
    1. Smurfi

      Gozanti Frieghter 1.0

      A Completed Gozanti class cruiser fitted for role play capabilities and lots of buttons to control doors. Fallowed this layout I had found online for accuracy and size. What became of the layout after attempting to put the ship in Starmade. First ship uploaded and post :D
    2. spartanbeast

      Tempest Class Cargo Ship 2015-11-17

      This ship is an updated version of my Grasshopper Class cargo ship. It has no weapons and is more for role play then it is usability. It has a very nice interior but it is a bit cramped.
    3. Kanlor

      Babylon 5 Salvager - Liquid Gases Transport 1.0

      Need a Babylon 5 themed salvager? Of course you do! Well I do anyway, so I made this one based off a liquid gasses transport seen in the show. :) 5k salvage modules (the limit on the server I play on) in a circular pattern to tear apart those asteroids in no time at all. Jump drive for...
    4. NuclearFun

      Mink Transport A1R2

      Hi: this is the Mink Transport. Just a small quick build to provide a selection of turrets (recently used in ships). without the cargo container, the hauler has high trust and a fast jump drive. There is a pull and a stop beam to work as tractor beams.
    5. Muxsis

      Vanth 2015-10-22

      Featuring space for squad and support vehicle also big hatch for cargo and auto ejection system for pilot. Also control for collision lights.
    6. ToasterBorst

      TTS Limulidae Prototype M1

      Video produced by Ephla Industries. ----- TOASTTECH NOTICE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ----- Trans-Orbital Aero-Space Telluric Technologies, also know as Toast Tech, is proud to make its public début with the release of this multi-purpose fast transport vessel designed by Borst, the Toast Tech Ship...
    7. Kanlor

      Babylon 5 Skylark Transport 1.0

      E.E.D.S. starship corp's rugged "Skylark" class commercial transport is one of the most popular civilian starships seen in Earth Alliance territories. Also known as the "Green Ship" due to her trademark olive drab plasteel hull, the Skylark is employed by traders, privateers and mercenaries...
    8. Master_Artificer

      Troop Transport Truck -Red- by STC Foundries 2015-10-03

      [imgur-album] Are you tired of not having a badass truck? Do you reminisce about the Sunderer from the Planet Side game series? Have you ever felt the need to transport some Astro-Marines across the continent instead of the stars? Ever wish you could just make a 'sled' and scrap along the...
    9. Master_Artificer

      Troop Hog -Red- By STC Foundries 2015-10-03

      [imgur-album] Are you tired of not having a way to get 4-8 of your friends across a planetary segment in one off road vehicle? Ever felt bored just shooting across the planet in what is equivalent to a modern day crotch rocket? Ever wish you could just make a 'sled' and scrap along the ground...
    10. Colonel Sheppard

      Pirate Looter 2015-10-2

      Even pirates have to use freighters when they do planet raids. The looter serves as their freighter and small command ship in pickets.
    11. mrsinister

      Armadillo AT 2.0e

      Armadillo Armed Transport and Trade Vessel: The Armadillo was built with the Tradesman that wanted some firepower in mind. Great for Trade Guilds! Ship Info When Targeted: Ship Build Specs: Installation: Unzip to your StarMade\blueprints folder. It will then appear in your ship catalog...
    12. TheKingOfSpace

      CX-T1 'Hummingbird' 2015-07-05

      Long popular with star race leagues and courier services for it's lightweight construction, powerful engines and small price tag, the CX T-1 'Hummingbird' Personal Light Transport one of the most popular individual transport craft in the galactic core. Advances in miniaturization have made it...
    13. TheKingOfSpace

      CX-9 'Sparrow' - Personal Long Range Transport 2015-06-23

      This little 2-man jumpship is designed for speed - it's three (relatively) large engine pods produce plenty of thrust during sublight travel, and provide quick acceleration to warp speeds. It's wing pods give additional stability in atmospheric and hypermatter flight, and fold to allow for...
    14. TheKingOfSpace

      Tau-Class Utility Shuttle/Light Scout 2015-06-11

      A large, long-range utility shuttle for transport, scouting and light freight duty. Seats 10 passengers plus two crew. This particular model has a socket for a standard-size cargo pod (included). Was made in the dev build, so some things may not work and the hotbar may be wonky...
    15. Anubis Evo

      Caldari Dropship Overhaul

      This is the Caldari Dropship from DUST 514, EVE Online's ground based FPS for the PS3. This was one of my earliest creations and since I had started playing starmade about 3 years ago. It's a really fun ship to fly and if you're looking for a good RP dropship, this is the perfect choice!