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    1. FlyingDebris

      Thoughts of the future, and what the community may bring. (mix of doomsday scenarios and cool possib

      So, most of you probably know me, for those of you who don't, hello, this is FD, co-leader of the DFN, along with Creeper__God. My purpose of this post is to find out what people think might happen to us, and the splendid game our community surrounds. 1.) The Big Guys- I...
    2. FlyingDebris

      I have found the answer to the Big ship vs. Small ship Debate!

      Big ship with turrets > Small ship. Big ship without turrets < Small ship. Big ship < Zerg rush of small ships. Death Star > X-Wing. Big ship = Same mass in small ships. Come on guys, it's not that hard. Bigger is better, and it should stay that way. Now, I know many of the new players...
    3. FlyingDebris

      The DFN- Recruiting Experienced fighters.

      "If it comes to war, politicians have failed." We here try to keep cooler heads nowadays, and would prefer if people keep their distance and leave us alone. However, should they attack, we will retaliate with all our force. Application form- IGN (must be exact) Experience- (How long have...
    4. FlyingDebris

      Jamming systems rework

      So, here I am, sitting at my base, and I hear a loud noise, and *poof* I get a server message- DFN Ithaca Ion Cannon has killed Buckrogers. So, I fly out there in a runabout of ours, to see this multi-million dollar megajam ship smeared in half, covered in holes. I am sitting here, scratching...
    5. FlyingDebris

      Hello! My name is P. A. Debris, commanding officer of the DFN.

      I never actually got around to doing one of these, so now I am. So, many of you may know me already, I have played on a good few servers, am sustaining the Debrisian Federal Navy as one of the superpowers in this game's political field, have been claimed by many others as the "most powerful man...
    6. FlyingDebris

      DFN World Records! Shipbuilding, combat, and forum records! Make your name known today!

      I have yet to see anything of the sort yet, so I figured I'd be the first to start catalouging these sorts of ultramassive ships, supersized forum threads, and just the endeavors and general awesomeness of the Starmade community as a whole. If you want to apply for a record, just post what...
    7. FlyingDebris

      New alliance chat function

      Now, I know many of you have been following the developments of the DFN/Vaygr war. We learned a lot from it, and have perfected many aspects of fleet control, logistics, and organization. However, I, among others, noticed a breakdown in communication directly before the battle, and during the...
    8. FlyingDebris

      The Council, take two (The New Council)

      Alright, this is Debris. We learned a lot from only these short few days, and the aftershocks of this will be felt for months, if not years. The Council was the result of a treaty between the warring factions, and brought a sense of unification to the community. Upon the beginning of an...
    9. FlyingDebris

      A bit of good news for thr turning and shielding of larger ships!

      So, if you haven't seen already, Schema posted a new prebuild. This one is going to fix the turning, and allow for an increase in turning speed. The shields will also have a boost, possibly allowing your once-indestructible-with-anything-less-than-a-dreadnaught-station viable, and possibly...
    10. FlyingDebris

      Star System Sector upgrades

      First off, I was not quite sure whether to put this on bugs or suggestions. I have been playing starmade for a good long while now, and love the game. The only real issue with it that affects every type of ship, big or small, is the sectors inside of star systems. I haven't seen a single...
    11. FlyingDebris

      Council of the Treaty tactical topics

      Here is a good idea of what codes we need to apply to in order to keep combat civilized in and out of the War Games. (It is kind of like a Geneva Convention for the Council factions and alliances.) ***DISCLAIMER*** THIS LIST IS VERY BASIC, AND WE ARE WAITING FOR OTHER COUNCIL FACTIONS' IDEAS...
    12. FlyingDebris

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Most of the concerned parties here have been at it for days after this whole thing has died down, I think it is time we finally came to terms and moved on, and made the community as a whole better. I am making this an open post to acknowledge this to the community at large. Concerned Parties...
    13. FlyingDebris

      Reactor Design Contest!

      Hello! The DFN welcomes you to the only contest in which you, the builder, design not a ship, but a block of pure energy. I have noticed an extensive number of designs, and want to (along with the entire starmade community) want to know how to build the most effective one. There are two...
    14. FlyingDebris

      Boarding improvement

      So, one day, I was assulting a ship of considerable size, and, as I was doing so, I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it just be gee-golly-whiz swell if we could have boarding craft and a means to destroy a ship manually?" Then I realized, this game is still in alpha. But, before I got shot out of the...
    15. FlyingDebris

      I'm hoping for some wedge-on-wedge action here.

      It'd be nice if we could place two wedges at opposing angles in the same space. I have wanted to make my bridges look a little better, but have constantly run into the same problem- wedges don't overlap. What I would like to see is where you can place two wedges, at opposite angles, to fill the...
    16. FlyingDebris

      Starmade Faction Superpowers?

      So, who here knows of any superpowers in the starmade world? I can think of a few examples, the UGSC, the Rebel Alliance, you know, all those big factions, or the ones with big ships. Who do you know that is part of a superpower? I'd like to find out about future allies and enemies. :) Also...