abilities, fleet, and bases.

    Beware, they are out there in the dark, waiting for you to be alone, waiting to kill you and harvest your ships...
    Small collection pack
    As it is easy to see with their ships, they salvage everything usable.
    Their fighters are mainly made out of the body of the Lombax hypercoil racer, while the engines are heavily modified engines from the Seeker, though the wings are either their own design or from a derelict ship is not know but these wings are noticeable a signature design​

    Their corvettes follow the same design procedure as their fighters except they use another design for the cockpit, this is also as the wings from a derelict ship or of their own design.
    The main weapons are mixes from the fighters and two extremely modified version of the Seeker's pull-beam, these overdrived beams are very dangerous, do not get too close.
    As one can see the Salvagers do still use the Lombax in their design although it is now rather a nose and a cannon than a cockpit and engine.

    These vessels are until further the only discovered ships from the Salvagers but as how they are they can easily have bigger and stronger vessels in their possession or in the works of being built though this has yet to be confirmed.​

    Tried to edit it, shouldn't have done that....
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    Jan 22, 2015
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    Depending on the number of submissions you get, and if you have time, you could test applicants' ships against one another. See how one group of five fares against another.
    Nov 20, 2014
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    After reviewing my ships and the thread I realized they were all undersized and not mean enough. So I reworked the largest four and added a flagship the is right at the 1000 mass limit for corvettes. This was a really fun project and I hope people enjoy my ships.

    Download and check them out here

    I would love to get some feedback so feel free to leave comments.
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    Jan 30, 2015
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    Depending on the number of submissions you get, and if you have time, you could test applicants' ships against one another. See how one group of five fares against another.
    "I am thinking of on the side doing a little gladiator event and have all the waves face each other 1 on 1 verse another wave, would be cool to see what squad of ships comes out on top! ( Just a thought as another way to test their abilities)"

    i was thinking the same thing :) ill run it past my builders and admins on the server and see what they have going on to set it up!
    Jan 29, 2015
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    All i have left is one more ship to finish.. But here is where i am right now... (note that some of these ships still need some cosmetic touch up)
    The Crew.png
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    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hey guys!

    I decided to try my hand at this contest as well. I got to thinking about how pirates are all about being really scary, showing bones and stuff to terrorize their enemies... so what could be scarier than a flying spider made of bones?

    With giant, venomous fangs, of course.

    I still have three more ships to make but this is what I got done today.
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    Mar 10, 2015
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    Hello guys.

    Damn, I wish I'd kept my old world with my Pirate fleet now! I had 8 ships ranging from 300 mass to 4000, all built to the same style... Oh well start again.. :)

    I'm also fairly early on into a you-tube gaming/building channel. Anyone mind if I use this contest as a theme for a couple of vids? I'd say it would increase your exposure, but I've only got 3 subscribers, so don't get excited. Hoping to get more with this contest!

    So final submissions go in community content. I'm fairly new to the forum, where should my WIP thread go? #noob

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    Reactions: jayman38
    Jan 30, 2015
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    Hello guys.

    Damn, I wish I'd kept my old world with my Pirate fleet now! I had 8 ships ranging from 300 mass to 4000, all built to the same style... Oh well start again.. :)

    I'm also fairly early on into a you-tube gaming/building channel. Anyone mind if I use this contest as a theme for a couple of vids? I'd say it would increase your exposure, but I've only got 3 subscribers, so don't get excited. Hoping to get more with this contest!

    So final submissions go in community content. I'm fairly new to the forum, where should my WIP thread go? #noob

    Yeah feel free to use it for your videos! And you can post WIP stuff here, seems what everyone is doing and its a good way for people to see whats going on!
    Mar 10, 2015
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    Much obliged. I tried shooting some footage yesterday though and it was far too laggy, so no video's coming. ight try some cinematic of the ships after they are done. Got to say, having trouble keeping to the 400 block limit with 'good' weapons and an interior. Tested my first stripped down fighter last night against an Isanth-vi (Vanilla) and got slaughtered!

    Going to redesign today, make it a bit more 'cockpit' than 'get in the ship'... :)


    EDIT: Oh... You know I was wondering why you guys were all clearly ignoring the rules with your ships and wondered how small I was going to have to strip mine down to, when I've just realised the MASS is limited to 400 or 1000.... I've been limiting NUMBER OF BLOCKS....


    So glad, because this fighter was getting stupidly small and had rubbish weapons and 2 shield generators!
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    Jan 29, 2015
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    Well... Here are all five ships basically done. You will see the newest at the bottom. I've tried to make them as diverse as possible giving them all unique weapon systems that are geared toward overtaking an enemy ship by eliminating its shields first and then immediately taking out its core with massive amounts of firepower. all while having ample defenses of there own to fight off missile attacks along with fast regen shields. I'm going to continue to refine each ship and perhaps change the looks a little right up until a week or so before the end of the competition. But the five ships are now basically done. Good luck to all! I believe in the end that someone is going to have one hell of a pirate wave one way or another.
    Mar 10, 2015
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    Cool stuff guys. I can see I'm going to have to call my entry "Fleet Vanilla"... :)
    Mar 10, 2015
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    I can honestly say I've never accidentally made something look exactly like something else! :)

    My first version when I was maxing at Mass 40, had a little skull on the back, then I decided to move it to the roof... Then to break up a blank space on the back, I put two small tail fins on.. Then.... Well... Let's just say I was making the second ship when I realised I'd built some bats!!

    Tiny fighters though, mass around 117-130... Scout, Interceptor and Bomber.

    Corvettes to come.