
    1. colonel lacu

      CRS-Rauma V1

      Made for the yacht/shuttle competition. Meant to transport 74-110 passengers and their luggage. There is an open room on the back that can be adapted to whatever route or voyage the ship is assigned to. Such as a dining room or seats for extra passengers or perhaps a room for a VIP passenger.
    2. colonel lacu

      CRS-Bothnia V1

      What do you do with decommissioned light cruisers? You razee them down and move them to secondary roles. This one has been turned into a troop transport. It takes a lot of power to move large amounts of cruiser armor and weapons around, so this ship has had most of its armor and all its...
    3. Dire Wolf

      Blue Bird Class Shuttle 2023-12-11

      Features: - High Speed - Fast Turn Rate - Small Cargo Bay - Enhanced FTL. Lore: The Blue Bird Class Shuttle is the standard Civil transport shuttle for the terrain federation. They are built by the Peace Corps through they are not a military craft. These shuttles are designed to be compatible...
    4. Dire Wolf

      Hulk Class Transport Ship/Tug MK01

      ' Stats: Reactor Size: 5,418 Shield Cap: 180K Shield Regen after upkeep: 2,980 Max Speed: 688.5 Thrust Ratio: 5. Cargo Cap: 493K Special Features: 1 - Scout Class AMS Turret(1) 2 - deployable boom to provide rear dock for allowing much larger ships who lack the full FTL tree to dock so this...
    5. SlavSquatSuperstar

      GP-1 "Space RV" General Purpose Ship Mark 1

      Description Since the colonization of Earth's Moon and Mars, everyday citizens all around the globe have been itching to travel the Solar System themselves. Cheeki Breeki Enterprises has answered your calls with our newest product, the GP-1 "Space RV": great for all types of spacers, and even...
    6. Dr. Whammy

      Type 48 Cargo Transport 1.0

      Type 48 - Manufacturer: Volcov Industrial/Fairborne Naval Systems - Affiliation: Public - Type: Light Duty Commercial Transport - Length 62 meters - Mass: 626 The Type 48 is a short/medium range cargo transport designed for the civilian market. This craft has 6 integral bays which are set up...
    7. EricBlank

      Pulsar Corp "Meteor" Transport 1.0.0

      Pulsar Corporation's newest private transport vessel, the Meteor, has just been released for a limited number of runs. This sleek, stylish, flamboyant craft is the perfect personal transport for the discerning pilot, featuring full in-atmosphere flight and landing capabilities, overdrive...
    8. Tshara

      WS Delphis 1.1

      When you need to get a transportation job done the Delphis is there for you. Interplanetary transportation at its best. Reliable and versatile. And for all those pesky pirates hiding in an asteroid belt ,you will have some surprises waiting for them. Capable of landing. Fully decked out...
    9. psteiner

      Smallish *Corvette*? 2020-05-19

      A nice, small ship with railgun vibes. I was playing around with adding ice smoothed lighting and got carried away. Comes with high tier stealth and jump capabilities. Images:
    10. -=DWM=-

      Blue Dragonfly V1.0

      Spaceship the Dragonfly. Want to travel safely fast with your cargo or faction personnel? Buy the Dragonfly spaceship. Sturdy, fast and it gets you home. You don't even have to shoot, with the static missile launcher that will do all the work for you, if you want to get rid of some pesky...
    11. klawxx

      Klawxx - Conestoga (Dominion) Cargo Shuttle 1.0

      * W00T! Power / Weapons 2.0 certified (!) * Conestoga Cargo Shuttle - The safest way to ferry your stuff around. This is the Klawxx dominion transport shuttle. It has been developed by Emperor Klawxx to facilitate the transportation of cargo and personnel between Planets and Dominion Fleets...
    12. Anubis Evo

      Type-25 "Spirit" Dropship Release

      Spirit Type-25 Ever wanted to fly around the iconic tuning-fork design of the Covenant Spirit from the Halo franchise? Now you can! Complete with functional Troop bays, the glowy blue energy between the prongs, and the capability to carry two ghosts or 1 medium size vehicle. More pictures...
    13. PromisedPossum

      Possum's Shuttle Pack 0.202.86

      All of Possum Tech's favorite small creations updated and placed in one download pack. Go fast, scan vast expanses, mine with dignity, or scout enemies undetected and ready to snipe.:skull: The Star series was updated with stronger salvage, more storage, stronger scanners and activation button...
    14. Gmodism

      GI_BUMBLEBEE - Personell Transport MK1

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI_BUMBLEBEE - Personell Transport The Bumblebee makes the next generation space shuttle and space car, the craft can carry 4 passengers and 1 pilot, the comfortable leather seats make moderate journeys pleasant and the standard armour frame ensures...
    15. Gmodism

      GI_VERTIGO Personal Transport CINEMATIC

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_VERTIGO Personal Transport The GI long distance transport with auto charging jumpdrives and 4 charges, featuring a lot of fancy rail features. This ship is featured in the EMPIRES CINEMATIC SERIES Overview: Gmodism Industries Shipyard. Brought to you...
    16. Spartan-228

      Scavenger Fleet 2018-07-10

      I decided to update the Scavenger faction ships with the new power and weapons. I did my best to keep the ships to their original look, but given the heavy use of system blocks that are no longer in use as decoration it was not easy. You will also note that there are 12 ships instead of 13, that...
    17. Gmodism


      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_VERTIGO TRANSPORT CRAFT The Gmodism Industries brings you the ultimate personell transport liner, for faction, private and commercial travel. This is the pilot liner version with a plain white hull and basic interiors. The ship uses lots of implemented...
    18. Anubis Evo

      Halo Valkyrie Transport Release

      Valkyrie To the Heavens and beyond. This is my implementation of the Unnamed Transport which is seen at the New Alexandrian Spaceport on Reach, from the game Halo Reach. The paint scheme comes from one of the ships which was sitting in the port waiting for launch...
    19. Gmodism


      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_PURPLEXED SPACECAR MK2 The Gmodism Industries classical 5 person space shuttle, it has 4 glass doors easy controls and a automatically charging jumpdrive. This is a easy fast way to transport personnel between ships, stations and planets. Gmodism...
    20. lordzorax

      Imperial Troop Transport V0.81

      The Imperial Troop Transport is a small vessel designed to drop troops onto planet surface. Unfinished. Exterior complete (with opening and closing hangar door logic). interior almost finished. Systems and turret weaponry remaining. Like my terminus, anyone with a good knowledge of...