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    1. lazarus78


      Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!
    2. lazarus78

      Ability to link Salvage computers with Plex storage on same structure.

      I suggested this as well. Would be super useful.
    3. lazarus78

      What Graphics Card do I need for Starmade?

      But that makes no sense... why would an AMD board come with a compeditors chip soldered to it? nForce and GeForce are Nvidia products, usually paired with intel based boards/CPUs. Either way, that graphics chip is based on sole old old tech. Rest of the computer unknown, it should be...
    4. lazarus78

      Port forwarding on AT&T router

      So I set up a minecraft server to test out the port forwarding and it worked just fine. Ive tried several ports just to be sure, and same for Starmade, but for whatever reason, it just refuses to work.
    5. lazarus78

      Port forwarding on AT&T router

      Im having some issues with connecting to my personal server. Ive port forwarded before for using Minecraft and Terraria servers, but for some reason, it doesn't work for Starmade and I am forced to use Hamachi, which I greatly dislike. Has anyone had any success with running the server through...
    6. lazarus78

      Memory Allocation

      Don\'t know for sure, but i can take a stab at it. Early Generation is probably how much memory is allocated for the the game to use when generating a new system (New game/server) Initial is probably how much memory the game starts out using (After generation) Maximum is almost undoubtedly...
    7. lazarus78

      Modding qeustion - is it possible to add new block geometry?

      This would be interesting to know. Could lead to more detailed objects like decorations for interiors.
    8. lazarus78

      Official Graphics Texturing thread

      Ah, the borders make more sense now. This will help prevent problems and reworking for my minecraft>starmade texturepack adaption.
    9. lazarus78

      What Graphics Card do I need for Starmade?

      Should be playable. The game is free so you can just download and try it out, see what settings work, etc.
    10. lazarus78

      NCC 1701D USS Enterprise!

      How can we provide feedback without seein what you have done? For the sake of irony, I think it looks terrible.
    11. lazarus78

      New sun graphic

      Very cool. I was going to look into a new sun glare. Will test this out when i get home. Thanks,
    12. lazarus78

      a compass would make navigation better

      The current system isnt even comperable to any modern day system, so its hardly \"scifi\". An artificial horizon ball would improve current navigation greatly.
    13. lazarus78

      a compass would make navigation better

      I have suggested adding an artificial horizon ball with \"north\" being the way your ship faces when you press C, which I like to call \"Galactic North\".
    14. lazarus78

      Things I really wish you would fix

      I agree with most all of these suggestons. A great start to get things to be more user friendly and less cluttered. An appendium to docking, I would also add changing the source of the docking beam to be from your currently active cockpit. Making a big ship and having the core in the center...
    15. lazarus78

      Glad I didn't purchase it.

      The game i in alpha. Major issues can come up, and it is highly likely they will do some irreperable damage to your game, causing you to have to reinstall it completely. With that in mind, know that this game will only get better and more stable over time, and getting a minecraft clone/upgrade...
    16. lazarus78

      Terms and Conditions Mistakes

      I\'d attribute it to poor English? Most of the things in an agreement like this are just to cover their butts should any legal issues arise. IE Bethesda Game Studios (Makers of Fallout 3 and Skyrim) have game editors, and in their EULAs, they say that anything created with the editors belong to...
    17. lazarus78

      Docking bug?

      So planet default facing is north, and everything else is east? And the pre-programmed key for leveling out points north as well. Who though this was a good idea?
    18. lazarus78

      Docking bug?

      From my understanding, ships dock facing forward in relation to "glactic north" (Also know as the direction you face when you press C) I made a docking port on a planet where the ships face inward to the landmass, and you have to back out from the ports. Ive moved out to make a space station...
    19. lazarus78

      Pistol shots appearing randomly in space. Confirmed with other players.

      I saw this kind of thing with salvaging cannon beams one sector over from where a friend was actually salvaging.
    20. lazarus78

      Lazarus Dynamics Fleet

      Ibe been slowly building a small fleet, and I am rather proud of it, so I thought Id show it off. It is nothing impressive, and by no means a mega-build. Just something Im proud of. First off is the Lazarus frigate. It is a multi-purpose ship with salvaging capabilities and offensive weapons...