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    1. FlyingDebris

      The Potottoman Empire- ALL HAIL THE SULTAN!

    2. FlyingDebris

      Contest Time!

      So I'm *kicks self* doing the thing again, and I noticed that everyone calmed down (yay) and I have an idea~ Two contests, one building and one fighting, to cover both of the main aspects of the game. Each faction constitutes a single team, however factions can combine forces or pull people...
    3. FlyingDebris

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      GOOD DAY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE ARE NOW THE CAKE BUILD SERVER! APPLY \/ HERE \/ INSTEAD, IF YOU APPLY ON THIS THREAD I'LL SHANK YOU WITH A WARHEAD BAT Cake Build Server - Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist] ____________________________________________________________________...
    4. FlyingDebris

      The Commons- A place to discuss things.

      Hello! So I got bored and now I'm making a discussion thread. I will try to post a new topic every time the thread needs one. Topic 1- What is a possible doomsday scenario for the current factions?
    5. FlyingDebris

      Multiple Spawn Points

      So, Odra, Lecic, a few others and I were having a discussion about undeathinators, and it came to mind (In the form of me screaming into the chat) that players should be able to have multiple spawn points. Basically, players can activate multiple undeathinators (Perhaps 5 or so, to keep things...
    6. FlyingDebris

      Increase max range on weapons

      Hello! I've been playing the game ever since before the pulse blocks were first introduced, and I noticed that a hardcap for weapon range was made. Personally, I feel this detracts from the game, as I remember being able to have a scout guide cross-sector fire from a larger ship, and I remember...
    7. FlyingDebris

      Survivors of the Euphrates- CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT OUT NOW!

      Author's Note- The first few chapters were written a year ago by myself, and are lacking in quality. I do intend to go through and rewrite them once the story is complete, however. As the once-great vessel plunged through the atmosphere towards an alien world, all seemed lost. The Euphrates...
    8. FlyingDebris

      Nova Fleet Dynamics- Join today! [RECRUITING]

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Hello all, we are Nova Fleet Dynamics. (NFD) The Four Main Freedoms- Freedom of speech- In Nova Fleet Dynamics, your words are your own, and what you say will not be dictated by anyone. Freedom of resources- On a public server, it is our belief that members should keep...
    9. FlyingDebris

      Ship Repairing Function

      Ladies, gentlemen, and noncellular intergalactic space beings, I have thought and I have created a solution! I think. Ah, here it is. So, have you ever been into combat, gotten your ship completely torn up, and had to figure out what to do with its scarred hull? Most of you...
    10. FlyingDebris

      My take on a new ship building/spawning system

      So I was sitting on a server one fine morning, and I was happily spawning in ships left and right so that I could destroy them in weapons testing. While I'm sitting here spawning these things in, I realize that I am virtually creating matter out of thin air. The ability to create matter out of...
    11. FlyingDebris

      An Apology

      Debris here, I was recently banned for using the "spam" button on my email, to clear up my folder so I could find my work emails. I would like to say I am sorry, and thank you for revoking the ban. I, running a faction, get large amounts of posts responding to and relating to the faction...
    12. FlyingDebris

      Collection of thoughts on faction happenings

      Debris here, but with something different. I figured that peoples' opinions of current matters are about as varied as the menu at my favorite Austrian coffee house, and want to make sense of it all, in a neat, orderly fashion. So, I'll ask a question, and see people's answers. **DISCLAIMER**...
    13. FlyingDebris


      So I did a thought, and here's what stuck. With the talk about all the creatures, we need to have a way to effectively use them as minions-- err, I mean valued and trained soldiers, ehehe... But seriously, we have one heck of an opportunity here for player interaction and to make the game feel...
    14. FlyingDebris

      AI travel option

      So, let's say I have a base, but it is causing massive amounts of lag. The logical next step is to remove the lag, much like Arstotzka removes kebabs. But, if I leave the sector with one of the titans I parked there, I'll have to reload the other three upon entry, causing me a lot of lag. Or...
    15. FlyingDebris

      Look upon my suggestion and rejoice! A simple way to simplify docking.

      TIS I, THE GLORIOUS DEBRIS! Fear not, mortals, I have come up with a solution! Ok, so you all have probably had those moments when you make a docking port, only to have the ship not fit. So, you look at the port, and the blue box that surrounds your ship, and wonder "Gee, which dimension do I...
    16. FlyingDebris

      The DFN- A Starmade Faction [RECRUIT ALL THE PEOPLE!]

      The DFN- Recruiting Warriors and Builders Alike! "If it comes to war, politicians have failed." The Fleet DFN Euphrates (wip RP ship, 700+m long) LZS Dawn, a gift battleship for the Lazarus Imperium. (wip) We here try to keep cooler heads nowadays, and would prefer if people keep their...
    17. FlyingDebris

      DFN Euphrates, CS-100.

      FlyingDebris here, with a project that myself, MrTargareyan, and AAlexandrosTGreat have been working on for some time now. I present to you, the DFN Euphrates. The original design of the vessel- TThe forward hangars-The Cafe-The Courtyard-Life Support-The Cargo Bay-The Aft...
    18. FlyingDebris

      A Rather Accurate Description of Current Factions

      MrNature72 made a list of factions and their general traits recently, and I think it needs its own thread. I added a couple more factions onto the list, as some were missing. Let me give you a runthrough of the most prominent factions: Debrisian Federal Navy (DFN) - The DFN is an old faction...
    19. FlyingDebris

      The official Ship designation system.

      These go in order from smallest to largest. Practically a damaged core Noob Cruiser Meh Not bad. Decent Pretty good. That's big. That's really big. That's REALLY big. Dang, that is REALLY big. Lag Cruiser This Has to be SMedited. Where did your life go? DAYUUMMM *Actual size...
    20. FlyingDebris

      Somebody really should update the Gallery tab, to include all those epic screenshots people are taki

      Title pretty much says it all. I accidentally clicked on the Gallery tab instead of the Forums tab, and, well, it just isn't really showing the true potential and pure creativity that this game and its community are capable of. A couple of random pictures, cool, but we could put the tab to...