
    1. DeepspaceMechanic

      GAME IN A GAME: "Pixel Jet Fighter" platform v1.3

      The "Pixel Jet Fighter" platform A 2D jet-fighter-vs-enemy-cascade shooter game on a 105-pixel display! It actually works: different kinds of enemies spawn in random positions, they proceed towards you, and you can either shoot them down, or move out of their way, or else they take you out...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic


      Allow me to present one of my proudest StarMade creations, :sneaky: the Samurai Mech :sneaky: (Or you can call it Samurai J(etp)ack too, that was such a great cartoon series) I've been planning to build a mech ever since I saw a few really well-made ones here on the Dock. After I decided to...
    3. DeepspaceMechanic

      SynoLith 'A' - Heavy asteroid miner v1

      Allow me to present one of the latest productions of Cyberspace Shipyards: SynoLith 'A', a heavy asteroid miner. I started building this ship because I wanted to experiment with a rail-animated mining grinder system you can see on its front. I finished it in 3 days. Make sure to check it out...
    4. DeepspaceMechanic

      The "Krypton V16" star-engine v1.2

      * ATTENTION! * When you check out this ship for the first time, please don't jump into the ship core with the F1+F8 command! Please enter the ship through the rear airlock, because this ship has a simple but fun little challenge before you can access its core. (The core in the bridge is covered...
    5. DeepspaceMechanic

      PetroFlux H56 Refueling & Repair Station v1.5

      Presenting the very first serious shipyard I ever built: PetroFlux H56 Refueling & Repair - an industrial oasis in the ice-cold desert of outer space. The main focus of this shipyard project was to achieve a raw industrial vibe - this aesthetic purpose is fulfilled by its robust steel...
    6. Gmodism

      GI_Dragoon - Advanced Fighter Mk2

      The Gmodism Industries Dragoon Mark 2 Get into the Dragoon and enjoy the most advanced features available for fighters, awesome firepower and performance is also included! Some Features: -Awesome rail entrance -Docked thrusters (remember to to inherit) -2 AMS turrets -Warhead Torpedo...
    7. F

      Read by Council Advanced Jump Drive/Hyperspace drive

      Today, every really good ship has a jump drive and (maybe), a jump inhibitor. As a normal StarMade player, I love to travel in StarMade universe, building ships, fighting pirates and (some) players. I suggest to create a new, advanced version of a jump drive. I think, It should work like that...
    8. NeonSturm

      Recognized by Council Advanced hotkey settings

      It would also be nice to have hotkeys for these settings. No need to choose custom ones, :schema: should just implement an advanced config text-input or line-by-line input: if "context" use "hotkey" for "action" action can be "do buildmode.xplus" or "context buildmode" or "combo buildmode" "do"...
    9. Blobfscrazy

      Coding environment for display screens and ship interaction

      Hello, some of you may know what I am talking about when I reference "e2" and "starfall" on Garrys Mod Spacebuild. If you have played spacebuild you are already aware of "Expression 2 (e2)" or but to the less enlightened, it is a virtual coding environment based loosly on lua which can be made...
    10. SteelxTiger

      Advanced Build mode Suggestions

      1) A line tool; I think I speak for a lot of people when I say starmade needs a tool where you select two points and a guide appears helping to make better angles on ships. 2) Sphere tool; simple, like the circle tool but makes sphere guides 3) A locked Ctrl key would also be nice because...
    11. W

      How to they do it?

      Long story short i love starmade and often find my self slow boating from ship to ship, most notably when i'm working on my Carrier Project, where i need to constantly get into the fighters as well as all the rail docked arms and other parts. but im my efforts to make this behemoth of a ship i...