Council of the Treaty tactical topics


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    • Councillor Gold
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    Here is a good idea of what codes we need to apply to in order to keep combat civilized in and out of the War Games.

    (It is kind of like a Geneva Convention for the Council factions and alliances.)


    1.)-------Who shot first?-------

    In order for a battle to happen, one of two things nust happen: You attack someone, or they attack you.
    However, what if you attack some noob who just joined another big, powerful faction, and, since you shot him, you've got half the community after you. Oh crap. But, there is a way to avoid this: Taking words directly out of the Geneva Convention- "Do not fire unless fired upon." This translates to, in internet parlance, Don't shoot anyone, but the second they pull the trigger, it's hunting season, and he is on the menu. This way, we can remain peaceful* and not go around gathering enemies.

    *Sort of, no guarantees.

    2.)---------Here come the big guns!-------------

    So, let's say you're in a round of War Games that's been going on for a while, and you've established clearly defined lines. The enemy is beaten back, to two or three ships, or you have enough manpower for one final attack-- what do you do?

    Well, any self-respecting fleet has some sort of missile support destroyers, so why not use them? If you have them, sweep those destroyers around back of the enemy. As your capital ships take fire and return it with interest, the enemy's capital ships' shields will crack eventually. That, is when you strike. Tell those missile destroyers which ship has lost its shields, and get them to unleash a barrage on it. While they are targeting it, begin engaging the next ship, to quicker end the match/battle/lag fest/. Now, what do we do, if we have more than one ship to take care of? The answer is simple-- focus all of your firepower on the one ship that is largest- their mothership. Take that out, and, chances are, the enemy commander will go with the ship, leaving them completely unorganized, and ready to be picked off.

    3.)------- It's been four months, this is getting old.-------

    So, you've been at it for an extended period of time, with no progress? The answer is simple- stealth ships. Get a bunch of stealth ships together, and fly right past them, then uncloak, and take out their ships in construction, their mining vessels, anything that could make money for them. This way, you effectively take them back to square one, mining by hand until they have the resources to get back their lost ships.

    4.)-------- Don't be that guy.---------

    Torpedo runs are effective, but no one likes to see a ship, loaded down with disintegrators, ramming into them. It is pathetic, kills the attacker, and, if it misses, you lose. It is risky, and is one time only. Instead, replace those disintegrators with missile computers. They can fire over and over again, and you won't die on impact.

    I hope this was informative, please leave additional ideas for tactics in the comments.